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File: dfb4c7921a83ca0⋯.png (104.08 KB, 698x338, 349:169, MaxBernierSHOW.png)

d6c653  No.81602

The Max Bernier Show

>debuted 14 February 2020


<Happy Valentine's Day guys

We only got 1.6% of the vote last year. Hopefully they hold a new election in late 2020 and we do better. Let's aim for at least 16% this time round. Maxime Bernier should be our Prime Minister in the future.

The CPC is falling apart so disenchanted former members will flock to us, as well as strategic voters who only voted Liberal to keep (((Andrew Scheer))) out of office. NDP lost seats and will continue to do so. The Green bubble will pop once they realize how May's support of mass immigration is bad for our environment and how supporting foreign aid increases worldwide pollution.

PPC is the true party if you are pro-environment (not Greens) a fiscal conservative (not CPC) pro-freedom (not Liberals) and pro-worker (not NDP).

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bd9a0f  No.81610

Glad to see a fellow Leaf here. I was appalled to see Max with such a low percentage of the vote, but between the media refusing to cover him until near election day, and the (((Warren Kinsella))) scandal, I shouldn't have been surprised.

If you haven't already, you should post this to /canada/ too.

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7816fc  No.81618

bernier is neoliberal poison

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