a0af17 No.811[Last 50 Posts]
I foresee an inevitable repeat of World War II due to China replicating Nazi Germany's tactics and the US hating China on both ends of the otherwise completely divided political spectrum. What is China doing that is similar and would cause this war?
China is 1.) currently engaging in an Uighur Holocaust that is objectively more gruesome than Nazi Germany's Holocaust, 2.) aggressively trying to conquer the nation of Taiwan, trying to impose total control over the democratic territory of Hong Kong, and doing the same to the territory of Tibet, and 3.) China is a nationalist socialist (technically communist but potato potahto it's the same garbage) that openly promotes a Chinese dictatorship in a government which has banned all other political parties but the Chinese Communist Party. The citizens are either aggressively pro-China, or are part of the 'Zen Generation' that has given up on doing anything major due to mass censorship and control limiting them.
Nazi Germany conquered territory and kept going almost immediately despite saying they would stop which forced other nations to intervene to prevent total conquest of the world's territory. China is refraining from that error in judgement and is banking on conquering territory too quickly being the only thing that would force the hands of other nations. However, China is miscalculating in assuming that other nations are not willing to go to war just because China is not conquering additional territories outside of the immediate neighboring sea and territories/islands. Russia annexed a large portion of the neighboring nation of Ukraine without any repercussions, but they were able to get away with doing so partially because the people within Ukraine's Crimea had a majority of support for that action, so that was that. China's claimed territories however do not have a majority of support for their attempted conquest in the slightest. This means that there is a PR disaster unfolding due to their attempts in Hong Kong as well as to a lesser extent in Tibet and the sea/islands surrounding them.
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a0af17 No.812
The United States' people and politicians are progressively becoming more and more fucking pissed off. Hong Kong represents US democratic values, China keeps forcing the US to engage in freedom of navigation missions to prevent Chinese conquest of the sea/islands, China shits on copyright/fair trade practices and outright steals technology and products which triggered this shitty trade war that's costing the US money, China keeps causing US companies to bend the knee to their horseshit and censor/punish customers/employees who don't fall in line, and China's literally murdering and torturing in the most literal brutal definition of murder and torture possible, millions of 'accused' and plain unlucky Chinese and Muslim citizens. You know how Iraq or Iran can chant "Death to America"? -Fuck the Chinese Government is slowly meandering its way to that level of open hatred in the United States. The fact that Democrats and Republicans, as well as Nationalist Republicans and Socialist Democrats, all agree that China is awful and deserves this hate, when normally all of these groups are fighting each other to the point people fear civil war, you know China is innovating in the field of divinely pissing off Americans.
China has around 200 nuclear missiles and a bunch of long-range sonic missiles. This would be devastating causing deaths in the millions of non-military citizens, but the US could survive and even prosper economically if full-on war broke out. Russia would stand on the sidelines and most likely try to negotiate with the US to obtain the northern portion of conquered China, while quietly rooting for China in order to weaken the US and prevent the US becoming an even more super superpower upon conquering China. This would not be an easy war and would risk the existence of the United States, but it would be realistically 'winnable' without totally crippling the United States. This may all come in baby steps or may happen all at once, but I believe given the personalities of the US, it is only a matter of time before someone is elected who doesn't give a shit and wants China stopped once and for all even if it costs them a term and the lives of millions. The war would be cold at first, but in desperation, China would likely pull out the nukes and that would cut out a huge portion of the population, though far from all of it given their limited arsenal.
This is my prediction of the future based solely on the general history of past history and current news and cultures on both sides.
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fa6744 No.815
>Fucking Joyrad comes to /pnd/
>3.) China is a nationalist socialist (technically communist but potato potahto it's the same garbage)
Holy SHIT this is the most retarded thing I've read in years. Third position politics is not left wing, there is a reason it is called "the third position."
I think lots of people think that a US/China war is likely/inevitable, and for similar reasons as you. But JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, comparing Nazi Germany's policies to China's is insulting to Nazi Germany.
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a0af17 No.818
I'm gonna need some backing for the notion it is irrational to compare Nazi Germany's policies to China. The more you learn about China the more stupidly similar it is to Nazi Germany. Judicial review exclusively done by the party? Leader for life? 24/7 over-the-top propaganda? Enforcing arbitrary bureaucratic controlling policies like anxiety-ridden crackheads? I'm sure you can name several differences but there are a lot of similar major patterns just at the surface level. The major divider boils down to one's Asian and the other's German, and one was insane enough to try military global conquest while the other doesn't immediately try it.
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9b3602 No.821
Yeah yeah whatever buddy. The moment they start expelling foreign financiers and persecuting jews THEN you can compare them to nazi germany not a second fucking sooner you stupid fucking disgusting antisemite. Comparing the persecution of a few radical islamists with a fucking group of innocent jews? Pieces of shit like you need to be banned from the fucking internet.
*spits on your shoes*
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957997 No.825
Nuclear exchanges become irrelevant if you can cripple all logistics and infrastructure of a nation with a series of well-timed cyber attacks. China already realizes that any war with the U.S would require a primarily digital approach judging by their "AI superpower by 2035" ambition. That's why there's a greater emphasis on technological development on things like 5G and AI for them. There's already a significant cold war ongoing between the U.S and China, but it's mainly about espionage, information warfare, mass surveillance, computer chips, telecommunications and machine learning right now. It's a mostly hidden war that is gradually getting noticeable by the general public.
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a0af17 No.826
Well they already abandoned their free will so they're half way to being a national artificial intelligence. Good points all around on your end. Though, cyber warfare has limits and is fairly inconsistent. Not easy to pull it off on a specific target, let alone on the nuclear arsenal of the US. Still, I suppose what you describe could be done if the US continues to be retarded at maintaining digital and national secrets security.
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fa6744 No.828
Nazi Germany enacted pro-natalist policies designed at perfecting their people. Nazi Germany kicked out the foreign bankers to stimulate their own economy - which worked. Nazi Germany burned foreign propaganda and promoted their own culture.
Communist China enacted anti-natalist policies (One-child policy), basically opened their asses to foreign bankers, and burned their own culture while promoting Marxist filth. (Taoists had a seriously difficult time during the Cultural Revolution, it's a real shame. Taoism is actually a good religion, something a lot like it should be picked up in the West instead of the filthy kike worshiping we do now.)
Nazi Germany tried to do good for its own people, race, and culture. Communist China doesn't - they see their people as pawns, their race as sludge, and their culture as worthy of being burned.
