Red Cross is asking for blood donations amid coronavirus. Because I'm gay, I'm excluded.
Men who have sex with men can only give blood if they abstain from having sex for a year. That must change, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.
A common question: Doesn't the Red Cross test all donated blood? Yes, it's tested for infectious diseases. But it's not 100% effective in donors who may have been infected recently.
Since I have had sex within the last calendar year, I am ineligible — despite the fact I take Truvada for PrEP (an HIV preventative drug) every day and receive a full sexually transmitted infections panel every three months in order to keep receiving prescriptions.
Imagine all the lives we could save if the FDA unburdened men who have sex with men from this block?
Given this pandemic, I want to do everything I can to help those in need.
You can help by not risking giving people AIDS.