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File: 4cd526ddc5f06eb⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 480x360, 4:3, donald cuck.mp4)

019298  No.8369[Last 50 Posts]

Friendly reminder that Trumpsteinsilvergoldbergowitzsky is not your friend.

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15190c  No.8371

No one, none of the subhumans, are the 'friend' of Europeans…we 'get that' at this point.

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f470d5  No.8375

WTF I totally should have voted Hillary.

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f470d5  No.8377

Friendly minder that all lefties will be thrown in the pacific ocean or used as live targets for practice by our armed forces.

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f470d5  No.8379

But yeah seriously, Trump will need to start executing OP and people like him very soon or otherwise people like me will start to doubt his courage.

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019298  No.8386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f557ca  No.8387

File: 00ac383c176660a⋯.jpg (94.84 KB, 761x955, 761:955, 00ac383c176660a1304ace30e1….jpg)

I wish he would have married his children off to niggers instead of kikes.

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f470d5  No.8388



More shills who will die when Trump is proclaimed King. Which do you prefer, helicopter or firing squad?

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019298  No.8391

File: a340227c4992357⋯.webm (1.63 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Oswald Mosely on globalis….webm)

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019298  No.8392

File: 8d27f8a5c87dbb2⋯.webm (7.63 MB, 472x352, 59:44, Muhammad Ali on race.webm)

Even Muhammad Ali, a draft dodger and Black Panther, disagreed with Trumpsteinbergowitz.

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019298  No.8396

File: f72219e62995b26⋯.mp4 (11.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, black wisdom.mp4)

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019298  No.8404

File: cdf468c73b3e6e7⋯.mp4 (7.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Korwin on guns.mp4)

Even a Polak knows that firearms are the key to a free and safe citizenry. A fact that seems to have eluded Trumpstein.

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54ba29  No.8410





Firing squad it is. Would you like FMJs or hollow points? Lol j/k as if we would waste FMJs on a shill like you.

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3335a2  No.8415


We still thought there was a political solution in 2016, but now we know we were duped into fighting and voting for the bestest goy ever. So yeah, if Hillary won we would have been plunged into a race war a few years ago

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fb6565  No.8432

Hilarious that shills believe they can convince anyone that allowing the (((communists))) that are clearly kvetching over trump is a great alternative.

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d329a7  No.8473


Kek, this.

/trannypol/ is mad that pol neva dies

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15190c  No.8495

File: b0866c6b28808a8⋯.jpeg (10.27 KB, 255x151, 255:151, ivanka teen before after ….jpeg)


She is a kike. Was born a kike. Birds of a feather and all that bullshit…she married a kike because SHE IS A KIKE GENETICALLY.

Jewvanka had to have her face circumcised so that 'you wouldn't know'

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15190c  No.8497


'king of israel'?

Fuck off, kike.

We don't need or want a king…and certainly not a kike king.

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55c83d  No.8500


As much as you people cry about /trannypol/, apparently it will never die either.

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60b6ee  No.8512

File: 2685859a9de5f3d⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Horatius_at_the_Bridge.mp4)

File: bf61e7b4dc7c6bd⋯.webm (3.54 MB, 420x420, 1:1, bf61e7b4dc7c6bda97d962dbe….webm)

To be defeated and not submit is victory; to be victorious and rest on one's laurels is defeat.

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c5da8e  No.8517


Bump because Trump is a jewish puppet.

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f2e800  No.8545


It will. As all leftists will, killed by us or by those that we divert and use before discarding.

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55c83d  No.8549


>killed by us

Did you get lost on your way to the /pol/ LARPing board? >>>/fur/

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2093b6  No.8550


Yes OP, Hillary is our greatest ally.

I will definitely vote for her next election.

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c5da8e  No.8559


Bump because Trump is a jewish puppet and you have nothing but jewish copy and paste spam to post. Voting does nothing. You cannot fool anyone here.

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c5da8e  No.8560


Bump because Trump is a jewish puppet and you have nothing but jewish copy and paste spam to post. Voting does nothing. You cannot fool anyone here.

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c5da8e  No.8562



Thanks, chodemonkey. Took about 30 minutes to submit it in the first place.

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ae64bb  No.8565

File: 42baac3949f38d8⋯.png (7.55 MB, 2560x4121, 2560:4121, PRS.png)

Today I will remind them …

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7935cf  No.8568

wtf I hate Trump now

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c5da8e  No.8572


>actually supporting the ZOG emperor

Why not just kill yourself? Do you know where you are?

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d329a7  No.8573

File: fb43b1f496caeb0⋯.png (30.91 KB, 224x225, 224:225, ClipboardImage.png)


template slide breads and content are so compelling

>pic related

>/leftypol/ to the bin

>watch as it gets more mad at being ignored

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0be02e  No.8575


We all do. /pnd/ = People Need Democrats

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9e5be5  No.8609

File: e2aa956dc0ac20a⋯.jpg (22.2 KB, 680x522, 340:261, IMG_0610.JPG)

Trump is a globalist. He's literally said it himself. He TELLS YOU what he is and you people are too stupid to believe him.

