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File: 2d8ae4902e301bb⋯.jpg (444.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, donald-trump.jpg)

File: 7a82eeb5ca50ea2⋯.jpg (65.84 KB, 1018x213, 1018:213, Screenshot_20191218-231534….jpg)

5c2fb5  No.8401[Last 50 Posts]

In 1993 Nixon lost a Supreme Court case. The Supreme Court ruled that impeachment would NOT be subject to review by SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States). Instead, Congress could impeach on nothing or anything.

The consequence of the ruling has been slow emerging. The consequence was obvious to anyone who recognized that it was a sea change, seismic in terms of how impeachment actually worked versus how it had been perceived throughout the prior years of the Republic. Previously, impeachment was thought to have exceptionally high standards - it would be near impossible to impeach a president, it was thought, not because of political risks, but because of judicial review, and the preference for the sanctity of the democratic element of the Republic.

Why did it seem to take so long? We now know that Trump is the first right-wing president since Nixon (some would hold that Reagan was right-wing, I disagree). We know this, because of the actions and activities of the Bush family are as cucked as could be imagined. HW Bush voted for Hillary while raping little boys, and GW Bush ain't saying, but obviously voted for Hillary while on cocaine, so he can't remember.

We shall leave aside James Maddison's observations, and how SCOTUS, and today's House Democrats have seemingly transgressed against his pronouncements. You can read about them here:


The net result is that the election of the president is just an expression of preference on the part of Americans. At the very best, expect a president to last in office 2 years, but even that is not certain! The reason he's likely to last 2 years is that his party has a good chance of winning one of either the House or Senate.

But even then, he's not a REAL president anymore. He can't annoy his own party, without defecting to the other party. Annoying your own party used to be a common act. Having nobody in Congress happy with you was even seen as a desirable quality of presidents. But now, his own party can remove him, if they are unhappy with him, and have the power to do so, just like Parliament and a Prime Minister (PM).

I declare Donald John Trump the first United States Prime Minister.

And i think you'll see why.

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5c2fb5  No.8417

Important bonus fact: Since impeachment is only a political process, there is nothing (except the opposition party, or opposing members of his's own party) to prevent Trump from running again even if he were convicted by the Senate. After all, who is to prevent him from returning? Only Congress, change Congress, he can come right back in.

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34b301  No.8423

Trump's party is armed to the teeth though, and are fanatically loyal to him (the voters, not the politicians). If the party openly betrays them, there may be an armed response. And don't give me the old tired line that everyone is comfy with iphones and won't do anything, Virginians are already building militias to protect themselves from Democrats if they decide to get too frisky.

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e1652c  No.8430


IF - and that's a big if - the Senate convicts Trump, then he can't serve in office ever again. That stands even if you change the Senate. The law itself would have to change, not just the Senate, and Trump will be long dead by the time the law would change. The man's in his 70s, eats McDonald's 24/7, never exercises, and is morbidly obese. Frankly, I'm surprised he's made it this far.

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a6259f  No.8433


>weighs 210lbs and is 6'4"

>morbidly obese

Anon, I think you may be a stick and a manlet.

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e1652c  No.8466


>210lbs and is 6'4

Have you actually looked at him? I'm 6'4, 200 and I'm skinny as fuck. Trump is a fatass.

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b358a2  No.8469

File: ffb81e89311c835⋯.gif (915.28 KB, 245x285, 49:57, JENNIFER LAWRENCE THUMBS U….gif)


>morbidly obese

<gif related

breddy sure he ain't goin' nowhere in this political charade

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397d47  No.8479


I've met him in person, he's not a fatass, he's just old. I have full confidence he's in exceptional health for a man his age.

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c6059b  No.8480


Note that we don’t want Trump in office and that he’s a traitor to the republic and his race. Where the fuck do you think you are.

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c6059b  No.8481


>Trump's party is armed to the teeth though

And yet refuse to use any of their weapons.

>and are fanatically loyal to him

lol no

>If the party openly betrays them, there may be an armed response

Imagine believing that.

