I will admit that I have not come to the conclusion that society will collapse from an entirely reasonable place. It's been an unshakeable intuition for most of my life, which I still can't quite place.
Personally, I believe the end will come by way of financial starvation. The middle class (which I define to be those with money, but without lobbyists) has become a buffet from which Zionist Jews, vote buyers, drug cartels, domestic businesses, and foreign governments fatten themselves without hesitation or remorse. I do not believe there is a single conspiracy which explains the death of America (closely mirrored by most other white nations, I suppose), so much as that the nation's productive people are completely unprotected from parasites. (This entered a fever pitch with the War on Poverty, but in my opinion, loosening of voting restrictions and immigration restrictions was probably the beginning of the end.) For a while, the government will continue to function because they'll still be able to sell bonds, but it's really when America's reputation as a stable investment finally dies that things start to get messy. The government would suddenly need to balance the budget, but the political will to do so would not exist, since its actions would still be dictated by competing ulterior motives. Even worse, everyone involved would see the writing on the wall, and would do their best to "get while the gettins' good", so the response to the collapse would (with all due political rationalization) be to make everything much worse much faster. As I write this, it occurs to me that we may already be in this final backward lurch.
This is not to ignore the cultural degradation of the nation, which I believe started with the death of subsistence farming as the primary way of life. I believe the better timeline was one in which technology uncompromisingly sought small-scale solutions to be replicated by the masses, so that instead of the farmer population shrinking into a hundredth of itself, the time it takes the average person to feed himself would shrink into a hundredth of itself. I envision houses whose basements house aquaria, and whose rooves of glass shelter dense, efficient gardens. The people of this alternative timeline would still have specialized skills, but their education would be based around what they need to be self-sufficient, rather than what would get them money. (This might sound worse, but this would include math, reading, basic biochemistry, basic electricity, basic thermodynamics, basic physics, and so on, and all with practical motivation to learn these things, and a real example to study (the houses the students already live in). I envision predominant homeschooling in this alternative world, since most parents would (by dint of their survival) have learned all of this information. Children would be closer to their parents, children would be better educated, and the neurotoxin that is public education would be banished to Communist shitholes. The average person would be expected to build their own
house (with some help from friends, which would be reciprocated when those friends needed help), in part so that they could teach their children how it worked, and so that they could expand/modify it independently.