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File: 3e4400246564e76⋯.jpg (256.04 KB, 2518x1024, 1259:512, ac6_vitD3.jpg)

397429  No.72435

White people are the super-race because they will never be vitamin D deficient thanks to their color.

They can have 30000 IU in 30 minutes of sunshine, rather than 1-2 hours like non-white people.

For that reason immigrants in Norway, Sweden, Germany, etc will get fat, gay, depressed, cancer and die thanks to Vitamin D deficiency.

If you are a racist, then you should stop worrying so much and just take 30000 IU vitamin D , with magnesium and k2 every day.

What will happen is that your body will change so much that will become desirable to women from all the ethnicities.

Even leftist women will want a quickie from you.

A man becomes desirable when the woman can see that he has enough vitamin d and she can see that only based on his body and his skeletal structure.

It shows that it is always summer for him and his immune system can handle any problem.

Yes! vitamin D will change you to the better version of yourself.

For example, if you take D3 and start jumping every day then you will increase in height.

Vitamin D deficiency is killing white people because leftists have demonized sun and vitamin D.

- White people have become fat because their body thinks that it is still winter, thanks to vitamin D deficiency.

- White people have cancer because their immune system does not have Vitamin D to kill the bad cells

- White people becoming depressed and anxious, because they do not sleep enough, which can be achieved only with 20000 IU vitamin D.

- White people die from flu because of vitamin D deficiency.

- LGBTQ is increasing because as kids didn't get enough sun.

Study vitamindwiki and the books.

Also, vitamin D is not toxic, it is just that it is very good to its job to handle calcium.

For that reason minimize milk and dairy, don’t get more than 720mg of calcium a day, don’t buy calcium supplements, or you will have hypercalcemia

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397429  No.72448

If you dont believe me, try 20000 IU on the first day with magnesium and you will sleep better at nights.

Also, you will find it easier to meditate.

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397429  No.72461

did you ever wonder why Sudan has the tallest people, even though there is hunger and malnutrition?

Because they have sun and they jump a lot!


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397429  No.72467

Also, for that reason you will NEVER see a tall immigrant from Sudan in your country.

The tall guys are so in demand in Africa that you will see only short african immigrants.

Immigrants are just the bad genes and the vitamin d deficient that other countries didn't want.

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e1c727  No.72556

File: ac3fde60536751e⋯.mp4 (92.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Ya_Blew_It.mp4)

>White people are the super-race because they will never be vitamin D deficient

>Vitamin D deficiency is killing white people because leftists

Also I have seen tall kushites in my country, The more vigorous the more capable they are of leaving their country.

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397429  No.72563

What you saw was not tall , you are just too short

You never saw a POOR immigrant guy 6 ft tall.

My recomendation to your problem is just jump every day for 30 minutes and drink 20000-30000 IU vitamin D3, and you will see improvements.

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e1c727  No.72589


I'm 6'4'' and I'm not getting any taller.

That's your recommendation for your problem, thanks tho.

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397429  No.72619

and why do you think that you are 6'4'' ?

First you need to thank your mother that was not vitamin D deficient.

Secondly you need to thank your culture that at summer you were dancing under the sun.

Thirdly you need to thank your country's cheese that contains vitamin D and Calcium.

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