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2d6f26 No.831
"China is verging on collapse! The Chinese financial system subsidizes prices for finished outputs that drives down the price of Chinese finished goods and leads their exports to displace competition. THIS is what has been responsible for the Chinese ‘growth’ of the past few decades. Chinese lending topped 600 billion dollars in 2007 which is more than all US lending at the peak of the subprime bubble. Chinese economy is less than one third of the US economy. When that bubble burst, the Chinese borrowed more. As Zeihan puts it: “the entire Chinese system is subprime, in every economic sector.” By 2030, the Chinese will average 42 years old while the US will only average 39. As the Chinese run out of surplus labor, they are going to find themselves out of young workers and consumers.
“But Malstrom,” the reader says. “China has a scary military. They will seize what they want.”
Oh yeah? You need a navy to project power on this world. China is encircled by strong US allies such as Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, and such with long range aircraft. As Zeihan says, “everything from Hainan Island to Shanghai will become a series of unaffiliated city-states that hitch their wagons to American, Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean, Australian, and even Singaporean stars.”
If China is soooo powerful, why do they always invest in the US? Luo Ping, director of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, in 2009 said: “Except for U.S. Treasuries, what can you hold? Gold? You don’t hold Japanese bonds or UK bonds. U.S. Treasuries are the safe haven. For everyone, including China, it is the only option… there is nothing much we can do.”
To quote Zeihan: “The world is going to hell, but the Americans are going to sit this one out.” As American military and capital retreat, other nations will become more aggressive (Germany, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, Angola, etc.) Of these all, it is predicted that Germany will be the most dangerous. Germany lacks secure borders and is open to invasion from four sides. Germany also has an energy problem in that its accessible energy sites are 2000 miles away in foreign lands. Zeihan says: “Without the Americans, Germany’s economic crisis quickly escalates to a European-wise strategic crisis. Germany will not lie down and die.”
There is much news on Trump pulling the US out of Syria. The old school politicians, of both parties, are against it. However, the people are for it. Americans are tired of policing the world. They are pulling back. It is already happening. It will continue further into the future.
George Friedman agrees with Zeihan on the China collapse. China is totally dependent on the USA. “China sends almost one quarter of all its exports to the United States,” and tariffs would cause a ‘massive economic crisis’ for them. China is “Japan on steroids,” Friedman argues. China values social relations above economic discipline. China won’t allow market forces to cull out inefficient and unprofitable companies. Japan voluntarily allowed a recession impose discipline in the 1990s, China will not. Instead, China has gone into more and more debt. Friedman estimates the debt to be around 40% of GDP (compared to Japan’s 20% GDP).
China’s power rests on three pillars: a massive bureaucracy, a military security complex that imposes fear and control, and the ideological principles of the Communist Party. Friedman argues the third power, the ideological principles, has disappeared and been replaced by the broader notion of “China as a great power”. This might be the source of the ‘China hype’ as China desperately needs its own people to believe it for the Chinese government to continue to exist. In 2010, Friedman predicted China’s growth would slow (it has, dramatically) and that it would either fragment or crack down in a massive new Maoist revolution.
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a0af17 No.832
If that theory is true, they are definitely going with the crack down. Decent points overall though I feel it is overly hopeful about how weak China is.
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a28f0d No.1016
It will be orchestrated as an excuse to turn off the grid and let the plebs starve and be rid of them.
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e438eb No.1026
>US hating China
The Jews hating China
>completely divided political spectrum
The tiny kiked Overton window
>the United States' people and politicians
The Jews
>US democratic values
The jewish interests
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35f611 No.1027
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56fdb8 No.1028
interesting theory
i disagree however. there is far too much US corporate money invested heavily in china. as well as many of the elites themselves. im afraid that the conflict you see nowadays, based around trade and sanctions between US and china, will be about the extent of it. anything else would be far too costly to many major US corporations and their elite investors tho right as i say that theyll just all go "all-in" on lockheed and boeing and carpet bomb the piss out of them lmao
i definitely get the comparison to the third reich though. the difference is that while the various germanic peoples had a much stronger cultural and social connection with each other, china is much larger and its people are much more diverse and all over the place. the only unifying characteristics are the writing system and the fact their ancestors were raped by mongols. the CCP has tried to remedy this by enforcing a monoculture through censorship, to a certain degree of success.
but while the germans in the 30s took right to it, as the system was undeniably for them, the chinese have been much harder to convince rightly so. so what you have is a totalitarian state on the surface, and something of an an-cap mess of constantly warring mini-dynasties between various family powers all trying to compete with one another land under the cumshot of the CCPs yellow dick. everyone is still looking out for themselves, and is ambivalent about their fellow citizens. this leads to a really sloppy, limping form of fascism
fascism is often wrongly painted as this one particular monolithic idea. it isnt even remotely. its entirely tailored to suit the people that it is governing or is usually swiftly overthrown and such has a different flavor each time it rears its head. in chinas case, the people themselves are too divided, along cultural, racial, and even regional and familial lines, for it to work as efficiently as weve seen in other cases. in fact they used to follow a form of proto-fascism when it was divided into many smaller dynasties various times over the course of their history
i would compare it more to modern american corprofascism. the govts relationship with its people is roughly "how much can you suck my dick, and how much money can you make for me, whore?". US citizens just have a democratic-republic coat of rapidly chipping paint on it. influencing US politics and CCP politics is exactly the same: you bribe govt officials
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56fdb8 No.1029
she had a glass of water, laid down for a bit, and is feeling much better now
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36837a No.1113
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a0af17 No.1300
I believe many US corporate leaders are fed up with China stealing secrets and not playing by the rules, to the point they may see profit if China's competitors were to cease existing in the manner that they do. A full-blown war would put competitors out of commission or force them to play by the rules which would off-set short-term losses and in the long-term be more profitable. For that matter, there is no amount of wealth that can make any American like China's government or the elites within.
The US situation is going to come to a head in 2020, between the months of December 2020 and February 2021. Donald Trump will try 'something' to subvert the current political system within that timeframe and that will be the deciding factor in whether the US remains a democratic republic or makes the switch to Fascism akin to what Russia currently has in place.
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ac1404 No.1395
>China is a nationalist socialist
You should have put this astronomically, outlandishly retarded sentence at the end of your effort post. I might have been trolled softly enough to finish reading the whole thing if you did.
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305095 No.1399
China and the US are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. No matter how much they may hate each other, they are very dependent on each other. Going to war would be a catastrophe for both nations even in the best case scenarios.
