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b8f728  No.81617

DON'T Fucking Trust Intel

Should be obvious already, but here are the reasons. Go distribute them so others who aren't aware can be illuminated.

>Intel owns its own fabs. This means no external review(Such as in the case of TSMC potentially finding backdoors in ARM chips when translating the designs into hardware), and likely government oversight.

>Long long history of bugs. F00F bug. FDIV bug. Spectre and Meltdown recently. Netcat? is a very new one as well which attacks server CPUs. Even in the C2D the list of bugs was massive. Who knows what lies in the newer core generation processors.

>Shitty thermal paste under heat spreaders resulting in higher temperatures. De-lidding by gamers and server owners have lowered operating temperatures significantly.

>Using VLC player to fake an intel graphics demonstration, accidentally bringing up the menu and failing to play the video when the sound effects started playing.

>CEO got the fuck out of the company when the bugs became obvious. Kept the minimum amount of shares required to be the CEO and didn't contribute greatly to the company.

>Shitty business practices, suing another company in a completely different business sector because it had the word "Intel" in its name.

>x86 support back to CPUs over 30 years ago. Old as fuck architecture and bloated to all hell with undocumented instructions and multiple instructions to do basically the same operation.

>The Intel ME running the minix OS on all modern CPUs along with the HAP bit installed by the NSA so that they could turn their CPUs secure while everyone else was left in the dust.

>Also building controllers and chipsets, so even if they can't fuck you with their CPUs, they still might be able to hit you with another chip of theirs.

>Retard-level fab engineers can't get their process under 14nm for most chips, and only recently getting into 10nm while TSMC and other manufacturers like samsung are moving into 6nm from 8nm.

>Aggressive marketing and term usage. Many "technologies" in their chips that they advertise as additions rather than a normal part of its existence, TM and R symbols everywhere in their documentation and advertisements, and fucking over other companies.

>Programming their compiler to create shittier compiled code that runs slower and less reliably if a non-Intel CPU is detected.

>ISRAEL-based design. Might be a problem for some people. Possible politically or monetarily-motivated additions to the CPUs like backdoors or weakened security technologies.

Even back in the Pentium III there was a processor serial number which could be shown with a CPUID instruction, an instruction which outputs information about the CPU. Nvidia is also in the pool with Intel, as they are heavily reluctant to work with Linux kernel for developing drivers and make compatibility with AMD CPUs much more difficult than it should be.

For any serious people in need of security, Intel is a poor choice.

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