"I'm a nationalist and a globalist. I'm both." - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/04/28/trump-im-a-nationalist-and-a-globalist/

You cannot be both. It's impossible. And this wasnt him being stupid and not understanding that. This was AFTER he said "We will no longer surrender this country and its people to the false song of globalism."

The kikes work for him and he works for the kikes. I had to use bing to find a source for that quote. I knew 10 million percent I listened to him say it, but if you google that exact quote it's nowhere to be found, just articles of him calling himself a nationalist.

Trump has already banned bump stocks, said we should "take the guns first, due process comes second," said he wants to ban silencers and raise the minimum rifle buying age from 18 to 21. Not to mention he has supported federal red flag laws at every opportunity. He has also deported fewer illegal immigrants than Obama did.

If his last name was Clinton or Obama you would hate him.

And just in case you ignore everything I've said and try to defend the bumpstock ban by saying bumpstocks are useless and no one cares - it doesnt matter. We gained absolutely NOTHING by banning them but he decided break the law and do it anyway. There's 0 excuse. GoA is currently in the process of suing the Trump admin to overturn the ban, while the NRA supported it full force.


>Take guns first, due process comes second: 


>Raise rifle buying age to 21: 


>Silencer ban: 


>Red flag suppprt: 


>Trump bumpstock ban:


>Fewer deportations than Obama:


>Trump on cutting funding to colleges who boycott Israel:


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15190c  No.8623


Voting is for faggots. There is no political resolution to our problem.

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019298  No.8716


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5056dc  No.8721


I want to see this faggot get executed on live TV with his child raping kike buddies. make it happen

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83a475  No.8738

Well no shit, anyone who even paid attention to Trump’s history or even the 2016 elections without any cognitive dissonance knows these things (AIPAC donated and voted for him, gave his daughter to a kike for marriage, made a country club that allows Jews in etc.) but the problem here is all the other candidates that we have alternatively for the ballots are either leftists with batshit commie/socialist/Cultural Marxist polices or neo-cons that suck corporate and Zionist dick who stop struggling against leftist policies once its rammed through their orifices like a rape victim with learned helplessness. We will never get a Ron Paul or a Patrick Little like candidate as long as Boomers are still alive, our only hope is to vote for our local and state laws that gears it away from relying on the federal government as much as possible and have our local politican’s addresses in hand in case they try to pass policies not in our favor

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019298  No.9444

File: 8481b969b7b66ad⋯.mp4 (11.33 MB, 640x304, 40:19, Oswald Mosley on (((Global….mp4)


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019298  No.9446

File: 8f878c4b9801744⋯.webm (8.42 MB, 600x480, 5:4, US brainwashing Germany.webm)

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019298  No.9990

File: 019b931b43bda2d⋯.webm (9.31 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 019b931b43bda2d818945493c….webm)

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090c85  No.10017

File: 6c60527d3840422⋯.jpeg (171.43 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, 1_UhvVXLVfrD1GjwF4XjmYBQ.jpeg)

The girl shooting the ar15 makes me want to have kids now!

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466010  No.10018


One anon with the ability to identify the jew in the whole thread…

If people can't even see the enemy they will never defeat them.

Stop calling jews "jewish puppets", it looks so retarded.

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fc15cd  No.10031


hahahaha this pic

ALSO: Stop using windows ! ! !

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d34367  No.10048

File: 15c1a5beec9ab01⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 720x540, 4:3, kermit.jpg)


He's not our guy but it's better to know what's coming and have time to prepare than accelerate. In less than a generation things are going to go one way or the other.

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6500e8  No.10052

File: 5ea5efc2ae9b985⋯.jpg (1022.46 KB, 2048x1280, 8:5, totally supports white peo….jpg)

Trump is a shabboz goy installed to trick people into believing the usa aren't controlled by the international jewish banking mafia, just like all jewish puppet presidents before him.

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5a9e84  No.10058

File: e1751af00ff4e99⋯.webm (3.39 MB, 427x240, 427:240, Bernie.webm)


Hey, shit for brains, here ya go.

How the fuck are there still whites who think Trump is based? William Pierce exposed him in 99, the Jews put Trump up to this.

MUST WATCH It's amazing how low the view count is for such a gem.


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5a9e84  No.10059

Trump's clearly compromised and the smartest thing we can do is keep out of war w Iran by not electing a corporate prostitute.

Yes we are in a situation where the best thing we can do is elect a Jew. The Israel's would be furious if they had to treat the Palestinians like humans.

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5a9e84  No.10067

File: 0d6b84cc64912bd⋯.png (801.3 KB, 1170x813, 390:271, GOPNUMBER1.PNG)


In my mind the thing that exposed Trump as anti white is his response (or lack there of) to the opioid crisis.

He left the position blank for a long time.

Then appointed some college dude who's claim to fame was he organized a golf tourney.

Then left it blank again.

Then he tried to put a fox in to guard the hen house. He nominated Tom Moreno AS DRUG CZAR.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced that Rep. Tom Marino has withdrawn as the administration's drug czar nominee, shortly after media reports revealed how the Pennsylvania Republican championed a law that hobbled federal efforts to combat opioid abuse.

