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Please leave all Coronavirus news and theories in the dedicated thread that has been literally number one in the catalog for two months running

File: 9d6088c2537ed46⋯.jpeg (40.52 KB, 408x632, 51:79, 816263C6_8BD8_4457_881A_8….jpeg)

729ed6  No.74464

I am working on a nuclear redpill that I will soon ask for your assistance with. I’m making a printable PDF pamphlet very plainly laying out redpills on the JQ. I plan on enabling anons to mass print and publicly distribute them. There will also be simple QR codes we can paste on telephone poles etc that will link to said PDF so we can more discreetly spread the message.

I will ask for content suggestions and how to make the redpill most accessible in the coming weeks as I compile this info, but for now I want to know where I can host a PDF on a very simple webpage, probably that I will make myself. I know wherever it’s hosted will be immediately intimidated to take it down by the powers that be, so where can I host it? And what QR service can I use that won’t be harassed into breaking the link?

I need these little kinks worked out before I get too much further.

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1fb9ec  No.74552

This has been done to death before anon. It's not that effective and normalniggers aren't reading QR codes. I don't even have an app to read them, because I don't care.

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0c46b0  No.74554

I want to make a Corona-Chan themed anti-globalism poster.

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d7c75c  No.75414

File: 0a1adaebbc811e1⋯.png (80.49 KB, 365x787, 365:787, shake_up_their_worldview.png)

File: 98dbab288a9330c⋯.pdf (46.85 KB, Holocaust_02.pdf)


This is a great idea. Sure most people aren't susceptible to it, as the other anon said, but fuck clown world. Making normies uncomfortable doesn't bring them to our side, but it at least breaks the illusion that they are safe from illegal opinions. They need to know that the people their ideologues claim are evil live very very close to them. Attached PDF is a draft of a flier for similar purposes. I hide it around campus, under keyboards and in books. I'll continue polishing it up and eventually do the same for race realism, evolution, etc.

We really aren't doing anything to make our movement known to the general public. The internet and even the chans have made many of us impotent. Many are eagerly waiting for some queue and others just consuming and getting themselves worked up, but a biologist does not sit forever with his eye glued to the microscope. Eventually he leaves to write about what he has seen. We need to be communicating, not just to spread ideas, but also to exercise our creativity and communication skills.

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