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File: fdab2dac5cede8e⋯.jpg (490.38 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tokugawa-ieyasu.jpg)

44759a  No.7064

Tokugawa ieyasu

>>Banned western nation's from entering Japan except the Dutch

>>Outlawed western Christianity

>>Made Japan prosper for 200 years

>>United japan

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c4ef84  No.7099

OK, why do we care? Ignoring weebs, why do we care about Japan?

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000000  No.7108

>The most based leader for the niggers of asia!

Wow tell me more anon I really care

>A thread died for this

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3dac3d  No.7199

File: 431fd8662899319⋯.png (1.17 MB, 942x661, 942:661, white man's burden.png)

>le christianity is the bad guy!!!!

Daily reminder that Japs were responsible for killing Christians en-masse and the Shimabara rebellion was one of the backlashes for it - which failed, unfortunately.

Now look where their anti-Christian nature has gotten them. A Godless society where people will rarely stick up for eachother, and if they do, they later face the repercussions of the mafia state that controls the entire country, and the typical nip is too scared to retaliate. The Japs spend most of their lives in school and work, and many commit suicide since their lives are, thanks to their shinto "religion" ultimately given no meaning. Their economy is failing slowly, and so is their population, since Shintoism doesn't particularly promote multiplying. And what does a Japanese man do after a long day of work? He either hits the pachinko parlor or hits the bar to get hammered before stumbling home, awaiting another long day of work.

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a87c22  No.7295

today i learned only cuckoldrists of the christ hate japan because they defended their country from its foreign cuckoldry and preserved their peoples culture and identity

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0f7931  No.7303


If they hadn't done it, Japan would've gone the way of the Phillipines. Catholicism was used as a tool by the White man to weaken and divide other nations before inevitably invading and colonizing. Eradicating Catholicism was the smartest thing they ever did. It's the same reason why China today does the same to those who aren't officially selected by the Communist party.

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e16eb2  No.7552


How exactly is importing neo-Confucianism and making China the intellectual center of their world defending the country from "foreign cuckoldry?"

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000000  No.8867




Christianity literally is the bad guy. It is a slave death cult fundamentally incompatible with the original European values, and contributed to the destruction of an empire, not to mention that it directly comes from the people you claim to hate.

>Japs were responsible for killing Christians en-masse

Boo-hoo. Nobody cares about wannabe Jews.

Everything else you said applies just as much to the west, if not more especially in the Anglosphere, thanks to the extreme individualism that has been pushed since Calvinism spread.

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