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Please leave all Coronavirus news and theories in the dedicated thread that has been literally number one in the catalog for two months running

File: 076784f598d3c99⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 680x1130, 68:113, getthe1.jpg)

ad9992  No.73378

Optics cucking is rightfully looked down upon in most Fascist political circles. But while walking home from work the other day, I had an epiphany. Remember Occupy (((Wall Street)))? I do.

I realized something. Everyone rallied behind Occupy Wall Street. Nobody hated it, every walk of life, every colour and creed, all went to strike a source of Jewish degeneracy; Wall Street. OWS is something that needs to be remade. The entire reason why Corona is shutting down entire public gatherings and the like is because Wall Street needs its money. It's damage control to prevent people from causing an economic crash.

Along with that, it's necessary to understand that the (((((Rothschilds))))) basically have every man, woman, child, government, religious institution, town, city, and country by the fucking nuts. How? They sold debt off to all western governments thanks to them making every private bank their bitch. When you pay taxes, most of those go to pay the Rothschild's debt.

These two tools can be used to preform the most effective, yet most simple, form of optics cucking. Moving the enemy from a religious/social one (Jews) to an economic one (Bankers/Elites/Whateverthefuck) makes more people willing to at the least research the shit that kikes do. This will slowly make them realize that the problem is Jews, and guess what. The public opinion is on our side. Removing the racial bit takes away the kikes' best tool. Divide and Conquer. Don't believe me? Take note how many article's talking about SJW shit popped up post-OWS.

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8b5fca  No.73389

File: b489859aaabb237⋯.jpeg (26.74 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 771E0629_D3BB_4F8F_89F9_9….jpeg)

You are right anon, it’s how the yellow vest started and got so successful that they were supported by EVERYONE in France.

And to stop it the ZOG used Antifa and only gave a voice to leftist and dummies and memed it as a leftist « gibs » movement.

THE MOST IMPORTANT redpill for normies and also the most non divisive one is about the DEBT system pushed by (((central bank))).

-it is a non partisan subject

-It is fucking everyone, don’t matter if you are rich or poor

-It is indirectly addressing the jewish question

-Literally normies could do the holocaust without knowing it

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23c27c  No.73416

File: 58d84f2fddb9bc9⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1024x1300, 256:325, 58d84f2fddb9bc9567f764f903….png)


I went to my local OWS, with my GF at the time.

200 police showed up almost instantly and closed the good parks with temporary fencing, after about a week a handful of people were left, sitting in an unused park by the river well away from the CBD

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