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We're going to need a bigger oven

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33cb9f  No.63771

One must have heritage within the land that they live upon them in order to sensitively register its aesthetic properties.

In order to purge the depths of one's ethereal aesthetic inventory they must be receptive to the nature of their land. It is a matter of non-biological epigenetic evolution.

No nigger could fathom the holistic conceptual and physical beauty of the North-western European continent and thus could not acquire the sacred knowledge of the land's logic. Tolerance is for one to be able to communicate with another individual on ostensive matters, this is what a racially-mixed communion is. Yet, for one to truly, sensually communicate to progress knowledge and form a chain of ideas they must be connected to the land they are poised within. It is the momentum of productive communion.

It is not a matter of colour, it is a matter of heritage, yet I will not argue that there is a reverent utility in differentiation as the polarised colour of a nigger in relation to a European Man can guide one to garner conclusions in a similar function to how one may conclude that a piece of fruit is rotten from its colour. Love your home and raise your lands.


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000000  No.63785

fuck yes man

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f3b4a6  No.63854


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998fe4  No.63950

Does this mean that the whites in South Africa should leave?

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000000  No.63968



Yes. But in order to maintain it, everything else that is dependent upon national governments must be destroyed, along with said governments and all of it's supporters.

Segregated groups will never be left alone. In order to thrive and to exist as we want, we must first destroy everything else that is not in accordance to our will, our needs and our desires.

Don't be fooled thinking that simply by amassing large groups that agree with you and making all segregate that the national governments and the jews that own them will let you live the way you want.

First, organize people to kill all enemies. Only then, anything else can be achieved.

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