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As seen on Fox News!

File: 5147753008196cd⋯.jpg (264.61 KB, 1200x1138, 600:569, greta convert.jpg)

01398a  No.7042

Lets invite Greta to have an open conversation the Alt-Right. She seems like a reasonable person. Perhaps through reason and peace we can find common ground with this Aryan young lady. What do you think anons? Many in the Alt-Right are Green, Even Hitler was a National Socialist Greeny. Certainly Greta would agree with that..


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000000  No.7045




And take your shitty a non-biological terminology away.

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fc1210  No.7048


Hello jude.

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000000  No.7051

Yeah lets invite her, she'll totally respond

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5cef98  No.7059

File: 5b2b81c3ddf6343⋯.jpg (118.53 KB, 943x613, 943:613, yzC4o5f.jpg)


Since alt-right is a faggots' club she wouldn't want to offend the gay community I guess

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067647  No.7065


>She seems like a reasonable person.



>reasonable person

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3dbb5d  No.7088

I is an Indian rapist down-syndrome Hindu Jew National Socialist Alto-right homosexual beastiality fetishist with many diagnosed diseases. GRETA THUNBERG IS RIGHT, WE MUST KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE TO SOMEHOW SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT.

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3dbb5d  No.7089

National socialists are just as retarded as the alt-right, there are more Indian national socialists on https://riot.im than white national socialists.

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063102  No.7094


Because NatSocialism isn't explicitly whites only as much as a system created by Hitler for whites.

/pol/ will probably eventually realize this, Natsoc's split off, /pol/ will evolve to either white supremacist ancaps or imperialists of the highest order.

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3dbb5d  No.7144


>Because NatSocialism isn't explicitly whites only as much as a system created by Hitler for whites.



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3dbb5d  No.7145


>Because NatSocialism isn't explicitly whites only as much as a system created by Hitler for whites.

"the modern-day inclusive and diverse politically correct iteration of national socialism"

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4731a0  No.7290


I am just white supremacist who thinks that Hitler was right about kikes. Not Ancap. Sorry for bumping a shit thread but all threads are quite shit on the catalog currently.

I just support destruction of the current system in order to bring DOTR, but have no plans for afterwards.

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c6e526  No.7301

File: 5577791c4194c5f⋯.jpg (49.56 KB, 270x386, 135:193, 1540954932.jpg)


To be perfectly honest. Do we have any business being involved in what comes after?

Lets face it, we're pretty broken as people overall. And the shit we're gonna be made to do is certainly gonna leave its mark.

There's already been plenty of painful, despair ridden experiences. The rest are gonna be far more tragic.

But we're here by choice.

So lets take on the dirty work and change the world.

Once we're done, we can finally disappear and play vidya.

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385acf  No.7305

File: cce12425a60acc9⋯.jpg (67.67 KB, 750x897, 250:299, carbon_emissions.jpg)


She also has Aspergers. Literally a mad tard without a wrangler.

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1b66cc  No.7307


>we can finally disappear

Yep, bye chans.

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c6e526  No.7314

File: 5f3622761df4a9e⋯.png (140 KB, 203x283, 203:283, 1561295660.png)


In the world we seek to build there will be no need for chans.

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326dae  No.7323

File: d8ab783c565f4e6⋯.jpg (734.42 KB, 1959x2048, 1959:2048, greta antifa all stars.jpg)


this, she's part of antifa

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c6e526  No.7326


Eh she's more a puppet. Its hard to say how much is going on in that head of hers

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b6e705  No.7327

File: 299f5acc0d768f4⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 650x598, 25:23, Streetshitter on JFK's vie….jpg)

I hate that streetshitter so much.

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326dae  No.7339

File: e28989d8caa29da⋯.jpg (127.65 KB, 1112x783, 1112:783, stand up for (((human righ….jpg)

File: 66b72f8e551afd6⋯.jpg (58.66 KB, 813x340, 813:340, Climate-Movement-Antifa-Fr….jpg)

File: 1f78473a5b198e9⋯.png (334.48 KB, 678x381, 226:127, antifa fridays for future.png)


>implying antifa itself isn't a puppet

she actively protest against nordfront because they are ebil nazis, her movement attracts an antifa cult fellowing.

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e2a083  No.7854

It would be funnier to see her wearing a burka

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871113  No.7895

God damn what is with cuckchan posting threads here? Fuck off and lurk two years before posting you faggots.

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195884  No.38928


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