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File: e65e82d1aadb75e⋯.png (56.39 KB, 256x256, 1:1, default_256_256.png)

46020c  No.6861

Alright guys, i got a new fresh story from France.

>be me 22.

>heard recently it's been 2 week some antifa cucks been vandalizing the city i work in close to my workplace. That sub-humans been attack bus stop and others stuff.

>time for some ethnic cleansing.jpg

>That cuck been escaping for cops for a week.

>Find the target

>Hide in a bush and then wear a mask in case the jews want my ass, bravo six going dark.

>The cuck is attacking some cars by tagging some commies stuff on it.

>Film the cuck with my phone so this way i have a evidence against me and because the jews/npc won't be able to save that cuck.

>The cops see him, the cuck run away.

>Jump on the cuck and proceed to punch it in the nose.

>Cops came to arrest him.

>Gave the cops the video in a small sd card.

>Based cops are surprised and amazed by my act.

>The cops start to put the cuck in the car and as they do that the cuck shout "nazis, racist, rapist,…"

>Do the nazis salute behind the back at the cops.

>The cops then remove the cuck mask and we could see a woman blue hair with piercings on her face.

>I then said in a serious voice and different voice so the cops don't recognized me. " Probably a tumblr user and a communist, not a big suprise. Your mistake was to act like a cuck, case closed."

>The cops laughed as the cuck screams rape in the car, the cops then offer me a beer since we was close to a bar and thanking me. They said it would be like i never helped them and they would not say anything.

>mfw i have a free beer, mfw i put a antifa cuck in jail.

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d66dd7  No.6863

Things that never happened, the thread.

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46020c  No.6865

It actually did happened, it was the 11/12/2019 in the north area of France.

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46020c  No.6866

The antifa cuck been tagging some traffic sign, bus stop,… with the communist logo or some lgbt stickers.

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7c337d  No.6874

Would be even better if there was some newspaper clipping about it somewhere.

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902acd  No.6990

File: 624cef5e09b6fe6⋯.jpg (90.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, original story.jpg)


>walking away I fell down and french soup stared spilling out of my pockets

>I crawl home to post a sad frog over a happy story and collect my .002 baguettes

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b4b90b  No.6993


Don't just beat them. Kill them. Especially the women, who think that they are untouchable.

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14cba2  No.6995

File: ce6cacc438ceb86⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2162x2562, 1081:1281, kebabs vs chinklet - locat….jpg)

File: fbbb5521c35280a⋯.webm (2.95 MB, 288x528, 6:11, run cuck run.webm)

File: b5c80f521d962c6⋯.jpg (988.8 KB, 1329x1870, 1329:1870, check mate marxists.jpg)

been seeing hammer sickle flier posters around shops in immigrant majority suburbs and the city

kinda fucking weird no one takes that shit down considering most immigrants are here because they ran away from some flavor of communism

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198d80  No.7009


>kinda fucking weird no one takes that shit down considering most immigrants are here because they ran away from some flavor of communism

they are brown, therefore, they are stupid. not that weird brother.

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2e668b  No.7015


m8 the ba'ath party is a socialist political movement started by a jew, a christian and a muslim lol. of course sand niggers love communism.

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d1398e  No.7028


It's important to remember these migrants do not reject the politics that made their homelands shit.

They don't make the connection.

Thes ones capable of making the connection fled long ago and now their children are a problem because they've reverted to the norm for their race.

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b50652  No.7034

post the video of the faggot tagging the cars, you retard

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0d17c2  No.7119



>challenge the system

always funny to read

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ec3089  No.11620

fake and gay

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94231e  No.19687


In my Big List of Things That Have Happened, this one is going right at the top.

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40671f  No.19696


> Kill them.


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