>And don't give me the old tired line that everyone is comfy with iphones and won't do anything,

Too bad; you’re still wrong.

>Virginians are already building militias to protect themselves

And do nothing. At all.

>if they decide to

And yet the last century of gun confiscation remains on the books, you stupid fucking faggot. No one is fighting back. White males have half the testosterone they did in the 1940s alone.

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b358a2  No.8488


Lurk two years, newfag.


First one that hasn't started a war and sent troops to fight for the kikes is a traitor now?

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e1652c  No.8494


>First one that hasn't started a war

It's not for lack of trying. He just can't get shit done.

>and (not) sent troops to fight for the kikes

Except those 14,000 he sent back in October, right? Those don't count?

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e1652c  No.8496

File: a981c4437742026⋯.jpg (388.98 KB, 1911x3000, 637:1000, 1.jpg)


>he's not a fatass

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b358a2  No.8504


>muh troops

You mean the ones literally engaged in ww3 with eye-ran right now? No, they don't count.

200k troops in 177 countries and you are trying to shill about 14k? I'm sure trump personally built all those bases in 177 countries in 2016, amirite?










He might be a fatass but he's not 'morbidly obese' as shilled by /trannypol/

Stop shifting the fucking goalposts.

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c6059b  No.8522


This is imkikey. It is the only one who ever posts like this. It is worshipping Trump. Report all posts that imkikey makes.

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b358a2  No.8525

File: cd8d367f3858092⋯.jpg (23.32 KB, 480x480, 1:1, go back to trannypol.jpg)


>it still thinks everyone is imkikey

<still cant debate fax

Go back to /trannypol/ and stop fantasizing over the god emperor. I remember when you used to post walldicks you faggot.

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788153  No.8588

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a21abc  No.8638


nah man, it's a political process. Since it's a political process, nobody except an opposition party can stop him. Impeachment is very weird now. Of course, SCOTUS could change their minds and be like "oh, we won't review impeachment but we'll enforce it" but if so, what happens if Congress passes a bill saying they are canceling impeachment? Now they are in quite the bind, because they said that impeachment is a political process, so if they reject the cancelation of impeachment (ie a congressional impeachment pardon) then they have actually contradicted what they said before. They could say it was a little exception that they just forgot to mention, but who will believe that? How many exceptions did they forget to mention?

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a21abc  No.8639


Loads of people worship Trump. Some Indian guy literally worships Trump.


I think it's the official view of jim and his 8kun that orange man bad. I'm not sure why he hates Trump. I can think of plenty of reasons to love or hate him (eg, if you're an Indian tech worker you love him, if you're a native-born tech worker you could hate him for driving down your wages).

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a21abc  No.8643


The troops went to Saudi Arabia. Have they done anything? But actually we're at war all kinds of places. I mean, Trump's not really in charge anyway, and that's why people like you are so confusing. Don't you get it? He's only kind of in charge. When I say this, you then say, "it's due to some fault" or whatever of his. But is it? We have zero evidence that the President has power over the military. I think it's safe to say that Eisenhower and Lincoln, if Lincoln existed, and George Washington, were in command of the troops, at least somewhat.

Africa. Remember that? Some US soldiers died in Africa, attacked by dunno who, forget where… Somalia or something? Nobody cares… sure sounds like war to me.

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a21abc  No.8644


I don't understand why you have such anger and hatred for Trump. I remember resolving that I dislike Obama, but I can't imaging getting so mad, really. I just can't. The reason is that anger is something that interferes with optimal function of oneself. You should read the stoics. It's very silly to permit yourself to be under the rule of emotion.

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e1652c  No.8647


>I don't understand why you have such anger and hatred for Trump.

Calling a fatass a fatass isn't anger or hatred. It's just calling it what it is.

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e1652c  No.8649


An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

That is Trump in a nutshell … a very big, fat nutshell.

