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The apocalypse isn't all that bad

File: 8dc20e37a6901de⋯.webm (2.78 MB, 848x480, 53:30, 2020_03_20_brussels_polic….webm)

2a3c40  No.77819


Vid related from Brussels police department's twitter feed.


There's a second video but it's less exciting.


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1227c4  No.78156

File: 52dc67f25f6f6bb⋯.jpeg (80.44 KB, 445x571, 445:571, b9758cab4c90ca30.jpeg)

File: 474bc2928b7a92c⋯.jpg (117.01 KB, 839x648, 839:648, daviddees2.jpg)

File: 3c500e61196f468⋯.jpg (321.63 KB, 633x576, 211:192, dddeees.jpg)

this shit would be only in the realm of science fiction 40 years ago but now its widespread

wtf. we've got to stop the NWO before its too late. fuck the zog

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40e9fc  No.78162


> In English

Shouldn't it be in Belgian? Inb4 aktshually it's called Flanderish

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fe9517  No.78991

File: a0b0f96e122c641⋯.mp4 (13.31 MB, 848x480, 53:30, zpz_polbru_social_distanci….mp4)


OP, you're a faggot

next time download the video and upload it here

first video was shoahed

here's the second one

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fe9517  No.78993

File: 6fd31d17c47ec33⋯.mp4 (8.33 MB, 848x480, 53:30, zpz_polbru_drone_social_di….mp4)

here's another one from these commies

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3f8965  No.79003


They speak Walloonian, dipshit

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3102cf  No.79057

File: f065855aa66df5d⋯.gif (31.19 KB, 67x90, 67:90, 1584228037956.gif)


these images always crack me the fuck up especially the third considering it's basically true in most of the western world

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ac5367  No.79095


Check out his website, it's hilarious. There are dozens of these.


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40e9fc  No.79379


I'm glad someone around here is educated enough to know that.

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e329c4  No.79567

de pot op met belgie

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