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File: 62b6ef2a43452d2⋯.jpg (27.33 KB, 590x331, 590:331, _110195840_80784587_909057….jpg)

544241  No.7647[Last 50 Posts]

IOTBW Dec 2019

> 17 December 2019 Tayside and Central Scotland

> Scotland's deputy first minister has condemned the appearance of stickers bearing the slogan "It's ok to be white" in Perth city centre.

> The stickers were posted on lampposts and drainpipes throughout the city at the weekend.

> John Swinney, who is also MSP for Perthshire North, said the "atrocious" stickers had "no place in Perth or any other part of our country."

> Police Scotland said it was "currently looking into the matter."

> Posting on Twitter, Mr Swinney said: "We must stand together to resist this unacceptable material."

> "Sickening and disgusting"

> Stickers bearing the same slogan appeared in Dundee in September.

> The message originally appeared as a 2017 poster campaign in the US organised by an internet message board, with the aim of provoking reactions.

> It was later picked up and spread by neo-Nazi groups.

> Local group Perth Against Racism said it has been contacted by local people who said the appearance of the stickers had made them feel unsafe.

> One person told the group: "I am certainly worried now for my daughters who are not white but are from Perth.

> "It's sickening and disgusting to know that people think like this."

> A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: "Although no complaint has been made to police regarding these posters, they have been brought to our attention and officers are currently looking into the matter."

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-scotland-tayside-central-50821872

Archive: http://archive.md/wip/EtScO

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544241  No.7651

those raycisses

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c8641f  No.7665

It's so mindblowing how normalfags are so brainwashed they cannot see the irony in all of this.

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c97f0b  No.7677


these idiots keep falling for it. for over two years, they have played into our hands with this shit. IOTBW was the post op ever

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b7a7ac  No.7693

This is absolutely perfect. Any white person that still has a brain will be able to see through this "outrage" for what it is: hate against white people. IOTBW is a trolling hall of famer for sure.

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f8a5d8  No.7694

File: a31868e1453442c⋯.jpg (50.18 KB, 550x412, 275:206, gabe newell.jpg)

Imagine living somewhere were they can get away with political censorship

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71056d  No.7857

imagine if "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" is considered a hate crime…

as posters said this shit will awaken any white with half a brain. In the years to come we need to make another things like this that's even more stupid and that is able to make normalfag whites realize that there's a war declared to us without us knowing

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101af7  No.7881


Every time I see one of those, I take a marker and write "just don't be a dick about it" underneath.

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2ed274  No.7885

It's the gift that keeps on giving. Keep posting them, boys.

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2ed274  No.7888


>things that never happened

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c99464  No.7893


>IOTBW best eva

I agree it was one of the best recent ops by far.

Works so well because every time the kike media covers it, it backfires. Any normal people realise that it's okay to be white. And that saying it's 'hateful and racist' or 'atrocious' is hilarious, because if it was 'it's okay to be a nigger/spic/gook/gay etc' nothing would be made of it and it wouldn't be a problem.

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8fd180  No.7933

Would putting "It's OK to be black" signs next to IOTBW signs destroy their minds further? It would expose their hypocrisy even faster perhaps.

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c97f0b  No.8082


might be good to post up some "its ok to be jewish" signs. would be interesting to see the reaction

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aeaa0b  No.8238







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279fc1  No.8244

>it's okay to be white


<sickening and disgusting

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279fc1  No.8247


Just write,


Five words, to the point, completely true.

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2ba303  No.8258

File: 4fd6ba20bda6b32⋯.jpg (92.29 KB, 590x331, 590:331, IOTKW.jpg)


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aeaa0b  No.8268



Exactly. Show that the mundane offends people, while the extreme does not.

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e6d2d0  No.8503

File: 835a7d2ecbc81bd⋯.png (82.31 KB, 852x490, 426:245, skokv3a5gfk1g.png)


just sent 100 copies of the flier to thousands of open printers all over the UK, including Perth. Also changed all of the printer status messages to "It's ok to be white" which they will have a tough time changing back, so any time someone goes to pick up their print job they will be reminded that it is indeed OK to be white.

here is one in particular in perth, pic related for how to see it. that page has a lot of ppl's names, so it would be super keen if someone could find out what organization this is. hopefully it's some sjw outfit.

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8fd180  No.8515



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c99464  No.8529

File: de8485de85bcabf⋯.png (95.02 KB, 1904x551, 1904:551, Anon makes an IOTBW print ….png)


Top jej, capped. May kek bless you for your actions.

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cbc457  No.8530


wew lad

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c97f0b  No.8541

File: df05f182380bf5d⋯.png (333.52 KB, 386x383, 386:383, rare.png)


well done sir! enjoy this rare Terry

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368305  No.8546


While you are at it, we are killing jews leftists and shitskins without you even knowing about it. Soon, you will be killed in an "accident" too, by one of us.

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101af7  No.8547


>we are killing

I doubt you've ever even raised your voice to anyone. Stop LARPing.

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c97f0b  No.8551

File: 768342ce2cfe55d⋯.jpeg (46.16 KB, 671x675, 671:675, 0e66d68212123ed5684933d02….jpeg)


before shootings:

>you're LARPing, you're LARPing

after shootings:

>REEEEE fucking assholes nhazies, REEEEE


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101af7  No.8561


So, you're planning a shooting, eh? Be sure to post your manifesto first.