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a21abc  No.8661



My personal advise to you is as follows:

1. Completely eliminate TV from your life

2. Reduce youtube enormously. It may be too hard to eliminate it.

3. Delete movies from your life

4. Delete videogames from your life

5. Set your computer screen to black and white (grayscale) either in the monitor's menus or in software

6. Also set your phone to black and white (grayscale), if possible (some phones won't let you do this. It's typically under accessibility. iPhones have a way of making it super easy, if they're the older iPhones that have the button on the front, as you can set it to a triple click to bring up the accessibility menu).

7. Only come shields-down to view videos & other things in color for interest areas, and fiercely defend yourself from other topics, when in this mode (ie never go to gawker or similar sites that inundate you with politics even when reading about science & shit, it's unacceptable)

8. Identify your X. Your main pissed-off-ers. Yours is Trump. Mine is Hillary. I can't stand that bitch.

9. Refuse, no matter the context, no matter where, to listen to X. Refuse to read X. No X tweets, no X quotes.

10. The easiest way to achieve this is to ignore the news completely. Don't worry, you won't miss much. The good news is that there are now "Presidential-level" alerts that come through the public alert system on your phone. You can't disable them. That's good news, because it means your phone will tell you if all hell is breaking loose. It won't.

11. If you insist on staying aware of a little bit of news, load whatever news site you choose, keeping it in grayscale. Don't let movies load.

12. As a bonus, if your systems permit it, choose inverted color. It makes images far less compelling, while remaining roughtly identifiable (as an example, here is an image of Trump, inverted & grayscale).

13. Learn the system of Loci (a memory technique). There are three reasons:

A. It helps you remember shit. Duh. Why fucking remember shit? Well, you can like remember shit like a grocery list. I have a system of 25 loci for shopping. If I need more than that I'm going to kidnap cripple & dress him as an elf, and he can like keep my lists and shit, since somehow I'm santa now. Since you can now remember basic lists of stuff, you eliminated one main use of the phone.

B. As you learn to create mental imagery, you gain the ability to "change the topic" in your mind more persuasively than ever before. You can choose to remember your gran's house, like specifically, like the fucking TV she had, and sitting on the sofa that felt like sandpaper or whatever. Or your long passed favorite dog. It needn't be particularly sentimental though. You can just imagine a seashore real or imagined, either. Hear the birds and stuff. Once you can do this, you become more likely to be able to control your feelings. The main thing isn't to be able to think about something to make you feel better (it's a nice bonus). It's to change the topic in your mind. To be in charge of what's going on in your head, if you choose to think about something else, visualization is powerful for doing this. You can imaging, for example, a vacation home you would build if you had the money (even if you never ever will). We're just talking about displacement. Don't make it too stupid. You could just imagine a giant white ball or a ceshire cat, but something of personal meaning is better, because it reminds you of why you're visualizing it in the first place (ie, to get your mind off of a pointless enraging obsession).

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a21abc  No.8662


C. Also, visualization lets you have imaginary conversations. Unfortunately, most people don't even know this is a capability of the perfectly normal brain. So they think that it's something crazy. The value of this is that even if you don't have anyone to talk to, you can have a positive social interaction. As humans, another person validating us is very useful, and one of the main reasons we use our phones anyway. We wouldn't touch our phones if we were popular as kings ("Tell my harem I'll be late - I'm winning a twitter argument").

14. Learn something, on your own, that won't earn you money, ever. Like it can be a new language (very good choice) or casting miniatures or painting still lifes or throwing yarrow sticks or whatever. Stuff like this helps you feel better, because of how the brain associates things. Basically, using phones is associated, through thousands of reps, as extremely negative. It's kind of a gambling device, will it make me feel good or bad this time? But your hobby can make you feel okay or good and never bad (because, remember, you're never going to make money off of this, you chose it expressely as something of the kind). If anyone asks, it's a hobby. Nobody needs to know that you're treating media-induced PTSD, since no such thing exists, according to the media which causes it.

