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File: 753f7b5108184a1⋯.jpg (155.44 KB, 899x600, 899:600, 982135_1_0520_vw_wages_sta….jpg)

7a7bd8  No.71895

Americans are obsessed with being the best slaves possible. I get having a great work ethic, but bragging how hard you work for as little pay is slave-tier. What are some more reasonable views on labor and compensation? Countries like Germany have federally mandated 6 weeks of paid vacation per year, but are still a prosperous nation - despite their immigration issues. Other countries like Japan drive their salarymen and workers into the ground. But they also produce very efficient and precise workers. So where should America stand?

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884fb1  No.72020


The issue is the massive corporations we have now. I do not think the government can come in and mandate better pay without the corps deciding to sink the economy and lay everyone off to save their precious fucking profit margins. Back when businesses were smaller and not massive Oligopolies like shortly after WW2, workers were better paid. They could walk up to their boss, look him in the eye, and demand a raise. Now there are just a few companies with tens of thousands of locations with a faceless board of directors locking you in the wage cage.

Also unions were great ideas for certain industries like steelworking. Sucks the unions are pretty much dead in this country.

And finally, on the topic of industry, the reason we have shit wages in America is we have no industry. When we had a labor shortage and an abundance of manufacturing jobs, wages were inflated for uneducated workers so that they could actually MAKE A LIVING.

A. Offshoring


B. Immigration

Have anally raped our wages by destroying the American worker-centered economy.


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7a7bd8  No.72046

File: 13922a42f11e42a⋯.jpg (287.27 KB, 2576x1932, 4:3, wageslave.jpg)

File: bf7d0ef748fc01d⋯.jpg (117.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, justonce.jpg)

File: 328471d1d514725⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 448x377, 448:377, 18194209_1518681901475281_….jpg)

File: 143e7b081fd3cbd⋯.jpg (244.18 KB, 1094x1382, 547:691, SWEAT_Pledge_rev4_e1539193….jpg)

File: fd84e17ab086ff0⋯.jpg (358.67 KB, 858x821, 858:821, 1578029490820.jpg)


I <3 My Boss!

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884fb1  No.72047


Ok. Cool. Nice images. How does this contradict me, nigger?

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7a7bd8  No.72054


I'm not contradicting you, groid. Just some examples of the current "be a great employee!" boomer meme.

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06abd1  No.72064

Germany's only a prosperous nation because wage slaves in America pay for their luxurious lifestyles.

Japanese salarymen are a kind of a meme. Japanese work ethic seems to stem from, "Well, if I don't do a good job then that's not good for our customers." but you'd also be surprised at how shitty Japanese service can be sometimes.

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639c40  No.72069


EXACTLY THIS except for "muh boomers", no it's the kikes that run our government and corporations. They are corrupted to the core. Not us. Them.

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184b01  No.72076


Anti-trust laws have not been enforced in the US for decades now (due to Jew bribery of Jew govt officials). That's another major problem, legalized monopolization. Others are outsourcing and mass immigration. If we started enforcing Anti-trust laws again, and started cracking down on immigration harder and had some kind of reform, and started manufacturing things once again America would be a much better place to work and live. The other problem NOT mentioned is massive debt insolvency. We have massive debt insolvency! We need to enforce a debt jubilee and free ourselves from the debt shackles. This alone would save us.

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