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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 9584a55bfeb8962⋯.jpg (288.8 KB, 1440x845, 288:169, bill.jpg)

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bf068e  No.5884

If we were to pretend that we get to write the Bill of Rights for the modern age internet, which privileges would you include in order of importance? This is assuming we are writing 10 original rights given to all law abiding U.S. citizens.

Keep the count to 10. They should not regurgitate the original Bill of Rights and should respect consumers alike. They should also set the playing field for combating future changes in the dynamics of file sharing, content managing, piracy, intellectual property, deplatforming, and decentralized forms of communication.

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741673  No.5904


Amendment 9 would go first: "The listing and enumeration of the following rights shall not be construed to deny other rights that people have, nor to disparage any rights that people have."

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cd3803  No.5914


>intellectual property

Get rid of it completely, as a start.

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e7c6f7  No.5930

Some sort of amendment that prohibits the deplatforming of any legal speech on social media sites would be top priority. There would need to be some sort of language in there to allow specialist forums to delete speech that is not on-topic, but otherwise it should all be protected, and companies that offer publicly available general use social media sites should be held liable for the actions of their moderators, should they engage in systematic suppression of free speech.

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bf068e  No.5945

File: c4b046e222ecf5e⋯.jpg (201.81 KB, 682x903, 682:903, 1402638214756.jpg)


In the beginning, companies initially offer a communication platform that is NOT legally considered a public platform. Meaning they do not have to abide by federal law and support free speech. This is completely normal and is akin to anyone creating a small startup website forum to chat. The problem is once a platform gains massive traction and becomes a major form of communication (like Twitter), companies still do not have to abide by federal regulation because they are still a privately held website.

So to build on top of your comment, there should be a legal standard to say when a media platform like Youtube, Twitter, etc. become so big that they MUST be considered a public facility. But then you need to factor in "is it then government funded/sanctioned?" It's a mess and outside of my field of knowledge.

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176f78  No.5992


how does any modern thing impede on the original 10 bills?

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176f78  No.5993


in this case i would say, the answer is that twitter still falls in teh same catergory

think about how a website can stay afloat. the only terms i can think of in the same thing as this is

ok like right now i remmber when websites were so going so fast you coulndt type fast enough to get a reply out if it was long enough before it 404'd.

anyone who buys and runs their website and fails should have to endure all of the whatever the internet has to offer to it. if its a complete piece of shit and wont show how it prospers at least wwe got he federal reserve private bank to blame on.

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26f093  No.5995


1. People have the right to create a website that has rules, terms of service, and community standards where they are free to shut you the fuck up without you whining about it.

… actually, that's it. No need for anything else.

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176f78  No.6005


yea or not and make a journal like a faggot

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000000  No.6047

What's the point if it can't be enforced?

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195623  No.6089

>Social media and internet companies do not have the same rights as other companies and must be under a different form of regulation so they do not undermined people's basic rights

Anyways, it'd go like this:

>A right to a platform

People can no longer be deplatformed for their political views and must be given an equal and unbiased standing in a public space.

>The right to anonymity

People can no longer be data mined or be required to give their personal information online with or without consent.

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9cf3c5  No.6131

1. Everyone is allowed to add any content at others internet provided service, owner of internet provided service is allowed to deny any conent.

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0de266  No.6149



A huge list of current online alternatives.

Also important to note this p2p based browser: https://dissenter.com/

Dissenter allows users to engage in a new online p2p chat over the web that cannot be censored or controlled. Anyone who has the Dissenter browser can open up any web URL and start chatting among one another regarding the topics of each individual URL. It also blocks all Big Tech tracking/ads by default.

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0de266  No.6153


List Of Private VPN Services



Learn How To Take Back Your Online Privacy



Also check out https://dissenter.com/

With Dissenter users can speak freely and openly over a p2p chat network, each having their own chat room for each and every individual URL opened up with Dissenter all over the web!

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132c44  No.6155


Nothing can really be enforced unless there is some kind of massive governmental takeover of ALL backbone internet infrastructure much like China has done, with national firewalls within the ISP backbones. Until that happens in America/Europe the internet will remain completely decentralized where control is impossible otherwise.

See some solutions we currently have today:



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f649b4  No.6175


Manifestos are free speech

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6eee91  No.6504

Make it illegal to deplatform a website like FagWheels tried to do with 8kun.

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9b2f69  No.6543

You are fucking stupid OP.

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d080e4  No.6569


This, they do not even abide by the current bill of rights why would an internet bill of rights be any different.

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2b8747  No.6792


Rights are given to us by creator, the constitution merely affirms them, our (we the people) divine mandate, ballot or bullet guarantees them – the paper itself merely gives formal notice of the consequences thereof.

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0f775b  No.7002

File: 16191c557eee6fc⋯.png (394.65 KB, 620x512, 155:128, NTsRaLI.png)


What makes you think this would be any more meaningful than that other bill of rights which is consistently ignored by those sworn to defend it?

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