15. Oh, you can learn to use the do not disturb feature of your phone. It only lets through what's on your whitelist (eg people you want to call you, apps you need messages from). DON'T whitelist your mail app. You can whitelist fb messenger & shit like that so long as it's just messages. DON'T whitelist FB. I recommend deleting FB & Twitter accounts, but most people can't do this.

TLDR do everything in your power to tell tech to FUCK OFF. Your problem ain't Trump. It's fucking tech.

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a21abc  No.8674


I agree. Nobody is fighting back.

But there's good news. Nobody wants to sound the alarm, but ordinary gopro/dji drones are more effective than "assault rifles". That's on a by weight basis. That is, when armed with IED's, as kamikazd drones. Optimally, they'd be coordinated in multiples simultaneously, with a target designation drone performing identification and selection. But even piloted one at a time, they are more effective than any civilian firearm (except for some destructive devices, which are a pain to get, and don't scale to budget).

I'm confused as to why terrorists haven't used drones yet. Maybe they're retarded? But israel has conficated drones recently, ordinary civilian ones. The cover story is that they're preventing scouting via drone. True, but I suspect they're more worried about the weapons potential of kamikaze drones.

kamikaze drones are trivial to manufacture. The simplest ones are just a DJI phantom 4 or whatever with an IED strapped to it, detonated via cellphone. The cellphone thing doesn't work against the military, because the military jams phones, but obviously civilian areas have cellular service. That's the tard level of terrorist attack via drone. A slight step "up" is to utilize the landing gear or some other servo as the detination device. A step "up" from there is automatic detonation based on proximity (eg ft from the ground, when plunging).

Shockingly, drones come with face identification and the ability to fly close to people (the DJI spark has code for landing on your hand, needless to say only a slight mod is needed to weaponize it).

Anyway, bottom line, boomers ain't gonna do shit, but guns are obsolete. Strange world.

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a21abc  No.8676



I'll add this:

16. I use the app NewPipe, for Android, which I installed using the app store F-Droid, which you have to side-load. It has the option, in settings, under Appearance, to disable "Show Next and Similar videos". I do that. Youtube is great at making shitty videos sound worth watching.

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a21abc  No.8683

File: 72e2683427efceb⋯.jpg (655.78 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, donald-trump_INV.jpg)

Donald Trump b&w & inverted. Images such as this lose their influence.

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b53adc  No.8694

>The net result is that the election of the president is just an expression of preference on the part of Americans

Here's where you lost me.

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a21abc  No.8698


It's because you can impeach on nothing. Dershowitz says, "you can impeach on a ham sandwich". That's because you can. There's no judicial review. It's done by Congress, nobody reviews it, they do it as they please.

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b0068c  No.8711


Armed violence is what works best. The law allows for the enemy to do as they please? Kill the enemy then, and rewrite the law by force, to serve your views only, and not the enemy's.


Your fear is growing fast, as you become aware that you will all be killed without being able to do anything about it.

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2df65b  No.8765


Didn't Derhowitz do some impeaching on Epstien's plane?

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52998d  No.8916


interesting (((you))) choose distrAction.

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52998d  No.8917


boomers won’t be the leaders of a revolution. i wonder if any will even join.

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871935  No.8919


Be serious, nothing will happen until something so outrageous and draconian FORCES people into armed resistance. The threat of losing everything they own or care about, or not being able to feed themselves or families, will be the time we see Americans start taking action. It must be a breaking point though, right now things are much too calm for normal citizens. Once they are face-to-face with losing their livelihoods they'll take action.

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52998d  No.8920


as long as boomers have food or are physically unable, they will do nothing.

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df9ffb  No.8925


True, but that goes for anyone of any age really. You can be 40 years old and be obese and have diabetes these days. And yet, you could be 60 years old and still be healthy and fit. All depends on your lifestyle, habits and diet. I know some 70 year olds who could easily knock out some 20 year olds lol.

Age only comes into the fix when you are much too young or much too old. Children can't put up a good fight but neither can the average 90 year old.