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f83ba9 No.1440
Can confirm that the US and China are already engaged in cyber-warfare. I worked for an MSP, and we had software that visualized incoming traffic to all of our clients’ networks. There was a constant barrage of malicious traffic from both Russia and China that our firewalls dropped. For all I know, some of the attacks got through.
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f83ba9 No.1445
> cyber warfare has limits and is fairly inconsistent. Not easy to pull it off on a specific target, let alone on the nuclear arsenal of the US
The most sophisticated cyber-warfare involves installing backdoors in software and hardware. The problem that the US has is that many of our IT infrastructure components—microchips, microcontrollers, motherboards—were literally manufactured in China. Security researchers have published papers showing that it’s possible to insert hardware-level backdoors that are virtually undetectable.
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9f69d4 No.1493
*This translation brought to you by half chan negro.
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75acc6 No.1510
This anon gets it. Zeihan's summary of Chinese demography and it's conclusions are also pretty hard hitting.
The Chinese govt. is desperately trying to lessen it's dependence on the world by attempting to change from an export economy to a consumer economy. One of the prerequisites of a consumer economy however is that the population have plenty of available capital to spend. Zeihan says that China's demographic situation is one summarized roughly as "China is aging far more quickly than it is getting rich."
Largely as an effect of the long standing one child policy there is a large imbalance of working/earning people (who make up the majority of consumers in a consumer economy) and older people who spend less as they age into retirement. Once again, quoting Zeihan, "China is not yet wealthy enough to be able to try to afford a pension system like the advanced democracies" and so consequently is relying on the smaller working/earning generation to look after the retiring generation. This means there's less money available to get their infant consumer economy off the ground and an even greater reliance on the export model to bring in reliable money. In other words, the Chinese economy is stuck on an American-powered treadmill and they have no hope of getting off without the whole thing coming apart.
Additionally, Pennslyvania University China scholar, Dr. Arthur Waldron points to China's weakness in dealing with Hong Kong as a sign of the regime's overall weakness. It it too weak to make concessions to Hong Kong indicated by it's hardline refusal to allow Hong Kong's special self-governing status to remain and at the same time it is too weak to more concisely deal with Hong Kong and bring it under mainland rule once and for all, allowing the situation to fester and now cementing in the minds of many Hong Kongers that China intends great harm on them.
He also suggests that China will go through a dis-integration in the same way the Soviet Union did. He hopes that China will have a Gorbachev-type leader that can lead China through a controlled dis-integration without needing to pull out the troops and the tanks but it could go either way. A bloody, 1930s nationalist vs. communist-style civil war or a go-your-own-way Soviet-style dis-integration.
With all that in mind (plus a few other things like China already being surrounded by enemies that aren't the US), I suspect a US-China WWIII is somewhat unlikely. China just isn't as strong as people think it is.
For those interested:
Zeihan's book (though he's written more recent books now) - "The Accidental Superpower
Most recent interview with Dr. Arthur Waldron - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-2cArChw5M
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8c492f No.1522
America will never fight China because America is a country of cowards who only fight wars they can't lose. China will outgrow America, America will sperg out on the sidewalk like they're doing in Hong Kong right now, and then they will bend the knee and accept the Chinese world order.
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e41fe8 No.1527
A hivemind is not an artificial intelligence. How can a group of human beings be artificial? Do you even know what that word means?
You are a stupid motherfucker and you have a gay name. I imagine you are black.
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e41fe8 No.1529
It's hard to say without knowing her religious affiliation and whether or not she lived a righteous life.
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bc478c No.1530
>China is 1.) currently engaging in an Uighur Holocaust that is objectively more gruesome than Nazi Germany's Holocaust
This is true but not for the reasons you think it is.
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bc478c No.1531
China is by far the adversary I am least worried about. They're big, stupid, unsubtle, and awful at actually fighting wars.
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77009e No.1532
You literally just described the US.
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035489 No.1537
>what is the Korean war?
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bc478c No.1546
I expect they will to try and make things worse.
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35f46d No.1574
>retarded boomer
I think I'll be better off just filtering the namefag.
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424cc6 No.1637
This is not true. China has been preparing for many years now to decouple economically from the US in order to circumvent US economic pressures permanently while also economically hurting the US a bit. The US hates China on all levels and does want this, and frankly the people of the US would be willing to take the economic hit if it permanently decoupled us from China. Overall I think it would be mutually beneficial to permanently cease trading with China, as the money is just not worth the shit relationship on both ends. Though, if the US and China permanently cease trading, that would definitely remove a barrier to war and bring both nations closer to it at a faster rate than I am anticipating.
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950d0d No.1710
>>China is 1.) currently engaging in an Uighur Holocaust that is objectively more gruesome than Nazi Germany's Holocaust
>In what sense? The Holocaust has far more horror stories and gruesome tales going for it than whatever they're doing to Uyghurs. Let me know when they start gassing at least 6 million of them.
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8c492f No.1711
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a0af17 No.1736
Poison gas is far more merciful than live scooping of eyes and organs. Research more.
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84ec9d No.1740
You're getting there Joyrad, but you should also ask yourself if Zyklon B is actually capable of killing as many Jews as they claimed. There's lots of "survivor stories" about not dying despite being gassed, maybe you should think about them and wonder if maybe the Zyklon B was really designed to kill the Jews.
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a0af17 No.1772
Carbon Monoxide was also used. Zyklon was used on approximately 1 million Jews to successfully kill them. Zyklon was originally designed as a pesticide, and was merely 'enhanced' into use for mass murder.
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5ffc9d No.1801
Do you even know what a gas chamber is ? What it looks like ?
A gas chamber is a complex pressurized room with extraction systems and requiring several operators with specialized equipment to function.
All gas chambers are like that, except for the Auschwitz ones which were much simpler: a simple room with a wooden door.
Want to know why ? Because Auschwitz was not an extermination camp, it was a working camp in an industry area where Jews were not killed but kept prisonner and used to run the factories while the germans were at war.
And nobody cares about your name, drop that shit.
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a0af17 No.1812
That's just a wooden door labeled 'door to gas chamber' which you are assuming isn't mislabeled and a door to somewhere else in Auschwitz.
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bc478c No.1863
What? You can literally go to Auchwitz today and they'll take you on a tour through that room with the wooden door and tell you that's the gas chamber.
