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As seen on Fox News!

File: c2c881e356319da⋯.jpg (85.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rudolph-1146666-1280x0.jpg)

28abae  No.775

2018 was the year the SJW left dipped their collective big toe into the waters to test their assault on Christmas with their railings against the Rudolph Christmas special, Baby It's Cold Outside, and the whiteness of Santa. Their engines have been revving up for a whole year and now it's time for them to start putting nails in the coffin. How long until the Rudolph special is banned from TV or radios stop playing Baby It's Cold Outside? How long before Santa is turned into a fucking nigger name Jamal? Get ready because 2019 is the year it all goes down.

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a4e93d  No.802


Maybe we should promote

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b96e1f  No.816


Christmas is a trash holiday anyway.

>Worship a kike on a stick

>Symbol is either kike on a stick or a coca cola ad

>Celebrate it by buying shit from China

Thanksgiving is superior.

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0591af  No.817

This year they were successful in "decolonizing" thanksgiving. I knew at least 10 families that didn't celebrate thanksgiving this year and another 5 that didn't eat turkey or ham for the thanksgiving dinner opting for a bug-meal alternative.

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6fde9c  No.819

File: 9253330b0e9d511⋯.jpg (40.68 KB, 912x513, 16:9, genderSanta.jpg)

In 2018 they ran test surveys asking about a gender neutral Santa.


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611e9d  No.1291


How to fix Christmas.

Abolish Capitalism.

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611e9d  No.1292


Christmas is a corporate holiday and you know it.

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93fe17  No.1305


>I am a jew

Okay, bye.

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f52538  No.1315

Imagine being such a boomer you think the "assault on christmas" - a degenerate consumerist holiday on which you worship the birth of a jew - is the biggest thing to be concerned about in the culture wars.

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80c308  No.1317

What the fuck happened to society man

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199f19  No.1318


>abolish judaism


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7f3162  No.1323

File: 5394b922ac6768f⋯.jpg (48.3 KB, 768x432, 16:9, the-nazis8217-war-on-chris….jpg)


shills working hard already. The culture war will only get worse

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77af38  No.1752

So? Rudolph was written by a Jew, like so much pop culture "Christmas" material. The TV special is cancer, totally pozzed up. Best we let it die.

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6155a5  No.1755

File: 811f7c2120b661f⋯.jpg (61.32 KB, 398x582, 199:291, 811f7c2120b661f60fe94c28c5….jpg)


>Literally call a jew a "kike"

>that must mean you're a jew

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286f1a  No.1765

So? All holidays have become meaningless anyways, they're just pure jewish consumerism that has fuck all to do with tradition

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e4e631  No.1767

>just give up and let millions of White children look up to nigger tranny Santa, goyim, something something consumerism therefore it doesn't matter

Holy shit this thread is either full of retards or full of shills.

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286f1a  No.1768


Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday, it's Pagan and has fuck all to do with white people. Easter is the most important holiday and the kikes reduced that to a fucking rabbit shitting out chocolate eggs, you wanna go fight for white people then work to bring easter back to it's white roots

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cb2931  No.1769

File: d89fef74d8af536⋯.png (311.81 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1455317675034.png)


The creation of Tumblr, Twatter, and Reddit effectively choked out small community forums and hobby sites and gave birth to the leftist echo chambers we're familiar with today, and gave a platform for political loudmouths, and the iphone being made meant normalfags were exposed to these cancerous freaks and ideas en masse and were obligated to agree and virtue signal lest they be shamed or removed/banned from the biggest social sites on the web the congregated in, giving people that shouldn't have any power (like the gay community) actual sway. Couple that with jewish corporations like Jewgle patronizing and boosting them, and all of a sudden trannies went from a joke you may-or-may-not have heard about to a lifestyle being forced on your kids in under 10 fucking years.

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4a20e3  No.2021


they don't have to be. don't you have a family to spend time with?

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286f1a  No.2030

File: 1b0c6f0f0ff4507⋯.jpg (124.07 KB, 1100x792, 25:18, 6gorilliondeadspacelanders.jpg)


As soon as some faggot goes to personal insults you know he has fuck all to say

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f43fbf  No.2046


No, they won't. The holiday is stronger than all of their propaganda. But you can contribute to shrink them even more by not spending any money at all on anything during the holiday.

Leech the system. Don't fund it.

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00bdbf  No.2047

File: c21ff3eebd21a7a⋯.jpg (28.4 KB, 255x319, 255:319, il_570xN.196643903.jpg)


You will never be white.

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b4bbdd  No.2054


literally what?

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0c8133  No.2065



start thread with d&c post using buzzwords you saw in the powerpoint on image board culture, then following up with "japanese style face + look at the buzzword i used believe me" ..please glow and d&c somewhere else and let us have our discussions, it's just so tiresome at this point.

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4436d1  No.2077

You're jew

I'm jew

We're all jew

Father Abraham had many sons

Many sons had Father Abraham

I am one of them and so are you

So let's all praise the Lord.

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b89bd5  No.2089

File: 285201927907e59⋯.jpg (28.6 KB, 220x315, 44:63, Rudolph,_The_Red-Nosed_Rei….jpg)

Origin Of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

>Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer was created by the department store chain Montgomery Ward as one way to save money on some of their annual Christmas promotions.

>(((Robert L. May))) created Rudolph in 1939 as an assignment for the department store. The retailer had been buying, then giving away coloring books for Christmas every year. Instead, in order to save money, they decided to create their own. In its first year of publication, 2.4 million copies of Rudolph’s story were distributed by Montgomery Ward.

