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39463f  No.7928[Last 50 Posts]

>"Live Chat is Disabled for this Stream"

So far repubs have voted to adjourn and then introduced a resolution condemning actions by Nadler and Schiff et al. Now on vote to table resolution against Schiff.

Strat is going to be going on stamina, making all members stay for every vote. It seems.

Attrition is a valid strategy.

Next move after the table probably passes is to strike all negative mentions and personal attacks against the president from the record.

This is going to be a trollfest. repubs already seem the know the rules better. Your thoughts?

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39463f  No.7955

Walorski can get it for sure.

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39463f  No.7969

repubs yield time to dems on opening statements and so letting a string of dems talk thus diluting their message

wasserman Schultz has milky eyes

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39463f  No.7995

Pelosi has some tired horseshit

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39463f  No.8003

Collins comeing out swinging!. why are dems so low energy?

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ebc7bf  No.8022


>why are dems so low energy?

Because deep down inside even they don't believe their shit

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39463f  No.8062


why don't they study acting. The Dems speakers are all very very lame. They should job and build their lungs up, be able to speak without so many pauses. Repubs are the better orators and arguers so far.

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c51edc  No.8075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only livestream with a live chat sidebar. yw


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ebc7bf  No.8076

Kek the demonkikes keep sucking on the constitution while trampling it everywhere else. They never cared about it before.

And they never provide any evidence. Kek how it suddenly changed tack from muh ukraine to 'ignoring requests for information to self incriminate'. Get rekt faggets.

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3d283a  No.8106

Hysterical entertainment we have going on here. I guess I'll check it out soon while I grab a bite to eat.

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379a04  No.8113

One thing I fucking hate about all this is how every single one of these cocksuckers is heavily influenced by Israeli interests to the point they don't even try to hide it (obviously this includes the president as well), yet somehow a phone call between a supposedly, according to their own words, russian controlled president and what should, in that case, be his enemy in the Ukraine brings the whole thing tumbling down.

The entire DC area needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.

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39463f  No.8134

One guy just did his whole bit in Spanish. D-California.

that will give two seats alone.

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000000  No.8140

Make a list of who voted to impeach Trump in both the House and the Senate. We will not forget.

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ebc7bf  No.8144

File: 1ae4180970f3ab4⋯.png (2.93 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

LOL WTF is up with the picture? Kek is it a metaphor for the demonkikes?

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ebc7bf  No.8146

File: 964e64dc8024f61⋯.png (145.59 KB, 440x515, 88:103, oy vey kikes.png)


Nice bait, kikeposter.

Too bad many anons know about Syria and how your ISISraeli mercs got assfucked and how god emperor did nothing but token actions for your kvetching about da gas holohoax multiple times and fooled you. Must be sour cunts.

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72c231  No.8177

File: 9b45546cea8c308⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1232x5988, 308:1497, imkikey eternally btfo.png)


>god emperor

This is Imkikey, here to pathetically attempt to craft consensus towards his own shitskin, cryptojudaic toothless and brainless version of /pol/

I thought I smelled your stench creeping up in other threads, but this confirms it. You will never gain power here again, you turkroach faggot. You had your chance and you shit the bed.

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ebc7bf  No.8180


>Zogposter accuses everyone of being kikeroach

You don't change one bit do you? Same tactics for the last year.

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72c231  No.8181

File: fe5c9081b8ca240⋯.jpg (34.94 KB, 368x480, 23:30, 1573781586599-2.jpg)


>You don't change one bit do you? Same tactics for the last year.

The absolute irony of this statement.

Screech and shit your diaper all you want, everybody knows you for what you are now.

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ebc7bf  No.8185


Because you can't disprove the facts of the Syrian war you screech and try derail with your fantasy turkroach, imkikey

Take your meds, faggot

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72c231  No.8186

File: b87f177feedd809⋯.png (223.47 KB, 500x472, 125:118, b87.png)


>Take your meds

At least try to deviate from your speech patterns when you try to babboozle the people here with your faggotry.

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39463f  No.8187

File: 19c55a0f59c86f8⋯.jpg (134.21 KB, 1000x816, 125:102, gahools grandfather.jpg)


kinda having a thread about the livestream

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ebc7bf  No.8189



Very true.

<demonkikes continue to ignore witness evidence hours later

<demonkikes continue to use emotive language and reference the constitution that they hate when it suits them

They basically used the same pasta for 3 hours

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39463f  No.8191


"I didn't come to congress to impeach the president" at least six times I've heard that pasta

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ebc7bf  No.8204


And all of a sudden they are not calling the founding fathers wayyciss

>Alexander Hamilton said in Federalist #65

<ignores the liberty tree quote

>my parents came here as immigrants

>muh rule of law

<while they fight to destroy the law for their pet shitskins

>Muh constitution

<which before was wayyycisss and hate speech


If you glorious faggets can catalog the times of the same shit they say I'll make a collaboration of them.

