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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
We're going to need a bigger oven

File: 4e2ea0d37a92e11⋯.jpg (70.58 KB, 538x955, 538:955, 5qpr8w8gtvc41.jpg)

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180596  No.64746

OK since nobody is making a /cvg/ thread, lets use this until someone bakes a proper one. i would bake one, but I dont know how to update the numbers etc etc. Lets use this 27.5 thread until 28 is properly made. When 28 is made, please lock this thread.

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fd7a36  No.64748

File: e775b3877fdab14⋯.png (981.86 KB, 1815x932, 1815:932, Corona-Chan_angel_wings-sm….png)

This first/second post has been claimed by the Coronian Cult. Coronian thoughts for this thread:

>The star that shines too bright does not live long.

>The star that lives too long barely shines at all.

>The best star shines just bright enough to illuminate it's system and accomplishes the most with it's lifespan.

Prayer for this thread: The Prayer Of The Coronian Prepper

Corona-Chan, my beloved patron Goddess of perfect bioweapons

Give me enough time to prepare for your devastating arrival

Strike down the subhuman looters with your febrile seizure

Keep the zionist government thugs busy far away from my doorstep

Spare my household

Create a pure world for my people

May eternal glory be yours

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04f6af  No.64749

File: d4624c3636c1b47⋯.png (190.18 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, sigil.png)

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07c5f8  No.64751

File: 454c51d178ad4ca⋯.png (404.33 KB, 623x691, 623:691, Screenshot_20200308-021842.png)

It's going to be all over the news soon. They have the cure, but they're withholding all information until every key personnel has gotten it first.

Forsythia. get it while it's in stock

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fef5bb  No.64756

I made a new one.

Fucked up the underlining, though.


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fef5bb  No.64757

Already archived thread 27, as well.

Updated the numbers, too.

Polite sage for double-posting like a nigger.

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