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File: 49f40cec0487a52⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 634x648, 317:324, 21510784-7729149-image-m-5….jpg)

65d192  No.7575

Welcome your Chad Overlord


>His father is 6 feet, 3 inches, while his mother is 5 feet, 11 inches. Barron looked to be a few inches taller than both of his parents, even with Melania wearing high-heeled boots.

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f54b4e  No.7583

He literally looks like the sad virgin from the meme. He is even hanging his head down. He also looks like a strong wind will put him down.

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e61a3e  No.7653

File: 9ca25104b2c8118⋯.png (208.16 KB, 320x480, 2:3, c1e3627a492132edeeda17823b….png)

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ff0179  No.7667


He looks half chad half virgin to me.

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38a1eb  No.7679

He's going to do wonders for Israel, believe me.

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a3a84b  No.7688


How does that skinny kid with the derpy face possibly look half-chad?

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eb0ab9  No.7698


He's 13.

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1c5526  No.7781

File: b284f85c988a066⋯.jpg (29.26 KB, 267x363, 89:121, does this look like the fa….jpg)


>I just wanted to play CS:GO and shitpost from the comfort of my gold-plated bedroom and now look at this fucking mess we're in

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9aa8f0  No.7792

Trump probably lost height from age and is at 6'0 now despite his documents all saying 6'2-6'3. That would make his kid judging by the pic 6'3 and he's what, 14 now? He'll probably grow to be Chad base 6'5-6'8, maybe 6'9, 6'10. But by 2020 supply and demand will evolve to 7 feet being giga chad tier as 7 feet tall people will likely be in more abundance with the height increase given by modern access to food.

Either way not politics news or debate, this isn't Trump's personal worship board go to >>>/trump/ (if it's even up) or >>>/qanon/. Surprised no one accused it of being a slide thread yet.

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