>The Rudolph phenomenon really took off. However, when May’s brother-in-law, songwriter (((Johnny Marks))), developed the lyrics and melody for a Rudolph song, they had trouble finding someone to provide their voice to the song. It was turned down by artist after artist because very few wanted to mess with the established Santa mythology.

>May was picked on as a child due to his small size, so he decided to go with an ‘ugly duckling’ theme since he related. While he was writing, he tested different versions of the story out on his four year old daughter until he and she were both happy with the results. May’s boss did not like it at first, due to the fact that he felt a red nose implies the reindeer had been drinking. But once it was illustrated by Denver Gillen , who worked in Montgomery Ward’s art department and was a friend of Mays, his boss decided to approve the story.




[Denver Gillen probably also a Jew; do an image search for his name and see what kinds of results you get]

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0120b1  No.2091


wtf i love jews now

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0120b1  No.2093

File: a890cf21c415fee⋯.png (36.93 KB, 1033x598, 1033:598, rabble-rousing rabbi rabbi….png)


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b89bd5  No.2097


Rudolf is just Jews debasing a beloved white fable in order to sell product in their department stores. Department stores are another Jewish invention, based on the Jewish bazaar where all sorts of inferior wares were pedaled. Intrusive or obnoxious advertising is also classic Jewish behaviour; Henry Ford notes that prior to the 1900s, the gentile merchant would abstain from advertising his own product and would even be reluctant to part with it, for that would suggest he dealt in inferior quality wares. To a shameless, prideless Jew, however, there are no standards of personal conduct.

The story of Rudolf itself is another revenge of the nerds clone:

>ugly jew reindeer with (((big nose)))

>no one likes him

>oy vey why do they persecute us

>but then he's chosen by god to become the light of the world

>suddenly everyone likes him

Same thing as exodus or superman.

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9873a6  No.2105

You are confusing two completely separate things there is Christmas the birth of Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and pagan Christmas called Yule that is tree cutting and decorating and gift exchanging ancient pagan traditions which came from and qoute wikipedia "Observed by

Various Northern Europeans, Germanic peoples, Neopagans, LaVeyan Satanists which was also called Yuletide, Yulefest, Yule"

and God almighty himself is against this ancient pagan tradition and i qoute: Jeremiah 10:2-5

Thus says the LORD:

“ Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;

Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,

For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.

For the customs of the peoples are futile;

For one cuts a tree from the forest,

The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.

They decorate it with silver and gold;

They fasten it with nails and hammers

So that it will not topple.

They are upright, like a palm tree,

And they cannot speak;

They must be carried,

Because they cannot go by themselves.

Do not be afraid of them,

For they cannot do evil,

Nor can they do any good.”

"Colossians 2:8

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ"

And it is dead wrong call pagan tradition Christmas because Christmas is celebration and tradition of the people of God, who celebrate the birth of our saviour and king, and that some assholes in the ancient past probably also with demonic and satanic help somehow managed to convince everyone that this pagan idolatry has anything to do with our beloved birth of Christ and Christmas.

So the short answer from me is LET THEM HAVE IT, let those devil worshipping pagan idolatrers trash their own satanic cult traditions i wouldnt mind it a single bit. twisting turning and destroying their own paganism themselves as they go.

the people of God know what true Christmas is and celebrate it with their family and in the church.

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02971b  No.2125

>OP: they're going to trash Christmas this year.

>goons turn up trashing Christmas.

You were right OP.

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213628  No.2922

File: 57e67a1f78ac9a0⋯.png (82.72 KB, 596x650, 298:325, 57e67a1f78ac9a007a479bfcea….png)

Christmas is Yule wrapper in Corporate and Semitic garbage. Even Christians sub-consciously agree, since 95% of "Christmas" and the most notable parts come from traditions that pre-date Christianity. Christians will even complain about the corporization of Christmas, which is painfully ironic. Yule will never die it will just further lose it's soul as the tradition dies out in favor of greed.


>Christmas isn't even a Christian holiday, it's Pagan and has fuck all to do with white people

<A holiday invented by the whitest version of Europe in history has nothing to do with white people

> Easter is the most important holiday and the kikes reduced that to a fucking rabbit shitting out chocolate eggs, you wanna go fight for white people then work to bring easter back to it's white roots

What the fuck would that be? It's called Easter because of Eostre, who the Holiday is named after, and her symbol was a Rabbit.


>Thus says the LORD:

>Do not learn the way of the Gentiles


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1dfa53  No.3109


>opting for a bug-meal alternative

calling bullshit. where can you even buy those in regular stores?

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15eaad  No.3141


>not understanding that "Christmas" is really the pagan Yule thats been celebrated for thousands of years

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ff92b3  No.3144


>not understanding the pagan Yule is just the Roman Saturnalia

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d74821  No.3149

8kun= 379

Eight= 129

Kun = 250

Pnd= Pwnd

Pwnd= 1004

Please screenshot this

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4ce7e4  No.7485

Isn't Hermie (sp?), the dentist elf, actually gay? The male elves are bald, the female elves have blonde hair, but he(?) is supposedly male but has blonde hair. Hmm. Wonder what they are getting at.

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000000  No.8991


>if you don't worship jews like i do you're a jew

That means you must worship me, in your own words. Good. Bow down and serve.

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e9f155  No.9908



Nobody is going to destroy Christmas.

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5db546  No.38831


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