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d3b527  No.59762

Here’s a normie tier bit of conversation, but a conversation normies and no one else has. Why don’t they put a 15% tax on all donations, grant monies and other income on Non Profits right off the top. It’s clear as day that almost all these organizations are political shill groups that get their money trickled down from banks and corporations and/or they’re tax shelters that employ the family members of host millionaires/billionaires, why not tax them?

The entire national debt would probably be paid off in a few years.

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9f1164  No.59834

Your basic assumption is wrong. Most normalfags dont realize nonprofits are scams. Even the ones who do think they scams think you can kill the scams by refusing to donate. They forget that nonprofits dont make their money off of public donations. They make their money by laundering donations from corporations and skimming off the topic. No normalfag realizes the rabbit hole runs this deep. Also, normie is a reddit word, faggot

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77c188  No.59856


Not to go off onto a tangent, but no “normie” is an ancient Chan word, it’s not Reddit

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