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TORfags are on timeout. Let's be honest, it doesnt protect youy anyway

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f94ffd  No.81035

Has anyone other than the 1,292 and growing seen the new episode by Murdoch Murdoch? I know it's a general precaution to simply watch late 2015 / early 2016 Murdoch Murdoch for the full experience. But, this episode is kind of a "Humor-bone" episode like Nice Guy National Socialist.

Here is the plot synopsis.

>Murdoch Chan and Murdoch are unconcerned about the virus, Murdoch has Coronavirus and doesn't mind it one bit

>Doctor Murdoch is super worried about the virus and wears an air-tight suit and rubs hand sanitizer on himself from time to time.

>Murdoch realizes Coronavirus killed all the boomers and finally gets his dream job at Cartoon Network.

Thats about all I'll spoil for now. Enjoy the episode and stay safe.



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f4e13c  No.81054


oh shit

> Mein Coof

my fucking sides

I watched it

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f4da12  No.81103

spoiler: it's the toilet paper

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8e1760  No.81126

Will 8kun get enough traction to make discussion really good and frequent once again? 4chan's /pol/ is absolute garbage tier right now but a lot of the oldfags stay there out of pure spite.

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