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824e24  No.81600

The skinhead movement was the biggest youth rebellion against the mass immigration to western countries. Sure it was degenerate, but it was still some sort of resistance.

First of all:

>how is a youth subculture created?

Most subcultures are defined by a taste of music and the message in this music. The nazi skinhead movement had 2 sorts of music, Oi and Viking rock. What were these songs about? Oi was mostly about partying and being a rebel. Viking rock was anti immigration, masculine, inspired heroic deaths etc.

The subculture will be shaped by the music and it’s message, so what do we have to do to create a modern nationalist youth movement?

First of all we need to take a look at what is popular today, and how to integrate that with our message. What do we want for our young generation? We don’t want it to turn into another skinhead movement since that was degenerate. Sure there were some good aspects with that movement and we should keep those.

The good apsects:

>never back down



>interest in history and to preserve our heritage

We need our young people today to stand up for themselves and reject degeneracy. They need to be in gangs or männerbund if you’d like to call it that.

Second of all:

>style of clothing

Subcultures also has a unique clothing style. The skinhead had their shaved heads, bomber jackets, boots, ben sherman, levy jeans. That was cool in the 80s and 90s, but it wouldn’t work today. Idk a lot about fashion so I’ll leave this up for discussion. Should the new nationalist clothing style be fashionable or more of a military style?

I want all of you to do your part in creating this new youth culture, make music, clothes, youtube videos that speaks to the youth, etc.

ITT: Discussion about how to create this new youth culture, and what worked with the previous nationalist subculture.

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