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6ed513  No.8926


PS: the best bet for a "boomer" who has a medical condition would be to have a shotgun or rifle available by their side. As long as they can handle a little recoil even they'd do when in need.

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152956  No.8946

Trump is a globalist. He's literally said it himself. He TELLS YOU what he is and you people are too stupid to believe him.

"I'm a nationalist and a globalist. I'm both." - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/04/28/trump-im-a-nationalist-and-a-globalist/

You cannot be both. It's impossible. And this wasnt him being stupid and not understanding that. This was AFTER he said "We will no longer surrender this country and its people to the false song of globalism."

The kikes work for him and he works for the kikes. I had to use bing to find a source for that quote. I knew 10 million percent I listened to him say it, but if you google that exact quote it's nowhere to be found, just articles of him calling himself a nationalist.

Trump has already banned bump stocks, said we should "take the guns first, due process comes second," said he wants to ban silencers and raise the minimum rifle buying age from 18 to 21. Not to mention he has supported federal red flag laws at every opportunity. He has also deported fewer illegal immigrants than Obama did.

If his last name was Clinton or Obama you would hate him.

And just in case you ignore everything I've said and try to defend the bumpstock ban by saying bumpstocks are useless and no one cares - it doesnt matter. We gained absolutely NOTHING by banning them but he decided break the law and do it anyway. There's 0 excuse. GoA is currently in the process of suing the Trump admin to overturn the ban, while the NRA supported it full force.


Take guns first, due process comes second: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second

Raise rifle buying age to 21: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trump-vows-care-bump-stocks-executive-action/story?id=53421961

Silencer ban: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2019/06/05/trump-signals-hell-consider-silencer-ban-heres-why-he-probably-wont/

Red flag suppprt: https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/05/politics/red-flag-gun-law-explainer-donald-trump/index.html

Trump bumpstock ban:


Fewer deportations than Obama:


Trump on cutting funding to colleges who boycott Israel:


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c6059b  No.8949


Defend Trump on any other website.

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b358a2  No.8964

File: 80a923b1629e07d⋯.jpeg (63.88 KB, 708x533, 708:533, unmasked.jpeg)


>pasta shilling

>being this obvious

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38c973  No.8978


Key word "convicts". An impeachment isn't a conviction, it opens a sitting president to conviction. Once it moves from a political question to a judicial question the Democrats will have to run back home and eat their nothing sandwich.

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152956  No.8983

File: 123a2a035c4f227⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 840x970, 84:97, download.jpeg.jpg)


>being so stupid you wont believe someone that tells you to your face what they really are

>pic related

Kill yourself kike.

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86d34e  No.8989

I don't really care what happens, I'm voting for him come 2020 anyway. Libshits can fuck off.

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e444d0  No.8999


Funny, I actually agree that Trump is a hypocritical egotistical brat. But I plan to vote for him anyway. Why you might ask? Because he pisses communists, and defeatist enablers, off. He pisses off the Jew-run media too. He pisses off his supporters at times like the time he said he supports red flag laws, at the same time he turns around pissing off the other side not doing a damn thing to get it done. He pisses off everyone, at some point he must have pissed you off too. Guess what? I'm a pretty pissed off person and I like seeing other people pissed off, America should be pissed off after all… look at the joke we have called "government". Literally we have no better option anyway!

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2b8dbf  No.9016

someone is sliding the board again, bump

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152956  No.9023

File: 6af042159100973⋯.png (30.82 KB, 805x469, 115:67, IMG_0616.PNG)


You're a retard and a faggot

>pic related

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5a84ef  No.9027


And comments like that certainly won't change my opinion. I see no reason not to vote for him. Stay pissed.

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b0b072  No.9029

File: 7bfde6f8da6f657⋯.png (220.88 KB, 814x898, 407:449, Adelson Trump Esther.png)

File: 7b59709b193bb6c⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 1894x9050, 947:4525, Sheldon_Adelson_Sees_a_Lot….jpg)

File: 409e2407fe12298⋯.png (361.33 KB, 667x820, 667:820, Adelson - Trump will be be….png)


>He pisses off everyone

Not quite everyone. Sheldon Adelson, the modern day Elder of Zion has been very happy with his puppet, so much so that his wife said a "Book of Trump" should be added to the Torah.