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950d0d No.1950
Yes, but how many accounts are there of that happening to Uyghurs on an industrial scale as jews claim to happen with them under Nazis? Do you have any concrete death figures on China's genocide?
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5c7423 No.1953
>and was merely 'enhanced' into use for mass murder
>the jews actually believe this
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a0af17 No.2002
I trust US lies more than Chinese deception. So I assume the 1 million Uighur in camps is an accurate figure.
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8c492f No.2022
You're a cookie monter, aren't you?
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55ead2 No.2094
>I trust this flavor of bullshit over another flavor of bullshit
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5e51e7 No.2154
How could even Hitler, if he somehow became POTUS, recover from this? He'd probably kill himself like he did when his fantasies fell apart due to poor strategy.
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bc478c No.2235
Now run that survey again without niggers dragging down our average.
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196b8b No.3156
The gas chambers were blown up so anything shown to tourists would necessarily be reconstructed.
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bbaf95 No.9024
>nationalist socialist
xixixixixixi good gweilo!
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bf48dc No.9047
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fd53ed No.9058
I really hope the US does not war with China because that also would include a war with Russia.
Consider a few facts the US media has withheld from us… Not only have the Russians caught up militarily with the US, China is on pace of doing the same and faster than our government would ever like to admit. We already have troops dying for ZOG wars in the Middle East…. America is more divided than ever before today on top of all that. We already have massive political division in the US…. if we go to war with either China or Russia – which now hold mutual military alliance – the US is toast. Not to say the world wouldn't suffer too, it would rain nukes all over, and the world would be left in shambles having to re-populate and rebuild and avoid massive hot spots of nuclear radiation for the next thousand years. It would be a disaster no one (((except the super rich who have money to throw underground))) would win.
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dc7b42 No.9060
Most of us aren't interested in a war with China. 99% of us (Americans) are using "Made in China" products right now. Like, right now. The people reading this post are guaranteed to be using a product made in China. A war with China would cripple us. It's best we remain allies against a common enemy.
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0a942f No.9125
>WWIII will be US versus China
We already know this.
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ff2c87 No.10178
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ff2c87 No.10181
Ask yourselves, how did the EU go from pic related to this?
>World upside down as EU and Russia [and China] unite against US [over Iran oil deals and Russia's 'Nord Stream 2' pipeline into Germay]
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525fbf No.40581
Bumping to save an endangered thread from low-effort spam attempt.
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4d6717 No.40590
Zeihan is a pentagon shill. He is white propaganda for a dying America. The IQ gap between China and America is staggering. He's talking about people buying pants and sunglasses for crying out loud. Only the most deluded capitalist goy slaves can't actually see this for what it is.
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4d6717 No.40591
They've done more than catch up – they are ahead of the US in critical technologies. It's hard for Americans to understand this because they only see the very expensive, very obvious tools of their military, like aircraft carriers, designed explicitly to support their almost exclusively maritime trade parasitism.
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1d4911 No.40597
Nazi germany never wanted to take over the world. You need to check your facts first buddy.
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471746 No.40707
It's curious the amount of pro-China shilling that has occurred on this board since Corona-chan reared her head.
America (and the West) are rotting but China was rotten from the beginning. No amount of "critical technologies" will prevent the CCP from collapsing under it's own corrupt, incompetent weight. ICBMs and satellites did jackshit to prevent Soviet Union disintegration under similar circumstances.
China doesn't have the "very expensive, very obvious tools" to prevent the US from pulling the rug out from under them (and it's one comfortable rug). Knock aircraft carriers all you want but force projection's a real thing and I can guarantee the CCP wouldn't say no to 12 or so manned and operating supercarriers it'd need in order to put real offensive pressure on the US or at the very least keep crucial shipping lanes (far from China) open when America decides it no longer needs to be the world's policeman.
>maritime trade parasitism
The opposite is easier to argue. The US has one of the world's lowest trade-to-GDP ratios at around 27%. One third of that is with Canada and Mexico. In other words, non-North American US trade-to-GDP ratio is about 18% which stands in contrast to the world trade-to-GDP ratio of 59% or even the G20 trade-to-GDP ratio of 54%. This at the same time the the global average for military expenditure as percentage of GDP is 2.14% while for the US it sits at 3.16%. In conjunction with US post-WWII foreign policy modus operandi of global trade liberalism, this means the world disproportionately relies on the US for global trade security rather than the other way around.
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4d6717 No.40713
Thanks for clocking in.
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709528 No.40745
intellectuals from eastern blocs of Soviet Union said exactly the same thing just like you
people open their society, follow the open market's rule, open borders etc
means convince indigenous people that working together for their own group-interest is morally wrong
Instead pressure on indigenous people to work for out-groups interest such as multinational corporation, banks, total strangers like Jews
So multinational corporation, banks, total strangers like Jews can looting indigenous people
human have biological instincts in brains distinguish in-group and out-group for self preservation
its natural thing to do people live with similar people and form closed society
Because its key to self-preservation, gain wealth and power for themselves
Entire Jewish history and their success in west due to being extremely closed society prove itself
you have to said that indigenous people must prefer "open society"
because you are totally outsider want looting and destroy other people
being harmful parasite is your nature
you must understand that current western countries fill with outsiders, mercenary, traitors, degenerate who don't want deadly war
white men don't have backbone to fight because you made them as perfect cattle
World Against Han-Chinese won't happen for reasons of open society people don't trust each other more than Han-Chinese
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9f48f4 No.40797
Reporting in sergeant nigger.
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9394ac No.40803
>Well written and thought out response
>Ya well, you're just a shill CIA nigger
Nicely done.
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8e9edc No.40816
Sage because necrobumping worthless threads is what cuckchanners do.
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b8a57d No.40895
Nostradamus predicted WW3 is gonna be giant muslim group like ISIS^(10) conquering Europe from mediterreanan area, at the same time US will be under second domestic war, Trump is gonna get reelected and later assasinated. I believe him more than the bullshit OP wrote up here
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6c4c88 No.40922
LMAO you really sound upset, Dave.
>you need to be banned from internet
Are you the source of the DDOS?
>The Jews hating China
Have to agree. World Jewry hates China mainly because its racial and cultural homogeneity is relatively impervious to Jewish culture-distortion. Brown vs. Board of Education? Ain't happening. 1965-style immigration act? Neither is that. Tolerance for feminist and LGBTFQ toddlerish temper tantrums? Forget it. Same reasons Russia is hated. It's no wonder they're uniting more and more against the West. Really makes me wonder if China hasn't been germ warfared by the CIA or one of its proxies or U.S. (((allies))) based on China's "threat to democracy."
