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File: d091df10d01a039⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 960x960, 1:1, merry goround.jpg)

3fb3a7  No.53055

general life pattern of white american/western men who post on /pol/

>graduate from college, find that all the entry level jobs have been taken by women, niggers, etc

>go back to college and get an advanced degree so we can get highly skilled jobs

>finally around age 30, age 35, working at a highly skilled job and making 6 figures

>by this time, we are already fully redpilled and no longer interested in marriage

>white women freak the fuck out because all the rich white men aren't willing to marry them

>rich white 35 year old men save their money, or spend it on themselves, society freaks out and says why aren't white men contributing to society

>and if you really want to say fuck you to America, renounce your citizenship and take your money and move to a low-tax country like Cambodia, so the US government and nigggrs/women can't steal your tax dollars anymore

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4f3681  No.53059

File: 0e3ed0bc0ce89c9⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 960x791, 960:791, pepecocktrannykiller.jpg)






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a0ff92  No.53076

lets talk about how we can intensify this and make the thots go absolutely mental

lets punish them for fun.

I propose: the following:

We promote a meme calling them "shoe".

This will make them go crazy because it will "promote patriarchy", it "dehumanize" and it also "objectifies" them. The "shoe" is all three at once and is the ultimate insult.

Bonus points: you can say "You like shoes because you are like a shoe" We are what we wear, and in a way, women are supposed to be worn like clothes.

Do that and see the ultimate rage.

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4b2f42  No.54009

File: aaf1428e337a9a4⋯.png (144.28 KB, 726x572, 33:26, oy vey.png)


>lmao fuck society let's all just not get married and run away with all of our worthless money to some obscure tax haven

>oh fuck the white race is dying even more now because we didn't have any kids

>doesn't matter because niggers got BTFO or something

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