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c6059b  No.9035


Sage, report for Trump spam.

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152956  No.9038


I don't care who you vote for, it just makes you look incredibly dumb to think voting for literal ZOG is worth making a few retarded libtards cry.

It couldn't matter less who you vote for. Whoever wins will do what they're told by their masters.

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b50d91  No.10183

File: 5fa5f24e56b1675⋯.jpg (161.05 KB, 596x870, 298:435, Screenshot_20191224-140113….jpg)


The topic isn't "do you like muh drumpf" or "which party is most kiked" (pro tip, it's the democrats). The topic is that the US doesn't have a president anymore, but instead a prime minister.


kikes definitely hate Trump. See this screenshot, from today.

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b50d91  No.10185


<muh zog horseshoe theory

No, the parties aren't the same. You are a fool.

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b50d91  No.10190


Since the news of impeachment going through, there has been a development that has made it even more certain that Donald Trump is a prime minister, not a president. Pelosi, speaker of the House, has refused to send the articles of impeachment, which have passed already, to the Senate. That places them as a kind of card in her pocket. She has two of them, as there were two articles of impeachment. The effect of this is that she can simply hold them for playing at the most politically ideal moment.

But there's more. The pocketed impeachment articles can be held for eternity. And a question remains as to what happens to them if another party takes power. If Republicans win the House, then presumably Pelosi would send the articles forward to the Senate. But what if she didn't? What if Republicans held the house, so a Republican became speaker? Could the Republicans dispose of the articles of impeachment? Can they be undone at that point? I think they remain forever. So then what are Republicans to do? Well, to impeach any democrat possible, when the House is held. Thus, the House will amass impeachment article cards for each party to wield. And they would empower the opposite side too. Say Republicans stop liking the president. They could use those same pre-rubber-stamped impeachment articles and send them on to the Senate, easiest if a democrat Senate, but if Republicans have decided they don't like him, it might not matter.

And you might say, "but the President, when he leaves office after 8 years, cannot be impeached, so the articles are not eternal". But I would remind you that term limits can be modified. And since we are moving to a prime minister type design, everything progresses much slower, through that gummed up "deep state" government design, so at least 2-10x longer is needed by any president (now prime minister) to accomplish his goals. So it's only reasonable to revise term limits. The result would be that the president (again, really a prime minister) could return then, but those impeachment articles would be waiting eternally in Limbo.

Leave it to a catholic Nancy Pelosi to invent impeachment article Limbo.

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83a93b  No.10194

File: 416855c92d6b7aa⋯.jpg (145.42 KB, 1094x805, 1094:805, Rudy Jewliani visits the R….jpg)

File: a87e89d57d92f24⋯.jpg (273.79 KB, 1109x1036, 1109:1036, stars2.jpg)


This. The jews are seething about /ourguy/ Rudy. I bet they're still upset about how he helped the Mossad and the God Emperor's good friends like Lucky Larry and BASED Bibi do 9/11.

You're pilpulling. The article you're citing is also "attacking" the Netanyahus, and the source of the controversy is Rudy saying he's "more of a jew" than Soros, which may be true. Those kind of publications attack anyone perceived to be "right-wing". It's the Bagelian Dialectic at play.


Stating the fact that both parties are totally controlled by jews isn't horseshoe theory, nigger. The whole point of horseshoe theory is that it's so simplistic that even brainlets who watch people like Sarcuck can grasp it, making them feel smart. The fact that you don't understand its meaning shows that you have a sub-nigger IQ.

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c2db04  No.10325


<threadjacking to muh zog horseshoe theory

Do you even know what the topic is? I fucking hate dumb niggers like you.

