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File: 3088b11e288ca09⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 423x640, 423:640, THE_MARK_OF_THE_BEAST.jpg)

File: a4c7566c32e9697⋯.jpg (504.91 KB, 850x567, 850:567, SavvySocial_CashlessSociet….jpg)

c03bce  No.80797

A cashless society could be a powerful weapon for an authoritarian regime. In an authoritarian regime without money you would need to use violent force to suppress deviants but in a cashless society you could simply restrict their access to for instance, for instance, you could target people with heritable diseases by restricting their access to cash until they get sterilized. You could make entire groups of people societal outcasts extremely easy.

The only problem I see is services like bitcoin; I believe the entire philosophy of cryptocurrencies is that a cashless society is inevitable and they want to ensure the government doesn't have that level of power over it's citizens.

I think a cashless society is a good thing for us but it could be used against us easily.

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509c2b  No.80870

File: e7d1d4fe2ca6538⋯.jpg (23.62 KB, 342x256, 171:128, bitcoin_israel.jpg)


Disagree, specially with bitcoin/cryptos. A decentralized money system which can easily be used anonymously, which they cannot control like fiat and generate infinite amounts of whenever they feel like it breaks their hold over governments and government's hold over people.

For example, what exactly is US government gonna do when US Petrodollar has collapsed and people are using Moneros to do business with bad goys like Iran and Palestine? Jackshit.

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04b2fe  No.80877

File: 6b8aa8d9cecb6a3⋯.png (350.17 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, FC10EE1D_E6BF_407F_B246_8B….png)

Satoshi Nakamoto likely isn’t even a real person + all evidence points to the IMF developing bitcoin as a live experiment in crypto. BC won’t be the ultimate global e-currency (distributed ledger too clunky and time consuming) but it will probably be remembered as the best prototype.

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a2dd80  No.81079


A system like that will not be allowed to exist. The new global currency will be completely subverted and the system designed to ensure anonymity will instead serve as a permanent ledger for identification on an individual basis. The money supply (as protocol no. 20 part 23 lays out) will be regulated by taking into account births and deaths, digital currencies will make this process far simple that it would have otherwise been, it is the perfect system for them.

As >>80877 states crypto as it exists now is a proof of concept, an experiment before the final rollout of the actual global currency.

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