"Rep.Tom Marino has informed me that he is withdrawing his name from consideration as drug czar. Tom is a fine man and a great Congressman!" Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning.

"Marino had faced growing resistance to his nomination since this past weekend, when a report by "60 Minutes" and The Washington Post detailed how he championed legislation that makes it essentially impossible for the Drug Enforcement Administration to freeze suspicious narcotics shipments from drug distribution companies, according to officials at the DEA and Justice Department.

The 2016 law, signed by former President Barack Obama and unanimously approved by Congress, overturned longstanding DEA policy and established a much higher bar before the agency could take some actions to halt suspicious shipments."

GOP does this a;ll the time, some oil compny exec in charge of the EPA, corrupt banker head of treasury, Goldman Sachs execs in top posts. Over and over and over.

On average killing over 150 mostly whites every single day. I guess it better he left it open since he would of thrown the victims in jail or blamed Iran for the opioid crisis or started a new war on drugs. There's no fucking way Trump or the GOP would risk corporate profit in order to save a bunch of lives.

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81e3ce  No.10276

trump is just another israeli neocon boomer puppet and anyone who still sucks his kike dick should be executed publicly by based zoomers in skull balaclavas.

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53e95e  No.10286

Death to all jews including the orange kike faggot

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9da4f2  No.10310


False dichotomy shill

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4dfdb0  No.10343



>Trump is an Israeli puppet

>he still has not invaded Iran

The only fault I find with Trump is that he has not started dropping shills like yourselves out of helicopters yet. He may be a coward but he is not a stupid coward.




Nice try SJW-kun.

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ea09cf  No.10393

File: aaa69de8e283c02⋯.jpg (60.37 KB, 1023x575, 1023:575, Trump with Tevfik Arif and….jpg)

File: c2c7c2e31db2612⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 915x630, 61:42, felix-sater-dubai.jpg)

>there's anons here who still think (((russiagate))) was just a 'democrat leftard conspiracy theory' that came out of nowhere

>they don't realise trump's russian-israeli oligarch/mafia connections was just the agreed upon blackmail that the dems side had on his side, which is why trump's team revealed the epstein/weinstein blackmail they had on the dems side

>The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin


>Felix Sater - Man Of The Year: Chabad of Port Washington [extremely revealing video once you know who this guy is]


>Trump’s Former Business Partner [Tevfik Arif] Tries to Erase his [Underage] Prostitution Bust From Web


Have you ever actually looked into all those (((russians))) that the US sanctioned? See below.

Then look up their connections to Israel's two most likely candidates for PM if Bibi goes down - Benny Gantz (close friend of Viktor Vekselberg) and Avigdor Lieberman.






"I am a Bolshevik" - David Ben-Gurion.

>Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country


>How Putin's Blacklisted Oligarch Friend Is Linked to Key Israeli Political Players


>'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died


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4f917d  No.10421

>Trumplgbtqabcherghdf+++*^$^#& is not my friend

No shit Sherlock. Trump looks after Trump. If any of us benefit then it is an unexpected side effect.

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2d4fae  No.10517

File: d3197539b3594d4⋯.jpg (712.23 KB, 1920x2715, 128:181, schrodinger.jpg)


>mean facts about the double-digit IQ ZOG puppet are slide threads! ;_;

ok boomer


ok boomer


>muh helicopter rides

Go back to halfchan and spout your 2016 memes, you kukistan jew niggerfaggot. I don't give a fuck about iran. I want insurrection and bloodshed and it'll be here in the USA. Get the fuck out of our way, boomer.

>trump may be a coward but he is not a stupid coward


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1d292b  No.10520




>hates based Chilean hero Pinochet

I had no idea the commie lefty faggot wing of the FBI hated Trump so much.

>muh cope

You will cope when you get the rope.

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807a1c  No.10613


>Palestinian claims to be a sweet little angel who dindu nuffin

>Launches bombs into Israel and kills Kikes

>Jews respond


Palestinians are no different then mudslimes and Kikes. They both want Christian's dead. Ever since Palestine took over Bethelhelm they've been running out the Christians.

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807a1c  No.10614


I know right? We're at war with Iran and Assad is dead!!!! Total puppet huh?

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ad709d  No.10617


>Do you know where you are?

The secret special hidden base of the FBI obviously. Did you know that if you post too much wrongthink on 8kun it starts to include more JavaScript pages? I saw an include from Google last time.

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15190c  No.10676


>The secret special hidden base of the FBI obviously.

Seriously, FUCK!! I got in the wrong fucking teleporter again.

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000000  No.47125



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000000  No.47130


Nor are any of the leftists.

All jews will be killed.

All leftists will be killed.

There is no future for any of them.

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5e19a4  No.47257

File: 923d7af54fab930⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 383x496, 383:496, urgonnagit.jpg)

It took me a few years to give a fuck but I've settled on the opinion that it's a con to give us hope until it's too late.

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260194  No.47268


Aw? That's so mean. Why can you give them a little future…

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b71031  No.47295

Bloomberg is my friend, sieg heil.

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