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8e9edc No.40924
>World Jewry hates China
You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about jews or China.
>mainly because its racial and cultural homogeneity
Doesn’t exist. You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about China.
>is relatively impervious to Jewish culture-distortion
You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about who founded communist China.
>Same reasons Russia is hated
You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about Russia.
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6e2b34 No.40935
>World Jewry hates China
Because the jews exploit the chinese and have high positions in the government?
>its racial and cultural homogeneity
Destroyed in the cultural revolution, nigger.
You do know China is an artificial state like Yugoslavia was with all kinds of ethnicities and religions? That's why it's so huge. It's just like in India.
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6e2b34 No.40938
Here's an Uyghur. They are Turks in China. Look at that nose. Just like the jew. I have a feeling they are similar.
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6c4c88 No.40942
>Because the jews exploit the chinese and have high positions in the government?
>Destroyed in the cultural revolution, nigger.
No, it replaced its culture with another, nigger. This wasn't 100% either, as the Chinese fascination with eating live animals, bats, dogs and other disgusting tastes remains, nigger.
>You do know China is an artificial state like Yugoslavia was with all kinds of ethnicities and religions?
You mean those they consider subhuman, right, nigger?
Like this. Right, nigger?
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e60ed6 No.40943
They are similar. I have disliked the Uygers since the EU gave them permanent residence with no questions asked and access to all of Sweden last year.
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e60ed6 No.40945
I know one of you fags will ask so here is the link:
> The Swedish government will be opening the doors to China’s persecuted Uyghur Muslims and allow them to claim asylum in the country.
>The decision was made this week by the Swedish Migration Board to ease up the regulations for Uyghur Muslims claiming asylum in Sweden saying that they, along with other persecuted Muslims, would be welcome, Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio reports.
>Carl Bexelius, Deputy Legal Chief at the Migration Board, expanded on the reasons for the move saying, “What we have seen is that it is rather far-reaching state repression, where one can seize and detain persons without actual criminal charges. You are placed in what is described as retraining camp. This happens arbitrarily.”
>The move could have real consequences for Sweden, a country of 10.2 million people by 2018 estimates, due to the fact that the Uyghur population in China is estimated to be up to 11 million people, according to Chinese state statistics.
>Over the last year, the Chinese government has severely cracked down on Uyghur Muslims in its western Xinjiang region where up to a million people are believed to have been detained and sent to “re-education” camps across the region.
>In 2015, Sweden took in only a fraction of a million people, around 163,000 asylum claims, which amounted to a cost of around 600 billion Swedish kronor (£48.3 billion), or 14 times the annual defence budget.
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6c4c88 No.40949
>You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about jews or China.
Please enlighten me, Benjamin.
>Doesn’t exist. You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about China.
You must be upset. People who are tend to repeat themselves.
>You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about who founded communist China.
Like a broken record.
China reverse engineers everything then puts its own, uniquely Chinese stamp of mediocrity on it. Their brand of communism is no different.
>You know absolutely nothing whatsoever about Russia.
Wow you really are mad.
But okay you're right, Jews really don't hate Russia, kek.
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2e2699 No.40977
>you’re a jew because you don’t worship jews and their puppets
Kill yourself, thanks. Go back to cuckchan and spam your jewish bullshit there. We don’t have to put up with your spam day in and day out.
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6c4c88 No.41099
Your little infaggraphic proves nothing about present-day Jews having "high position in the government," motherfucker. The Soviet Union began with tons of Jews in "high position" and ended with few. Nice deflection though. When I have time I'll dig up tons of Jews currently shilling against China just as they now shill against muh Russia, you ignorant fuck.
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6c4c88 No.41123
Oh yeah:
Get fucked.
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6c4c88 No.41132
Serious question: are you that faggot from 8ch who thought he could constantly switch IPs to make it appear as if everyone agrees with him? Sure as hell write like it.
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2e2699 No.41141
>proves nothing
wew lad, you’re done
>When I have time
Read: I have no argument and was exposed.
>triple posting
Oh boy, someone’s severely ass blasted about being proven wrong. Go take a nap, kiddo.
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6c4c88 No.41169
Here's one for you, you son of a drug-addled whore:
>Soros: Xi Jinping is the 'most dangerous opponent' to open society
>He pointed out that China is not the only authoritarian regime in the world, but he noted that it's the most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
>"This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of those who believe in the concept of open society," Soros said.
>While his speech concentrated mostly on China, Soros noted that open societies have “many more enemies,” most notably Putin’s Russia.
Now get back in your cage you rabid, Jew-shilling dog.
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8e9edc No.41192
>by exposing jewish control of the world you are shilling for jews
You have failed.
>…it's the most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence. "This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of those who believe in the concept of open society," Soros said.
<oy vey jews hate surveillance states
<they say so
<therefore it’s true
<the West isn’t a surveillance state, by the way
This is what a paid jewish shill looks like.
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6c4c88 No.41214
>>by exposing jewish control of the world you are shilling for jews
My original point was Jews are shilling against China and Russia and was told, by you, I believe, I "know nothing whatsoever" about Jews with respect to China or Russia. I gave you one example. There are others such as what's been going on in Hong Kong. This has not been disproved, so you're the one who has failed.
>oy vey world jewry isn't trying to undermine China through a Hong Kong uprising backed by worly jewry
<oy vey jews hate surveillance states
<they say so
<therefore it’s true
<the West isn’t a surveillance state, by the way
Nice mischaracterization. Of course the West is a surveillance state. It's the kind of surveillance state Jews like. Soros is lamenting China's because it's obvious to him subverting it with Jews and proponents of Jewish values will prove difficult.
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2261a4 No.41303
America is a nigger tranny militarized police state that exists solely so jews can print trillions of dollars out of thin air and ship it off to Israel while spreading globohomo nigger tranny propaganda to every healthy culture in the world.
America is a cancer upon the universe that must be extirpated at all costs, by any means necessary.
China and Russia aren't even on the same scale of evil and dysfunction. The only thing Americans still have are the rapidly dwindling spoils of the past. The future does not belong to your nigger tranny failed syphilization.
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66943f No.41734
How can the US and China fight a war against each other, if China's population is dying from a bioengineered race flu?
