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File: 51a5bd6520a0235⋯.png (137.93 KB, 599x755, 599:755, 2020_03_24_08_53_25_ADL_on….png)

File: 1d6749e5327147e⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 640x686, 320:343, adl_seeks_federal_bailout_….jpg)

556e00  No.81300

You can't make this shit up.




<ADL Petitions Congress For A Federal Bailout Due to Coronavirus

>On Sunday, the ADL shared a bailout petition asking their followers to join them in pressuring congress for "$60 billion in emergency stimulus funding" for themselves and over 200 other non-profits.

>The list of non-profits seeking a bailout includes other social justice groups like Agudath Israel of America, Haddassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.

>"Today, Congress is negotiating a legislative package in response to the health and economic crisis related to COVID-19," the ADL's petition says. "ADL has added its voice to a letter (link here) signed by a coalition of over 200 national non-profits urging legislators to include $60 billion in emergency stimulus funding to support our work and our employees, and keep 12 million people employed across the country. This federal relief is critical to ensuring that non-profit organizations continue our work during this time of crisis and need."

>The ADL's latest 2018 financial report revealed they have over $92 million in net assets.

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f496fe  No.81305

File: 38f5cb442cc5e6b⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB, 632x720, 79:90, n2oz9vfgmlm41.mp4)

>Go back to europe

>Rebuild white race

>Leave kikes alone in their shithole with the spics and niggros



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97e145  No.81313


Where is this from?

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f496fe  No.81319


Thread was made yesterday but the mods deleted it because the corona avatarposter just couldnt stop crying.

The company snapchat was trying to shill Anne Frank to the zoomers with short videos depicting how would her life look like if she had a smartphone in the 40s. In process they made us look fucking epic. No longer available tho.

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687a54  No.81385


>with short videos

Post more

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24c2a4  No.81434


I dont have more, the thread was partly to try and source it, but you know, posting corona animes for the 42th time is more important.

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24c2a4  No.81599



https://instagram.com/eva.stories March 19, I dont have an insta tho so I cant view it.

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