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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 0d1afb45b480d32⋯.png (506.94 KB, 1256x1017, 1256:1017, iso-millions-march.png)

File: 59fe97d29880942⋯.png (84.96 KB, 856x267, 856:267, freedom-keepers-united.png)

f6daa0  No.6095

Many thought POTUS was off the mark when he claimed pharma was one of the entities pushing the impeachment probe. We want the boards to be aware there currently is an effort to combine anti-vaccine and second amendment groups to protest state legislative events. It looks like this could be a dangerous situation because of the narrative they are creating in a combination of the draconian vaccine mandates and it is in high alignment with what POTUS stated.

Two articles initially spell out what is happening, and it appears this is a massive AstroTurf campaign national in scope. Who has the funding to pull off a nationwide protest?

Highly Organized Controlled Opposition in Florida Deceives and Betrays Anti-Vax Advocacy Groups




The reason we know this is because over the summer, a national "Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccination" was planned and timed for California on August 31st, 2019. Most of the unknown individuals involved popped up out of nowhere and disrupted well-established and highly effective state groups. Two of the so-called leaders behind the scenes have a background in psychological operations and you will see some of it in the articles posted. One of them said he worked with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. which turned out to be a lie. Not to mention oddities such as hundreds of T-shirts appearing on Amazon for sale during a time of extreme censorship.

The self-proclaimed leaders are, in general, people without vaccine-injured children and have backgrounds in the entertainment, military, medical, and pharma sectors. If you scratch below the surface many are in financial debt or have a criminal history. You will see them traveling all over the US without any apparent explanation for family absences or child care or how they are getting money for room and board.

Texas was also a significant target because it was one of the only domains registered for the march. It also just so happens there was a mass shooting in Texas. A person named Austin Bennett coincidentally filmed and uploaded to the internet his assault of State Senator Richard Pan a week prior to the march.

One specific lobbyist by the name of Jonathan Lockwood is flying around the country, causing a stir. If you look at his background and current employer, you will see ties to Charles Koch, The Mitchell Firm (rcv'd $ from Open Society? Podesta?), and Scientology (keep in mind the Clinton's gave Scientology their tax-exempt status).

To put this in perspective, the weekend BEFORE the impeachment hearings a legitimate anti-vaccine event occurred next to the White House on Thursday, November 14th, 2019. A group called the Freedom Keepers also scheduled an event the following day and tried to protest at the VIE event. What is fascinating is on the surface the group appears to be run by five women out of California but on the invite it says they are National Action Network (Al Sharpton?) organization.

Some of the funders trying to censor alt-media on social media platforms established the Quincy Institute right next to the White House. Coincidence?

There is more info to share. Thoughts and analysis are welcome.

God bless.

JUNE 11, 2019 - Charles Koch Teams Up With George Soros, Patreon and Airbnb to Fight Online Extremism


AUGUST 22, 2019 - Activism or Terrorism? Anti-vaccine movement must use facts, not violence, to argue


AUGUST 31, 2019 - Texas Shooting Leaves 7 Dead and At Least 21 Injured Near Odessa


OCTOBER 3, 2019 - Trump suggests without evidence that the pharmaceutical industry could be pushing impeachment probe


NOVEMBER 14, 2019 - https://www.thevieevent.com/

NOVEMBER 15, 2019 - Impeachment Hearings Schedule: What’s Coming Up


NOVEMBER 15, 2019 - Brunch with Freedom Keepers United



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371c99  No.6138

File: cd57ff6bab8a602⋯.png (4.31 KB, 208x233, 208:233, muhleejun.PNG)

My guess would be that they want to equate 2A supporters as being batshit while further painting a negative coat on people against their mandatory poisoning with heavy metals.

Be wary of pro-vax shills as topics about vaccines tend to bring the niggers out of the woodwork. They're especially going to harp on the return of certain diseases while ignoring that it's kikes importing the cause en masse.

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49b45b  No.6222


How the hell did anti-vaxx become a liberal democrat taking point.

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bd48a5  No.6232


It didn't, all the anti-vax stuff comes from the fact that medical science is scary and is complicated to understand.

I can't blame them for that and there is a potential for an allergic reaction for people use vaccines but it's rare and those people can have compensation if they ask for it.

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c52ac0  No.6241


Watch vaxxed, FDA lies a lot man. It ain't just allergic reactions.

I don't mind vaccines but it was also leaked that rich people are able to get vaccines minus the damaging shit. For a price of course.

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95569d  No.6262

File: 047114fed184325⋯.jpg (103.34 KB, 764x960, 191:240, vaccine schedule.jpg)


Many far Left hippies share the same skepticism of the medical industry as many on the far right. Some scientific study about anti-vaxxers discovered that most were either Bernie or Trump voters.

BTW, an easy way to start red pilling someone, especially women, is to start with food and health topics.

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4be8c9  No.6274


That is why killing the operatives is better than killing the true manipulators, for now. Erode the whole base of workers that Soros and others have at their disposal, and soon they won't have anyone else to obey them.

Every single one of those paid protesters killed is one less arm of the jewish lobby.

>muh they will just get more of them

Then kill even more of them, until there are none left alive.


Women must never have any saying on anything. They are tools for reproduction, and never people. And they must be stripped of their rights completely.

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b8aa3b  No.6331


It starts with freedom of choice. Look what the NAZIs and communists did. The California commies just love medical authority. What many don't realize yet are the erosion of parental rights with the mandatory vaccines sets up the next step for those cheese pizza lovers. Watch.

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7eb3da  No.6477

File: 1ff7a1ab7fd288d⋯.jpg (116.41 KB, 500x600, 5:6, Der Sturmer - Immunization.jpg)


>Look what the NAZIs did

Expose the jewish poisoning scam?

"NAZIs" were the original "ant-vaxxxxxxxxxxxers".

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b61bb1  No.7354

File: d608b0a4c406875⋯.jpg (136.07 KB, 560x848, 35:53, Kalergi ACCURATE.jpg)


>Your explanation and cute picture doesn't begin to explain why the NAZIs in the US promoted the polio vaccine

What? American "NAZIs" and "anti-semites" were just as against the jew Salk and his poisoning of gentile children as Julius Streicher and Der Stürmer were. It was the same jewish forces that crushed National Socialist Germany that promoted the Polio vaccine, and continue to promote vaccinations to this day.

>Or that NAZIs modeled their eugenics program after the United States. They were an instrument for the elite.

Oh, you're infotard. That makes sense.

The "elite" are in favor dysgenics not eugenics. They want a world full of dumbed-down shabbos goy mongrels, not Übermensch.

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7ba54a  No.7511


Can you explain what organization was responsible for the creation of the polio vaccine? Did the organization have any relationship to the Wilhelm Kaiser Institute?What PR firm promoted the vaccine in the US?

You seem mighty proud of finding the umlaut on your keyboard. Congrätz.

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80c03e  No.7699


How many cases are there of someone who has been vaccinated actually acquiring the disease they've been vaccinated for? The flu shot is not typically a true vaccine because there are so many strains and mutations of it between individuals that have it (especially independent of who they contracted it from.)

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80c03e  No.7700


>I don't mind vaccines but it was also leaked that rich people are able to get vaccines minus the damaging shit. For a price of course.

This would actually make some sense to me. I imagine it's like buying toilet paper. You can get the 2 dollars shit but it's not the super soft and cushiony shit you get for 16 dollars but for a lot of people it doesn't make any difference while other people I've know liken it to sand paper.

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05817b  No.7701


If you vaccinate yourself from influenza you should probably remove yourself from the genepool.

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