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ee516d No.41737
China has numbers, but their downfall would be their laziness. They just don't care of things. I'm willing to be that most of their weapons and vehicles would end up falling apart in the middle of the war. This mentality seems to be there across society. If someone has a broken bicycle, they just toss it. Same with computers, cars, etc.. They can't even manage their own buildings and city infrastructure.
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dc7b42 No.41743
How many people do you think have died? If even a billion Chinese people die, they will still outnumber Americans 10 to 1.
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edfbb7 No.41746
There have been no "holocausts" only slave labor camps. And every country has them, even the US does when you take one glance at the prison industrial complex that puts prisoners to work and pays them next to nothing in return. All governments do this.
If a hot war were waged between the US and China the world would pick sides and get involved too, and it would end in the destruction of the global economy as we know it. It would also devastate the world with mass destruction to which would take decades of work to repair.
Socialism is just one step behind communism. Capitalism is just one step behind socialism.
Economic boom and bust cycle is all it really ever was and will be. Capitalism being the boom, communism being the bust and everything in-between the boom and bust is endless helicopter money from central banks, mass debt insolvency, mass deficits, big debt bubbles, governmental intervention in the markets, subsidies and bailouts (socialism < we are here).
>They can't even manage their own buildings and city infrastructure.
Take a closer look at the Western world and you'll see the same epitome of corruption and incompetence now happening.
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ee516d No.41747
One other thing, China has a smaller nuke stockpile than even France. That should tell you something: They don't even WANT all out war, nor have they prepared for one. In addition to the small stockpile, they only have two aircraft carriers. And like I said above about their inherent laziness and inability to take care of their property, I wouldn't be surprised if that shit fell apart soon enough too.
The small armaments in general however just tell me that they want to be left alone, and focus on more subtle offensives. They build enough just to deter invaders, and then try to screw everyone in other ways.
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ee516d No.41751
>Take a closer look at the Western world and you'll see the same epitome of corruption and incompetence now happening.
I think that's true for many in government, but not the military per se. Even the average marine has a love affair with his rifle.
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000000 No.43869
>Holohoax is real
>Uighur Holohoax is real
>Please fight China for me, goy
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e680c8 No.45534
>I believe many US corporate leaders are fed up with China stealing secrets and not playing by the rules,
Wtf are you talking about? People were talking on the internet about the chinks stealing corporate secrets as early in the 90s but guess what, the corporate directors of that time thought that the short term profit of hiring chink engineers to rock bottom wages was preferrable (my stock options are doing great, yay!) to the long term view of having intact IP portfolios and less competition. Even USGOV hires chinks to do weapons reserarch and act surprised when the chinks funnel everything they learn back to china. Chinky has not only the entire set of data for the F-35 but also designs for the american nuclear arsenal. They also have copied the mk 48 torpedo. All this happened because white christian american boomers thought that cheap insourced labour was the single greatest thing ever.
Now, 20+ years later, we have a new generation of corporate director morons who have difficulty cashing in on their stock options because the chinks have caught up and surpassed american consumer products. I remember when Hewlett-Packard morphed from an american made american designed brand to a plastic sticker on something made in China. The american sheeple of the 90's and 00's kept bleating about how "the chinks are never going to produce a quality product" or "the chinks can only do cheap shit". Now we have Huawei being the world leader in mobile telecommunications with americans a distant third. Its just a matter of time until Apple and Googles mobile platforms are outcompeted and wrecked by chink competition. R&D costs money, money that the idiot white christian american boomer directors thought were better spent on stock buyback so that they could maximize the profit on their stock options. But muh economic theories! Written by jews to facilitate easier looting of the host nation, idiot boomer.
As for the lame freedom of navigation operations, nobody cares. The chinks seize a fucking reef from some brown third world savages and turn it into a fortress and the USN shits its pants because the chinks did it before them. A fortified reef is an entirely defensive operation, it isnt going to sail away somewhere to spread freedom.
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e680c8 No.45543
>By 2030, the Chinese will average 42 years old while the US will only average 39. As the Chinese run out of surplus labor, they are going to find themselves out of young workers and consumers.
The chinese demographic situtation is much better than the american or european situation, because the younger chinese generation is entirely chinese and not 44% chinese and 56% nigger and spic. The average IQ of young chinks is 12-15 points above the IQ of young americans. Who do you think is fucked most in the 2040s, china with a smaller high quality population or america with a brazilian tier demographic?
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e680c8 No.45545
>Because the jews exploit the chinese and have high positions in the government?
Show me a jew in a high position in the present day chink government.
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e680c8 No.45552
Decoupling China from America has the potential to lead to the world decoupling from the american dollar. That would lead to hyperinflation runaway in America as all these foreign dollars come back. Over 90% of all dollars in circulation is in circulation outside the USA. If they arent needed anymore, they will be sold for something useful, and the price of dollar will drop and drop and drop and the price of oh-so-necessary outsourced import wares will go trough the roof. It wont lead to reindustrialization since the necessary component of an industrial society - namely intelligent people - does not exist above the critical treshold anymore in America. Jew-pushed white dysgenics, racial mixing, shitskin immigration and shitskin birth rates have permanently killed any american chance of reindustrialization. You can be as industrialized as Brazil if you wish, but forget going beyond that. The military-industrial complex is the prioritized industrial core of America, and it cant develop working products anymore because lack of engineering talent. Instead it produces upgraded rehashes of existing products. That is a really bad sign, a really really bad sign - if you are an american. Meanwhile, the chinks shit out new advanced wapons systems over and over again.
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e680c8 No.45555
>America (and the West) are rotting but China was rotten from the beginning. No amount of "critical technologies" will prevent the CCP from collapsing under it's own corrupt, incompetent weight. ICBMs and satellites did jackshit to prevent Soviet Union disintegration under similar circumstances.
China does not need critical technologies to topple the west. It just need to drop some money on western internal dissidents, and then guns and ammo when the internal cold war in the west goes hot. The chinks will need to develop the skills necessary to distinguish between false jew-avoiding cuckservatives and native white led jew-aware nationalists, and since they are aliens it will take some time, but the payback on a very small investment will be immense as the china-hostile western economic and political elites are ripped apart from below. This is the Sun Tzu approach.
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9394ac No.45556
Good points here but a lot of reads like chink demoralization propaganda. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
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9394ac No.45558
>permanently killed any american chance of reindustrialization
Hmm looks like I was right. Definitely demoralization shilling going on here. Nothing is impossible shlomo. Your day will come soon enough. America still has enough whites and enough power to bounce back. It doesn't take much when you are white to do that but what would you know? But sure, talk about your (((critical threshold))). Talk about how it's a hopeless situation and we should just die like good goyim.
