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38a37b  No.81644


Here is one of the enemy's playbooks, we must adapt it into a forms that we ourselves can use against them in order to create effective changes and achieve the goals we have set out for ourselves.

Remember, this is only one of their rulesets, there are more strategies, techniques, and tactics that they have thought up over the length of their existence, there is no bad tactic, only bad targets, tactics themselves are either effective or ineffective, honor and dishonor have no place in politics, even in the times when they were considered important, the politically-minded were playing the game as dirty as they could get away with.

We must become manipulative and spiteful little bitches if we are to win, we must be wiling to do whatever it takes to win, and, more importantly, to see that our enemy loses as much as possible, and for as long as possible, their position must be irrevocably damaged when we are finished, and even then it must only get worse.

"if you act like the jew to fight the jew, you become the jew" <- you know that it was either a fucking jew that typed this or one of their puppets.

The first thing is to know your enemy, then you can win the fight before it has begun.

The second is to learn from each battle; then even a loss will make you stronger.

The third is to reject pride and honor, but encourage it in the enemy, it is a deadly weakness if one is to impose rules upon themselves to which the enemy does not abide. you may as well cut off your legs before a footrace, or be a bird which refuses to fly.

Glory follows victory, do not expect a prize before you have won. No mercy and no kindness tat does not immediately benefit you or hinder your opposition.

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