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c16e03  No.7006





>Sayanim (sing. Sayan; Hebrew: helpers, assistants) are Jews who live in and often hold the citizenship of lands outside of Israel, but who are recruited clandestinely by the Mossad to assist with its operations. As clandestine operations, claims regarding the Sayanim tend to be speculative and uncertain.

>"Agents differ from assets and sayanim. Agents possess the requisite mental state to be convicted of treason, a capital crime. […] Sayanim (singular sayan) are shielded from conventional legal culpability by being told only enough to perform their narrow role. […] In other words, a sayan can operate as an accomplice but still not be legally liable due to a lack of the requisite intent regarding the broader goals—of which they are purposely kept ignorant. […] When not aiding an ongoing operation, sayanim gather and report intelligence useful to Israel."

(((Wikipedia))) deleted the article on Sayanim. It turns out all the jews are part of a secret cabal trying to…. Whatever.

>Hey, did you hear Dragon Ball Z was based on a TRUE story!? No way, right? Search YouTube for "Jacob Cohen explains the Sayanim"!

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c16e03  No.7473

File: aea783b89203cdc⋯.png (538.49 KB, 581x720, 581:720, 8chan_JEWS.png)

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e75a7c  No.7708

File: 317528dd7b1ad8a⋯.png (1.1 MB, 854x938, 61:67, 1575073003872.png)

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9b30ff  No.8413

File: d3f479ab4b497a5⋯.png (239.09 KB, 457x533, 457:533, aljo_YOU_WOT.png)



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c16e03  No.10076

File: 7c8d7b29c4ba1c9⋯.png (1023.44 KB, 1136x668, 284:167, the_shoah_team.png)

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842325  No.10794

File: e4e268ab9a00bcf⋯.jpg (174.07 KB, 643x681, 643:681, israel_pays_fight_online.jpg)

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b719a3  No.10961

File: 27beceed2a6f6b1⋯.jpg (53.23 KB, 571x431, 571:431, racist_marxist_israel.jpg)

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b719a3  No.11076

File: 8f919b190486574⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 480x590, 48:59, a_racial_plan_for_the_21st….jpg)

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1fe3cf  No.11512

Has anyone compiled the list of terrorism sponsored by the israeli government that takes place out of broward county in Florida at the hands of Wassermann-Schultz? Bitch has a hand in every major terrorist even on US soil from the Awans to 9/11. Someone please nuke Broward and its jews.

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