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Please leave all Coronavirus news and theories in the dedicated thread that has been literally number one in the catalog for two months running

File: 1354cca9aeaea4e⋯.png (229.28 KB, 451x304, 451:304, 1579401094581.png)

74c7b0  No.69864

I'll make this short and sweet, I'm a graphic designer and over all propaganda enthusiast looking to do my part in the Ironmarch spheres. I've been lurking long enough, it's time to actually fucking do something. So, any help that a fellow anon can give on where to start would be much appreciated. Pic unrelated.



>(((it's not even worth it, it's a lost cause)))

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74c7b0  No.69877

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000000  No.70784

Requesting that you join this thread >>1322 and re-engineer all of the merchants to look like George Soros


Soros should be the new face of the merchant.

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4fdeac  No.71087

just join an WN org and offer them your services, isnt that the easiest?

otherwise just start some website on the darknet, that is probably the safest

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