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File: 07e516340ddd98a⋯.webm (2.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, germans.webm)

3c485d  No.82650

Do not use "German" to describe people from the Deutsches Reich; "German" should be reserved for the greater Germanic peoples; so people from the Netherlands and Sweden are also "German".

People in the Deutsches Reich are "Deutsche"; the language(s) native to the Deutsches Reich is called "Deutsch".

To clear up any misconception with idiots who think you are talking about "Dutch" people from the Netherlands are called "Nederlanders" and their language is called "Nederlands"

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ccadf9  No.83248

This is retarded. Swedes, Faroese, Germans, Frisians, Dutch, ancient Goths, etc. all currently fall under the term "Germanic". Das Deutsche Reich had "Germans". Nobody mixes up "Dutch" with "Deutsch". If they do, they aren't worth your time anyway, sonce they are complete idiots. So I don't see a problem here.

Also which German Reich are you talking about? You would then have to include all the Czech, Poles and French sitting in that territory now, which only would lead to more confusion..

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c7bcba  No.83251

source for this? is this real or a skit?

fuck that guy's body language in response to the jew is flawless

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caacd4  No.83369

File: 627331ea47e5b29⋯.png (167.7 KB, 1500x905, 300:181, Die_Schweiz.png)


>Nobody mixes up "Dutch" with "Deutsch"

Dutch is derived from dietsch which was their accent word for deutsch. You are the retard here.

They might not be as deutsch in their language as austrians but still.


Better proposal. Just call everyone German who is German including Austrians and Swiss Germans.

Pic is Swiss. Orange are the German speaking parts.

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caacd4  No.83371


It's real but in the TV version of the interview they cut out most of it.

It's a jew from 3sat vs https://volkslehrer.info/

I should note however that he is not without his issues. He also fell for vegetarianism (or veganism; can't remember) and loads of real bullshit conspiracy theories like "viruses don't exists" and so on.

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