Alright guys, i got a new fresh story from France.
>be me 22.
>heard recently it's been 2 week some antifa cucks been vandalizing the city i work in close to my workplace. That sub-humans been attack bus stop and others stuff.
>time for some ethnic cleansing.jpg
>That cuck been escaping for cops for a week.
>Find the target
>Hide in a bush and then wear a mask in case the jews want my ass, bravo six going dark.
>The cuck is attacking some cars by tagging some commies stuff on it.
>Film the cuck with my phone so this way i have a evidence against me and because the jews/npc won't be able to save that cuck.
>The cops see him, the cuck run away.
>Jump on the cuck and proceed to punch it in the nose.
>Cops came to arrest him.
>Gave the cops the video in a small sd card.
>Based cops are surprised and amazed by my act.
>The cops start to put the cuck in the car and as they do that the cuck shout "nazis, racist, rapist,…"
>Do the nazis salute behind the back at the cops.
>The cops then remove the cuck mask and we could see a woman blue hair with piercings on her face.
>I then said in a serious voice and different voice so the cops don't recognized me. " Probably a tumblr user and a communist, not a big suprise. Your mistake was to act like a cuck, case closed."
>The cops laughed as the cuck screams rape in the car, the cops then offer me a beer since we was close to a bar and thanking me. They said it would be like i never helped them and they would not say anything.
>mfw i have a free beer, mfw i put a antifa cuck in jail.