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c97f0b  No.8563


lol nice try fednigger

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e5e189  No.8566

File: 6b65e984836e0e2⋯.jpg (177.67 KB, 491x713, 491:713, reactionface22.jpg)


nice. tomorrow print all the hard red pills, in thousand copies

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6b3464  No.8592

File: 57237f7bc2348a0⋯.jpeg (72.12 KB, 361x640, 361:640, welcomebackwhite(2).jpeg)

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bad2f7  No.8593


IOTBW is still a thing? Very good.



That'd be funny as hell to compare.

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c97f0b  No.8596


stay salty!

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cb3d12  No.8597

File: 2e7d71e96a97208⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dBxEpDuD_400x400.jpg)


All my keks. The print job list has a Stewart Hutchison and a Jamie Tuckwood who both work for a refugee outreach agency called Cornerstone UK with offices in Perth. Pretty sure it's them.

Hamplanet related. Someone should tweet at her and let her know that she has been caught printing out hundreds of white supremacist posters at work.

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101af7  No.8606


Who is the saltier? The LARPer or the ones laughing at the LARPer?

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6f63ee  No.9124

File: d72ac60b7d89317⋯.png (44.4 KB, 1747x892, 1747:892, ligma.png)

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3d4201  No.9237

File: 9dd7aae8bb48551⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 373x647, 373:647, jamie.jpg)



lel. looks like someone has tried locking it down a little, the address book and print from file options are disabled now. their port 9100 is still open, though, so you can still print whatever the fuck you want.



yeah ok sweaty

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563e79  No.9253

It's not okay to be white?

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101af7  No.9256


No, it's okay to be white; but only JUST okay.

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5ea658  No.9266







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f6536b  No.9521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any tutorials on how to do this? Vid related is all I know about port forwarding and also this http://hacking-printers.net/wiki/index.php/Port_9100_printing

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d0c2e5  No.9528


>No, it's okay to be white

wew, I didn't get that memo

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70cd6a  No.9625


Not that guy, but you basically just need a list of open printers and a script to send data to the raw printer port (9100). Some printers will interpret PS and PJL and even let up upload overlays so that every printed page has your chosen graphics, but the simplest way to print on the largest number of printers is just to connect to port 9100, input some text, then disconnect – it will print whatever you send it.

Between this paper and its references you can get a pretty decent idea of what's possible.


Best way to get a nice big list of open printers is to use shodan, zmap, or masscan. You can googledork a paid shodan API key to bypass their results limit, but they censor a lot of networks and it's easy enough to just scan for your own. Not every result is going to be a printer–a lot of network admins intentionally leave fake open ports on their networks as a kind of tarpit–but it's easy to do some additional checks in your script for more verification if you really need it. Good hunting, m8ey.

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7b6c00  No.9629

File: 7e289a36b3f1842⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1252x1252, 1:1, 1564489158380.png)


>overlays so that every printed page has your chosen graphics

this has sweet potential

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f6536b  No.9677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found a demonstration of a script for kali linux with a link in description, it says

Script that spams a user input message to a networked printer with port 9100 open for a set number of seconds causing page after page to spit out with your message printed line by line.



wget raw.githubusercontent.com/exploitagency/github-kali-scripts/master/scripts/printerspam.sh

chmod 755 ./printerspam.sh


Looks like it can print standard text you type into it, but it would be neat if you could adjust the font size and format to say It's OK to be white like in the original layout even without support for custom graphics

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e4de90  No.9680

File: dac06ff0d105ece⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 481x479, 481:479, dac06ff0d105ece4f18b335497….jpg)

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5a28e7  No.9705


>latino(a) instead of latinx

whoa, I hope this racist got fired

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c8581d  No.9712


Who said anything about phase 2?

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000000  No.9727


Negro, we're already on Phase IV. You got left behind.

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326174  No.9759


>like in the original layout even without support for custom graphics

>what is post script

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badda6  No.9767


That's retarded. Who is "US"?

Anyone will think its them.

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7056e5  No.9782


it wasnt that long ago that "it's okay to be gay" was a campaign, and that's why it rhymes with it. people still remember that which is why when the word white is substituted it works to remind people of how anti-white others are

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1ef9d7  No.9783


You are a fucking legend m8

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6c860e  No.10981


oh fuck the glownogs are really pushing this honeypot.

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d46e53  No.11001



She likes watching it and the idea of actually doing it. She just doesn't do jazzercise.

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d46e53  No.11002


>Someone should tweet at her and let her know that she has been caught printing out hundreds of white supremacist posters at work.

Someone should tweet at her bosses and let them know that she has been caught printing out hundreds of white supremacist posters at work.


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51524a  No.26242

File: fc2a0dbf54399aa⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 650x650, 1:1, aXm1817xjU.jpg)



Shills shilling shills has got to be the funniest thing to see in the wild.

For those watching, these two probably are sitting at the same desk as each other… If they're even two people.

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c100da  No.26291


>changed all of the printer status messages to "It's ok to be white"

This is literally the most based thing I've heard in my life.

From all the whites around the world, thank you anon.

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