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File: 05521686a274fe6⋯.jpeg (25.52 KB, 340x340, 1:1, 709BDE72_91E2_4950_83BA_5….jpeg)

a2f786  No.69606

A new religion that embraces the Jew label of our people: goyim.

A religion named after the goyim, that seeks protected rights, and land to establish a religious community.

Solves the ethno-state problem and the white genocide problem. It has the bonus feature of red pilling the common folk about what our parasitical masters really think about us.

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d98ea9  No.69689

Oughtism. Too young to realize that none of the shit they say actually matters, that you can't magic yourself into a protected category by using their shit. They will shit on your shit, because they hold the keys to their shit.

You have to take the keys, not accept the validity of their keys. This is why Trump has had the behavior he has had. And much of it (particularly in the early days) has been incredibly good, whether this board understands it or not.

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a2f786  No.69760


Feel like you’re a scared jew.

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ea9744  No.69787


The orange nigger dindu nufin.

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61c9bb  No.70122


He is right that attempting to use the system against itself is pointless with jew in charge, since the jew just changes the law to stop you, but he is wrong that the orange nigger has done anything of use.

What would be helpful is calling eachother goyim in the same way blacks call each other nigga, since its practically the same meaning its just that blacks wont realize that their slavers were also jewish, just like our slavers are now.

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344268  No.70263

/impotentlybitchingaboutpotus/ for the 100,000th time will surely stop whites from being killed off.

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19dcbf  No.70328


I always thought that retarded frog was a Jewish psyop. Now I know for sure. The lips look exactly like the tip of a freshly circumcised penis.

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a499a1  No.70341

File: 75d1662135c998e⋯.jpg (77.64 KB, 711x735, 237:245, cactus.jpg)


i'm pretty sure that its illegal to tax religious items in most jurisdictions, there might even be a federal prohibition on it implied by the first amendment. if you had a religion in which ass-kicking monster diesel pickups, tacticool rifles and snapping into a slim-jim were all tax free by law then it might be popular.

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