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File: 1ae6b82dd7ed525⋯.jpg (94.18 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Mexican-farm-workers-harve….jpg)

37e634  No.7358


>The pending farmworker amnesty drafted by Democrats and business groups is likely to block the development and use of labor-saving machinery throughout the labor-intensive farm sector.

>The Democratic Party is offering the agriculture business an endless supply of cheap migrant labor if business executives pressure GOP legislators to approve an amnesty for roughly one million illegal migrants who will likely vote Democrat. The profits-for-amnesty swap is at the center of the Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2019, which has passed a House committee and is expected to get a floor vote soon.

I really hope the Republicans read the fucking bill and not vote for this shit.

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e5889c  No.7362


Both alternatives are shit. Automation takes away the jobs of people. It must NEVER be allowed in any society at all, aside from minor tasks. Invaders are also a drain to the economy and to the whole society, and must also never be tolerated.

Those are two sides of the same cancer: jews and their pets trying to take away the jobs of human beings and transfer them to either machines or subhumans.

A farmer who can't work his own fields and has no white men only as his employees is part of the problem, and must be eliminated along with the jews and the leftards.

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91e88a  No.7373

>Both alternatives are shit. Automation takes away the jobs of people. It must NEVER be allowed in any society at all, aside from minor tasks.

Jesus Christ what an utter retard you are. Right up there with the "pay 1000 people to dig a ditch, and another 1000 to fill it back in" braindead communist faggots.

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26e42a  No.7375


you're pretty dumb or just a really bad shill. automation and national socialism built upon a White ethnostate will save the White race

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8dea91  No.7386

File: 9822ac6cf0f15ef⋯.png (91.59 KB, 990x1208, 495:604, the (((coincidences))) are….png)

File: 6f7c44ec76f1f20⋯.png (360.37 KB, 620x661, 620:661, slave_trade.png)

File: d0f4910671e82ed⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1469x1600, 1469:1600, slave_trade_(2).png)

File: 763441036037b13⋯.png (664.91 KB, 647x861, 647:861, slave_traders_2.png)



How many white people get jobs from machines doing the work?

How many of (((them))) are in the control room of these companies that want to remove these positions so they DON'T have to pay employees?

Spics can be kept out quite easily simply by maintaining the border and (((they))) can be removed from their positions in due time.

However if whites are in an automated environment having to beg Sheklebergistein for something like UBI what do you think is going to happen then?

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a30940  No.7503


It also weeds out the low IQs and force them to either work as security/law enforcement officers/military personnel, prostitutes, entertainers, or move back to their shithole country if they’re not natively born

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3f42cf  No.7512


>low IQs

>work as security/law enforcement officers/military personnel

Good lord … you want to arm the retards? What are you thinking?!

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ec5520  No.7513


Yeah you didn't think that post through much.

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a30940  No.7517

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96761d  No.7522


Those are crayon munchers

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3f42cf  No.7526


Yes, but you want to continue that practice in your new society?

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714b23  No.7529


Should we ban windmills because they're taking the jobs of hardworking handmill operators? Cars because they're taking the job of

palanquin-carriers? The Internet for stealing runner's jobs?

Is electric lighting still allowed or do I have to employ a candle-lighter? Speaking of candles, does a self-disintegrating wick count as automation and should I also get a wick-cutter?


>How many white people get jobs from machines doing the work?

Considering the amount of white programmers and engineers, and the inability of browns to do these jobs without fucking them up, I'd guess a significant number.

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34da2d  No.7550


When your entire agricultural industry is based around hiring foreign spics, automation is nothing but a positive.

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9f1396  No.7571

File: c2bebfc62af0720⋯.png (409.38 KB, 1110x655, 222:131, texaschan.png)


<Automation takes away the jobs of people.

Learn to code, nigger.

>t. Automation developer.

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374416  No.7579


>Automation takes away the jobs of people.

