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cea462  No.5397

If Ted Cruz was like this during the election, he would be President.

It's frustrating that the only people trying to hold anyone to account is not in a position of authority. Trump and Barr need to fucking get the lead out before the frustration of the people boils over.

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df6280  No.5401

File: 4f6afc0353b0605⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 728x256, 91:32, 4a058f6d6223fc8427897890aa….jpg)


>picture says all


They're all going to learn or die, probably both at once.

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1b9f4f  No.5413


It’s funny how you’re still worshipping the ZOG emperor and actually defending Ted “My political history shows the obvious inclination to become president of a formal North American Union, and also I’m a spic and not a legal citizen” Cruz. Go the fuck back to reddit, neocon.

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cca536  No.5562


> The IG ((( HOROWITZ ))) Report

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e2429c  No.5584

Who will hold the government accountable when it spies on ordinary citizens?

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c79929  No.5585

File: a3b2a049e74a4d3⋯.mp4 (14.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ELPRESADOR_video__Donald_T….mp4)

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d9fb83  No.5666

File: 9c60657a438a204⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 1571002129768.jpg)

I haven't had the stomach to watch a single minute of this zog-orchestrated Impeachment circus. Have I missed anything funny?

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9b73ef  No.5671


There was that moment when Trump ran naked through the House Intelligence Committee hearings with "Soybomb" painted on his chest and screaming about Howard Stern's penis.

… you didn't watch. You don't know it didn't happen.

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50a572  No.5691

Q's fake show & push for justice by Barr, Durham, Trump will be over soon

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3b16d3  No.5694


Fox News takes every chance they can to call it a/the "Schiff show." I let out a little chuckle whenever I hear it.

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cf935a  No.5770


Beards make the man.

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f21cd1  No.5771

Ted is one of those autistic politicians, he took the wrong approach and tried to act normal in 2016 not realising nobody wanted more of the same.

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e2429c  No.5857

Would you vote for him in 2024?

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1b9f4f  No.5859


>vote for a spic, goyim

>vote for a non-citizen, goyim

>vote for someone who worked to create the North American Union, goyim

The fuck do you think.

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498191  No.10671

It is incredibly hard to be natural in a political environment. You have to experience it to understand. Imagine you have a hostile audience, a moderator who planned with his team for over a month on how to trip you up, and others up on the stage that may or may not play by the rules. It is really fucking hard. There's no time to edit your post, to look things up on wikipedia, you need to respond right at that moment, off the top of your head. It's like playing a chess master with a 3 second move limit. You are going to fuck up if you haven't trained like a madman.

There's the saying "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" and it accurately describes political interviews and debates. You need years of training at PR to be effective and being on a debate team in high school doesn't count.

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0c1caa  No.10699

ted cruz admits he watches my little pony. said he likes applejack

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8d707a  No.10727


You will elect a leaf and you will like it, like sweet maple syrup.

You don't stand a chance Yankee.

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695d91  No.10741


They only ever try to hold people to account when they don't have power. The moment they get some those goals mysteriously disappear.

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8fb095  No.10860

Trump is a Zionist faggot who hates whites.

>Trump's executive order—deceptively called “An Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism”—issued this past week, will empower the federal Department of Education to withhold funding to college campuses that do not squash anti-Israel rhetoric. In other words, it is now official government policy to deny college students and faculty members their Natural and constitutional right to criticize—especially and primarily if they criticize any and all things Israel. This will also doubtless include speech that supports Palestinian rights.

>Trump also declared that the religion of Judaism is a nationality or ethnicity and is beyond criticism. Can you imagine the outcry if he had declared Christianity to be a nationality?


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