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b497bc  No.7175

An extremely boring newspaper the lagniappe has found some descendants of the survivors of the slave ship. Already they are talking about reparations. Columbus who we now know was a Jew returned to the island of Hispaniola to enslave the natives and make enough money to free the holy land from the Muslims. The problem is the disease he brought on his last trip exterminated 8000000 of them and not enough were left to enslave. Not to be deterred he returned with blacks from Africa to mine the gold and silver. The process was repeated until 500000000 native Americans were dead. What the blacks have suffered in the new world is only about 10 percent of what the natives have suffered. Since the average black in the United States is only 70 percent black any one who is 7 percent native has ancestors that suffered as much as the blacks. The deciding factor here is there is not a single native American in Africa. What can be done about this is to get the videos of Dr Tony Martin to the blacks in the area. One of them is on bit Chute. Also the videos by David Stannard needs to be given to the Christian community in Alabama. This is a Jew who blames the extermination of the Native Americans and the slave trade on the Christians. This is on youtube. There is also a video about white slaves in the Americas but I think this is also a Jew trying to stir up trouble. I don't owe the blacks any thing. I will not be enslaved by them even through taxation.

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193c27  No.7192


>500000000 native Americans were dead

500 million native Americans…………….?


this is too stupid to not be JIDF.

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7f42eb  No.7423


>native american

You mean mongoloid invaders from asia.

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6a18d3  No.7441

File: b9dc19e2ff60862⋯.png (274.13 KB, 622x582, 311:291, e692d87975350d55e6114448ea….png)


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b497bc  No.8208

You think the numbers are wrong? They are still dying. https://phys.org/news/2017-10-chance-amazon-encounter-tribe-extinction.html

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633540  No.8293


Why should we care? Do you think they care about us? Honestly, fuck them. I don't care for anything but my own.

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1b0b7a  No.8315


There is nothing wrong in killing non-whites (and that includes jews). They are all parasites, and the world was made for white people only.

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84fa90  No.8335


No, because they're not mongoloid. Americoids are as genetically distinct from mongoloids as mongoloids are from caucasoids. The time it took to disperse them through the Americas was enough to speciate them. There are five species of humanity.

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