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49d804  No.10336

File: bd733554a7fa513⋯.png (5.89 KB, 309x351, 103:117, 1419304083427.png)


>y-you're the nigger!

Your posts are what took the thread off topic, Talmudically citing an article criticizing the prime minister of Israel as "proof" that world jewry hates the shabbos goy who effectively banned The Bible on college campuses because it makes the "claim" that the jews killed Jesus.

Yes or no: Besides Trump, do you believe that kikes "definitely hate" the 9/11 conspirator Rudy Giuliani as well as Bibi and Yair Netanyau?

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f86c4b  No.10497


Pardon, you're in the wrong thread. The topic here is neither whether you, whoever the hell you are, you stupid nigger, are a nigger or not, though doubtless you are a stupid nigger. And the topic is also not whether or not stupid niggers like you like Trump. And the topic is also not


whereby voting takes on no meaning, the benefit being yours, oh you oppressing nigger kike.

Don't come back.

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d5279d  No.10502


>Ivanka being Esther

Reminder that Esther is revered by jews for essentially convincing the king to side with jews and allow them to slaughter their enemies. Purim, like most jewish holidays, is the celebration of this slaughter.

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f69f7f  No.10512

File: aabc14a900bf754⋯.jpg (36.69 KB, 640x480, 4:3, super BASED black patriot.jpg)


>being this retarded and protecting your niggerdom

The idea of Horseshoe Theory is that the more extreme either side gets, the more similar they become, with "enlightened" centrism being the only answer.

The verifiable fact that both parties are totally owned and controlled by jews isn't that.

I'll leave the thread when I get an answer: are the kikes "definitely mad" at the prime minister of Israel, or were you misrepresenting an article as part of your Talmudic LARP that the most kosher president ever is actually waging war against international jewry? You made claims, taking your own retarded thread offtopic, and now you won't back them up, and are instead screeching autistically to avoid having to.

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f69f7f  No.10513

File: b7c7ce4056c9daf⋯.png (178.53 KB, 446x746, 223:373, Saban Kushner Purim.png)

File: 19fa8353184af56⋯.png (657.06 KB, 764x677, 764:677, Saban Kushner.png)

File: a86b53f0a128476⋯.png (620.91 KB, 755x744, 755:744, Saban1.png)

File: 06c64f55ccbb8c2⋯.jpg (61.94 KB, 728x410, 364:205, Adelson Graham Saban.jpg)


In that same regard, Pompeo compared Trump himself to Esther, and last Purim, the Kushners celebrated the slaughter of gentiles with Haim Saban, Hillary's puppetmaster.

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5d5e18  No.10624


And Obama considers himself a jew.

But we cannot become fools when voting, or become downcast, rather, we must be stoic, in the face of kike adversity, and vote rightly.

This is why I oppose you, and I hate you, and your zog horseshoe theory lies. But most of all because you utilize falsely rhetorical method and insinuation to excite passion beyond reason.

I have utterly defeated you by wit, and you have fallen gravely, eternally are you struck down. Still maintainst the seemingness of existence, for you, a kike, have no soul which perseveres, for there is in your entire being, throughout your existence, nothing of the truth to live within you.

Yet it stands, we rightly stand firm, and boldly go to vote in the face of such as you who would cause us to be downcast. Amidst the downpour of hatred and hopelessness you pronounce, here, to help elect Hillary Clinton, we see through all that to a brighter future, through a narrow line of correct choices.

And suppose we fail. What have we to lose but our souls? So we hold fast to what is right, and shall not become bamboozled out of our birthright, voting, by some goddamned kikes!

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5d5e18  No.10625


And can you fuck off? You double post, yet sage? And here you are, you know nothing at all of the essence of right-wing thought, so I know you are not an American or a white person. Your over-use of images reveals you as a clumsy kike. Do you suppose you shall avoid Ragnorok, or that we should shrink from certain defeat, to be cowed by your giant nose's bellowings? We hold fast! To hell with you kikes! TO HELL WITH YOU!!!!!

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