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e680c8 No.45593
>Hmm looks like I was right. Definitely demoralization shilling going on here. Nothing is impossible shlomo. Your day will come soon enough. America still has enough whites and enough power to bounce back. It doesn't take much when you are white to do that but what would you know? But sure, talk about your (((critical threshold))). Talk about how it's a hopeless situation and we should just die like good goyim.
>Good points here but a lot of reads like chink demoralization propaganda. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
I'm writing out stuff exactly as it happened and you whine about muh feelings like an oppressed pink haired bodypositive 250 pound 5'1" SJW activist. I hereby revoke your whiteman status.
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0b1814 No.45639
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>45534
>when self-proclaimed marxists have more a future despite their perpetual failures and communist incompetence solely because they stick with their own race instead of virtue signaling tolerance
A sufficiently degenerated civilization is indistinguishable from parody. The modern West is last decades' comedy.
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3b1646 No.45656
This one is much better.
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3b1646 No.45658
>The modern West is last decades' comedy
I was timing it at 8 years from joke to reality.
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000000 No.45668
The only important thing is to keep killing jews. Anything else is secondary to that. If a war is started, seize the opportunity to kill jews and blame it on the war.
All women go to hell when they die, anon.
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07abf6 No.45701
if all jews disappeared tomorrow the european world would still be dealing with the repercussions of 19th century liberalism. jews just took advantage of the circumstances but, liberalism and big government is what needs to be eradicated.
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51d12f No.45773
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d1515c No.45787
>Demographic situation is better in China than the US due to a higher percentage of high IQ people in China and shrinking percentage of high IQ people in the US.
Assuming the Chinese aren't lying about their high IQ claim, - a big if - it takes more than just a high IQ population to compete internationally in the modern era.
Modern development requires huge amounts of available capital as well, something which due to an aging demographic, China is poised to have a whole lot less of compared to the US. By 2040, China's going to have more old people than young people which basically kills their ability to collect capital in bulk for use in development projects >>45534 and this is why you won't see China competing with the US in advanced technology in the future (and certainly not overtaking it).
Essentially, old people take money out of the system in order to survive off whereas middle age people put money into the system for savings. If the majority of Chinese are withdrawing savings then there's going to be no capital for development and China will stagnate (like Japan). This is in contrast to the US which will have more young people than old and though a bunch of them won't be white, it doesn't matter from a capital perspective.
>Decoupling of the world from the USD leading to hyperinflation in the US
That would only happen if the rest of the world remains stable. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it won't. As the US withdraws from the world, all the conflicts it has been keeping smothered with money, market access, and force will emerge.
- Russia vs. Europe
- Turkey vs. Russia
- Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
These conflicts will heavily impact the available energy globally which will create other conflicts.
- China vs. Japan
- Oil piracy (even state-sponsored) may become a major aspect of shipping oil.
Because of the sheer amount of conflict and uncertainty around the world, the demand for stable currency such as USD will remain high and so the likelihood of hyperinflation from USD flooding back into the US is low.
>China does not need critical technologies to topple the west.
China CAN'T topple the West. It's program of buying up Western media to push their propaganda requires capital which, as established previously, they soon won't have enough of to simply splurge on a Hollywood production house or video game publishing company. They'll be stretched and have to consider some difficult questions like, "Can we really continue to afford propagandizing the West when our internal security forces don't have enough rubber bullets and jumper cables to keep more than 1 billion dissatisfied people in line?" Also, Westerners are becoming conscious of a multitude of things they don't like about the Chinese:
- effect of Chinese manipulations in their entertainment
- Chinese treatment of Uyghurs (I know most of the folks here don't care about this but middle and upperclass normalfags do)
- Coronavirus revealing questionable Chinese hygiene standards and horrible treatment of animals
This basically counteracts their propaganda efforts making their Western media purchases pointless.
And forget this retarded notion that China would arm dissidents in Western nations and particularly in the US.
1) The US is nowhere near unstable enough for that to make any sense.
2) The sheer amount of destruction the US can rain down on any nation capable (let alone stupid) enough to try something like this is enough is to make every national government in the world essentially craft it's foreign policy around overwhelming American dominance. (Fun fact: after watching the US absolutely obliterate Iraq in 2003, Muammar Gadaffi of Libya plain old gave up his country's WMD program without a fight and without anything in return.)
The only way the West falls is like Rome, under it's own weight.
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dac6e1 No.45840
>China is by far the adversary I am least worried about. They're big, stupid, unsubtle, and awful at actually fighting wars.
Big mistake….. They had most of our politician in the west compromise or bought off. Silent war are even more deadly and effective than conventional war.
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2a15b8 No.45884
Albert pike be like
>ww1 prediction = O
>ww2 prediction = O
>ww3 prediction = X
>commence plan B in 3, 2, ..
Thank trump for butchering that freemason general for almost starting a war orchestrated by those 'co-'freemasons'' that they are. Now you're goibg to claim its US vs CCP, lmao.
Not working by the design blueprint? Masons?
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2a15b8 No.45885
Uyghurs are the next ISIS, they just want the US to establish mil presence around china, CIA plan all along
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9394ac No.45929
You can't revoke my whiteman status since you are not white yourself. Good effort though. Honestly, I can't tell if you are a chink or kike at this point. Doesn't matter, hang yourself anyway faggot. I'm not buying your demoralization. Your pathetic attempt to attack me by calling me an SJW is only further proof that you are a shill.
The west is in a low point right now. No doubt about it, but the future still belongs to whites and always will. If we could live to see the future 200-300 years from know you'll know I'm right. In fact I can prove I am right. The reason why whites are so aggressively attacked and demoralized is because the future belongs to whites. The jews know this. The chinks know this. It's taken trillions of dollars and global powers to reach the point we are today. That's saying something. If you want to buy into the demoralization, go for it. You can die first with the rest of the scum.
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9394ac No.45930
Also if you knew anything about China you'd know it's far from ethnically homogeneous. Not like that matters anyway since the core values of their dominant race are lying, cheating, and backstabbing. Race is important, and I hate to sound like a kike but it's actually not everything. Whites succeeded as a society because they had the proper values with the proper race. Think of it this way. Imagine if China was white? Now you'll see why again the future is not theirs.
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e680c8 No.45984
>Assuming the Chinese aren't lying about their high IQ claim, - a big if - it takes more than just a high IQ population to compete internationally in the modern era.