Sure but it also get rid of the fucking "we need more immigrants because whitey doesn't wanna do dirty jobs" bullshit.

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bd5e6e  No.7581


>learn to code

And if everyone has only a single skill, we're fucked.

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26e42a  No.7586


questions are not arguments. are you the same overemotional whaman that I trolling in the dead coal-burner thread?


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26e42a  No.7587

File: a77fdb8af53d0e5⋯.jpg (37.14 KB, 670x377, 670:377, 17738.jpg)

File: 86705193f769e75⋯.jpg (203.39 KB, 960x540, 16:9, image.jpg)

File: 222fa055bf4a667⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 400x300, 4:3, anigif_enhanced-25226-1446….gif)


>you want to arm the retards

lol too late

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8dea91  No.7650


Not everyone can be programmers or engineers (not even getting into ability) if for no other reason than it devalues those positions making the people in those positions VERY disposable.

Imagine how "wonderful" of a world it would be if those positions where as disposable as burger flippers or ditch diggers? Yeah, you don't want that.

Also this right here >>7581

You get into hyper specialization and ever have something happen where you need specialization outside of your particular expertise you're fucked.

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09f4f9  No.7666


That gif makes me just picture a retard uprising.

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09f4f9  No.7668

File: 606a43fbce1364c⋯.png (5.77 KB, 518x308, 37:22, 97cdaaa4df56012355836b6987….png)

You never really appreciate just how fucking retarded normalfags are until you see the shit that gets pulled on them.

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26e42a  No.7678


lol me too

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09f4f9  No.7685


I don't know if it's true or not, but I remember listening to one of those text-to-speech greentext videos about how retards took over the school. They use to be kept in line by this strict as fuck old teacher who didn't take shit, but she retired and in her place was some ultra-politically correct SJW-tier bitch who essentially never thought they could do anything wrong. Then some kid who had aspbergers or something ended up with them, and essentially abused the fuck out of this to get the tards to take over the school. If someone pissed them off they'd smear shit all over his lock or do something unreasonable degenerate and never get in trouble for it.

I think the story ended with the ring leader getting his shit kicked in.

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b6e73f  No.7713

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vid related.

The democRATS want to ban this technology because beaners serve as their mercenary voting block.

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388add  No.7717


For some weird reason, I never considered that Democrats would be vehemently against automation. I honestly thought they'd be fully for it, but I forgot that automation would take away jobs from the beaners and spics.

In the end, it's not really up to anyone but the Jews on whether or not Automation will be a go. I suspect that if robots can actually come into existence, jews will allow automation to occur, since they'll be able to then have actual slaves that will forever obey them, just as they always wanted.

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ac367d  No.7813

kek I welcome the automation/AI overlords it means less fucking kike golems bought in under the justification of 'muh manual jerbs' which anyone with a brain knows is bullshit because MOST OF THEM DONT DO SHIT ANYWAY.

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b79d6d  No.8398


You know that in the census the US Government classifies White people as anyone with a light-skin tone? Not "white-skinned" but "light-skin toned". The two groups of people that make up white people in the census are "white hispanic" and "non-hispanic white". You are not even white, anon. You are non-hispanic white.


Do you know what term use to be used for white-skinned people of European origin?

Caucasian. Because its definition is literally "white-skinned person (or people) of European origin.

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07572f  No.8548


Nigger, just cycle your workers around into new positions, Japan manages it just fine for all their automation even with all the black labor practices.

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4270fb  No.8570

whyte men design and maintain automation machines that replace low IQ braindead meatbags of course these things have to be banned you stoopid gnazi

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19889e  No.8678


They do that to inflate white crime statistics so news rag media can bash whitey.

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675d57  No.9141


since at least the late 1970s. Yes, I'm old enough to remember and I went to an agricultural university in California and it was a big deal.

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675d57  No.9142

File: 6a63c97309140c9⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 1580x3431, 1580:3431, criminals listed as white ….jpg)

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