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13de9c  No.8205




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ebc7bf  No.8206


>It hates being ignored so it samefags

You are as predictable as the demonkikes and the spaghetti falling out of their pockets

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13de9c  No.8215


>everyone who exposes me is the same person

Hi, imkikey! Welcome back! Literally the exact same posts as always! Kill yourself!

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ebc7bf  No.8233

They just killed the stream so you have to refresh it, then chat is disabled on refresh. Sneaky kikes. Just as 5k people jump on the stream too.

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ebc7bf  No.8234

Asses and elgoys is back it seems.

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39463f  No.8246

File: 5ab4495fd8ab810⋯.jpg (103.64 KB, 500x500, 1:1, all fiive sense are import….jpg)

Dems didn't do a second draft. so many speeches have poor word choice or over use certain words.

Madison and Hamilton brought up correctly and then mis quoted by dems. Dems have to fk the funk while repubs bringing fire.

One repub talked about presidential excesses by dem presidents since FDR.

Sad that most people don't have the time to watch the whole thing.

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ebc7bf  No.8277

Missed the end did they vote it in to get btfo later or get btfo already?

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39463f  No.8288


still going I think. I am hours behind on the stream

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61d93a  No.8290


Voting now

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39463f  No.8295

3 dems voted nay and one voted present so far

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8ff8d2  No.8296

The House impeachment succeeded. The conviction of guilty will fail in the Senate. What /pol/ should do is find every house nigger Republicunt that voted for impeachment and call them out online. They don't deserve reelection.

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61d93a  No.8297


0 replublicans have voted Yea or Pres so far

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80771d  No.8298

now is the time to invade america

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39463f  No.8299


senate is going to reject impeachment. minority rights were trampled in th house and so shall they be in the senate. the house repubs have known this and predicted this. the dems have hamstrung themselves in thier arrogance.

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39463f  No.8300

File: b6b696e38d20e2c⋯.png (775.46 KB, 800x605, 160:121, it mows lawnem.png)

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d130fa  No.8305

Can someone give me a lengthy tl;dr on this? I haven't been keeping up with this at all.

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a7f338  No.8311

Trump is still your president…

… wait what

*explain to people how impeachment works*

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a69f1d  No.8317


>find them and tell people how bad they are

Oh wow, I'm terrified. What next? Are you going to tell people to vote? That's done so much for you.

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b1deae  No.8321


D U P B T F O !








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13de9c  No.8324


Jew party number one read a script. Jew party number two read the other lines in the script. Jew party number one wants ZOG emperor to go away because he did everything jews want. Jew party number two wants ZOG emperor to stay because he did everything jews want. ZOG emperor did everything jews want. Retarded NPCs believe something is actually happening, when in reality laws are passed behind their backs.

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d130fa  No.8343


Oh, thanks for the tl;dr. It's all making more sense now.

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882dce  No.8347


>lefties are the ones who don't want what jews want

I ain't even saying the right wingers are of any substance, you're either an idiot or a desperate kike though

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f37b5a  No.8348


the dems know conviction will fail and are hoping this will trigger more democuck voters in 2020 especially if shillary runs again.

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14bf35  No.8352


Your image meme thing makes no fucking sense. Showing a german drinking a beer from a fucking beerstein and yet it's an add tor eject vodka

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13de9c  No.8359


It better; I was being serious. Don't waste your time with this bullshit. It literally does not matter in any capacity and does not change anything.


No, that's just the narrative. If you were literate, you would comprehend what was written. You're not. Kill yourself.

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d130fa  No.8365


I was being serious too, anon. I figured as much which is why I never bothered to pay attention to it.

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39463f  No.8384


they just gave hundreds of election ads perfect sound bites

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72c231  No.8431

File: d22b3f761cb97d9⋯.webm (14.99 MB, 1100x1000, 11:10, ponyfag.webm)



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15532a  No.8438

File: a1d4f7e37a75132⋯.jpg (134.15 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, AP110522023230.jpg)

File: c134b7fc6eebe07⋯.jpg (455.14 KB, 3264x1788, 272:149, AIPAC-1.jpg)

If i ever live to see the day when the real foreign power that meddles in every election large and small across burgerland is called out.


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72c231  No.8447

File: 850875fac683c3c⋯.jpg (8.88 KB, 225x225, 1:1, cheers.jpg)


>Your image meme thing makes no fucking sense.

Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

Beer before liquor, you're gonna get sicker.

This is age old folk wisdom, anon.

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