Wrong, if you dont have an high IQ population you cant compete at all.
>Modern development requires huge amounts of available capital as well, something which due to an aging demographic, China is poised to have a whole lot less of compared to the US.
The chinks arent crippled by christianity, they wont spend shitloads of public money keeping old chinks alive if it means sacrificing their younger generations. Your entire line of reasoning is flawed because you disregard racial and cultural fundamenta.
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e680c8 No.45986
>and this is why you won't see China competing with the US in advanced technology in the future (and certainly not overtaking it).
China has already overtaken the US in key advanced tech sectors. Since you americans masterbuate so much to images of your weaponry, have you taken a look at the lineup of chink hypersonic surface to surface missiles? A type of weapon that is totally absent from the american arsenal. The chink cycle of knowledge acqusition goes as this: steal, copy, improve. You think they are still stuck at stage 1 while they are at stage 3.
>Essentially, old people take money out of the system in order to survive off whereas middle age people put money into the system for savings. If the majority of Chinese are withdrawing savings then there's going to be no capital for development and China will stagnate (like Japan). This is in contrast to the US which will have more young people than old and though a bunch of them won't be white, it doesn't matter from a capital perspective.
This is totally demented boomer tier reasoning. Capital does not invent. People do. And with the average young american in 2040 being a shit tier third world turdskin with a 1200 cc brain, it wont be much invention done in the US. Old chinks selling their shares in companies does not mean that companies are starved from R&D capital, that is taken from income, not from stock expansion. And the chink government can chuck money at R&D as well.
You americans have to realize that you have been had and totally drained by the eternal jew. You never had a chance being rootless mutts following a jewish made slave religion programming you with slave morals. You are the lost and the damned because you refuse to recognize your ancestors follies and break with them.
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e680c8 No.45987
>That would only happen if the rest of the world remains stable. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, it won't. As the US withdraws from the world, all the conflicts it has been keeping smothered with money, market access, and force will emerge.
Yes, and that is necessary because these conflicts needs to be resolved. America have intentionally propped up organized crime societies like Albania, Kosovo and Israel and destabilized its european slave-allies in order to preserve its position as #1.
>- Russia vs. Europe
The russians cant wait to export more oil and gas to self-sabotaging green energy europe. The germans, the dutch, the english, the danes, they all scream for russian gas and oil. With "enemies" like Germany and Sweden, Russia needs no friends, just a large vault for its money. America utterly hates the idea of Russia selling hydrocarbons to Europe.
>- Turkey vs. Russia
Turkey is a non-issue in the long term because the 80 IQ highly antisocial kurds aka mountain turks are taking over Turkey demographnically. Kurds cant build functional societies.
>- Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
Niggers vs niggers
>These conflicts will heavily impact the available energy globally which will create other conflicts.
No they wont. It will be passive agressive 3rd party proxy warfare.
>- China vs. Japan
Whats the driving factor here? There is no profit for either side in doing war.
>- Oil piracy (even state-sponsored) may become a major aspect of shipping oil.
Piracy is a non issue since it takes so little to achieve total naval primacy against third world rabble. You dont need much to outgun a bunch of somali niggers operating from an 8 knot wooden hulled dhow.
>Because of the sheer amount of conflict and uncertainty around the world, the demand for stable currency such as USD will remain high and so the likelihood of hyperinflation from USD flooding back into the US is low.
The value of the USD stems from its enforced use and not from any innate value in using the dollar. You might as well use the currency of a modern industrialized nation since it is backed by tangible items.
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e680c8 No.45989
>China CAN'T topple the West.
It has to because "the West" is really the front man of the global jewish bankster mafia who the chinks wisely do not let inside China. They are going to keep harassing and sabotaging China until either China submits to slavery or the jew banksters are physically exterminated.
The chink strategy is straight out of Sun Tzu, first you make yourself invulnerable, then you go to war. China will spend all its energy making itself stronger until it is too big for the Jew World Order's chief enforcer America to surround and blockade. Then it will go on the offensive, and per Sun Tzu, the greatest feat is to defeat the enemy without having a war, and also from Sun Tzu, you need to know both your enemy and yourself if you wish to be certain of victory. The chinks are presently in stage 1 - making yourself invulnerable.
When the chinks go on the offensive they wont do it by buying western media companies (jews wont sell them anyway), they dont need to do it, all they need to do is to promote and offer online platforms that arent censored outside China. Look at all the grassroots anti-jew NWO dissent on the internet, its self-funded by lone individuals on shoestring budgets and dropping a tiny amount of money would increase the dissident noise levels 10x.
Then once the dissent has become great enough, drop money and weaponry on internal opposition groups and watch western democracy blow itself up. Attacking the rot at the source kills everything that threatens China, it kills christian evangelizers (aka judaicizers, jew mind formatters), it kills the idea of western democracy as an ideal political system, it kills all the SJW woke shit, it kills western jewonomic theories which basically are jewish bankster desinformation, it even physically kills the jewish bankster financial vultures etc etc. Its Chinas golden arrow that cant miss.
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e680c8 No.45993
>And forget this retarded notion that China would arm dissidents in Western nations and particularly in the US.
>1) The US is nowhere near unstable enough for that to make any sense.
The US will be a great deal more unstable in the future because american society is disintegrating genetically, socially and physically. Even if the american government can prevent an internal insurrection in CONUS it does not mean that it can prevent its allies from falling one and another to chink sponsored kinetic regime change. Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands etc.. all are easy pickings due to judeoamerican short sighted social sabotage.
>2) The sheer amount of destruction the US can rain down on any nation capable (let alone stupid) enough to try something like this is enough is to make every national government in the world essentially craft it's foreign policy around overwhelming American dominance. (Fun fact: after watching the US absolutely obliterate Iraq in 2003, Muammar Gadaffi of Libya plain old gave up his country's WMD program without a fight and without anything in return.)
Libyans are 20% nigger and 80% shitskin. They cant do technical developement so that WMD program was just meaningless empty fluff. I havent seen America rain down destruction on a country that can shoot back. War is not so fun if you lose 100 million dollar fighter jets daily.
>The only way the West falls is like Rome, under it's own weight.
Rome fell from losing its genetic base and becoming infected with jewish subversive ideas. Guess what? Its happening again to a country near you.
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d6f333 No.46367
The Chinese Communist Party is waging war on America. WWIII is the war between Communist China and The United States.
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