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fb4a20  No.81717

They killed him. One of the greatest Americans to ever live and they killed him. Rockwell's books should be required reading for everyone in our sphere. I always knew he was based and memeworthy but after reading them I see that he really was on Hitler's level in terms of intellect, character and conviction. After his murder the ANP splintered into various factions which all became impotent, defunct jokes. James Mason went to prison at 42 for threatening his 16 year-old gf and her spic lover. Last year the leadership of NSM got turned over to a leftist nigger of all things. I haven't read Siege yet but am getting so incredibly blackpilled at the fact that things are EXACTLY as Rockwell described them 60 years ago, but SO MUCH WORSE. I legitimately wish I had a time machine to go back to '67 and fight with Rockwell. I wouldn't have the ability or know-how to save the Third Reich, but I could at least save him and give America a chance. I'd rather lay my entire life on the altar of being a stormtrooper in the hate bus than keep subsisting in this bugman's world. I can't fucking take this timeline.

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8465c4  No.82141

Rockwell had a good message but he poisoned it by allowing idiots into his movement, and being quite open about looking for idiots.

That set the normies against him.

It was such a stupid move, I wonder if he wasn't controlled opposition. Guess not since they shot him. Then that tax fraud took over with his fake religion scam… that was even worse.

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b83012  No.82148

File: 00e87fd73537412⋯.jpg (102.49 KB, 757x720, 757:720, bane_CIA_the_plane.jpg)


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af39f5  No.82162


The problem with Rockwell was that he was literally in the wrong timeline. We need that type of person now more than anyone else.

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7bcf9a  No.83559


>the leadership of NSM got turned over to a leftist nigger of all things

I just looked this up and I can't believe it's real. How is it even possible that there is not a single real leader for our movement? It's just endless waves of trash, opportunists, idiots who think it will give them power, cowards, and other assorted fools. Like >>82162 said, we are in desperate need of a man like Rockwell. Just a single man who is confident, educated, decent looking, capable of leading young man, able to make himself look good on camera, etc.

There is not one person like this. There will be no mass-movement until he is found. Until he is found, all we can do is cultivate ourselves and prepare for the arms on the clock of fate to once more announce our hour.

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1c5288  No.83631


>Just a single man who is confident, educated, decent looking, capable of leading young man, able to make himself look good on camera, etc.

Such a person would probably not be interested in throwing themselves into the meatgrinder of jewish lawsuits and malicious prosecution for the reward of being stabbed in the back and called a jew by their own side because (((someone))) found a picture of them standing within a stone's throw of a nigger.

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6a946c  No.83685


>allowing ourselves to be put into a situation where all our enemies have to do is keep this "messiah" from appeals

this is the age of decentralization. we don't need a flashy leader, nor will they let one gain any power whatso ever

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a395a9  No.83695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Then that tax fraud took over with his fake religion scam… that was even worse.

William Luther Pierce? You've got to be some sort of seething jew if that is how you sum him up. Rockwell went out fighting against communists in the street, those "idiots" are worth ten basement dwelling autists in that scenario. Whenever I encounter elitist faggots like you I wonder why you were even drawn to this ideology, there's clearly no empathy for the average working class white so what's the deal? The "idiots" and "normies" make up the bulk of white people.

I'd rather have a low IQ skinhead that knows how to fight by my side in a SHTF scenario than a useless aspie with a superiority complex.

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