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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The apocalypse isn't all that bad

File: fba16fdb1211f8e⋯.jpg (678.13 KB, 2048x1718, 1024:859, image3A6283_chroma.jpg)

File: 52b93928eb902ce⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 1398x2496, 233:416, GLITCHO_IMG_20191204_17204….jpg)

f1ce35  No.5260

Want to do business exclusively with jews?

Ever wonder why nightclubs are so overpriced?

Are you left quizzical why anyone would pay millions for subversive works of art?

Are you having trouble making money working for poor people who limit your creative potential because they're strapped down with debt slavery?

Maybe you just want to invade the financial world and siphon off its money to counteract the ZOG and suck those pesky jews dry?

Racial segregation still exists; it's between the jews and the non-jews and the way to discriminate is by inflated cost of lifestyle/living. The higher the inflation, the more separated jews are from non-jews, which explains why the fed increases interest rates in times of prosperity among the goyim. Jews are literally in control of segregation policy.

So basically, money is simply a Jew pass in society.

Enough of those pesky haggling goyim!

Demand the Jew pass!

How do you do it? Simple:

1. Whatever product/service you're selling, make the price astronomically high.

2. Connect it to some kind of Zionist/rabbinically related purpose in your sales pitch (protip: make sure to be subtle & use their leftist/zionist political lingo, especially when giving a Ted talk about it)

3. Keep your high price firm, but then give them wiggle room to haggle the price down to a slightly lower astronomically high price if need be; make it seem like a big, once in a lifetime deal, divine covenant proportions.

4. ???

5. Actual profit!

And you're done!

Non-Jews will either run away or become your debtslave,

And jews will flock to you for more!

Now you know how to make money off of jews.

You know what to do now, anons.

Be creative & resourceful; share with us your progress.

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ab8d23  No.5289


Any operation that is not "openly kill the jews" will fail.

Be creative and resourceful in murdering jews all over the region where you live. that is the way to win against the jews. They are powerless and dumb by nature. They can only deceive subhumans (that are dumber than them) and they can never win against s superior race.

Kill the jews. Every jew killed every day improves the world every day.

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3a1321  No.5331

File: ffb3c89e73931ce⋯.jpg (6.33 KB, 250x165, 50:33, 1539674157480.jpg)


And tell us how are enough of us dissident whites going to secure the resources in order to systematically bring about the "final solution" in the first place? Where'd all that finance come from?

Also, what would make you think the current resources we have now would be able to actually bring about the final solution within the next 15 years?

And what makes you think tricking Jews into funding their own destruction won't have any impact on how fast we could be able to carry out the final solution?

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0b144d  No.5392


>Want to do business exclusively with jews?


>Ever wonder why nightclubs are so overpriced?

Don’t care. I don’t engage in degeneracy.

>Are you left quizzical why anyone would pay millions for subversive works of art?

No, because it’s money laundering.

>Are you having trouble making money working for poor people who limit your creative potential because they're strapped down with debt slavery?

Not really.

>Maybe you just want to invade the financial world and siphon off its money to counteract the ZOG and suck those pesky jews dry?

Which can’t happen.

>1. Whatever product/service you're selling, make the price astronomically high.

“Go out of business, goyim!”

>2. Connect it to some kind of Zionist/rabbinically related purpose in your sales pitch

“Lie and pretend to be a jew, goyim!”

>And you're done!

So do nothing, got it.

>Non-Jews will either run away or become your debtslave

“Enslave whites, goyim!”

>And jews will flock to you for more!

“Support jews, goyim!”

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90f1e8  No.5503


>literally has no argumentation and blurts out opposition like a niggerfaggotkikeslave shill

Have fun sitting on your ass broke posting memes all day, cuck.

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0b144d  No.5536


>line for line exposes the entire hoax and disproves it


Kill yourself. We won’t be doing what you say.

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811ea9  No.5552


Don't do this. Your leading the world into an MLM nightmare.

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811ea9  No.5553


Kill yourself, goyim.

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029ed6  No.5556


My jewish friend linked me this thread on facebook. Disgusting!

I've never been more disgusted in my life. How CAN YOU SCAM INNOCENT MIGRANT DREAMERS who want to go through THEIR college life and get an EDUCATION!!!!

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d166a5  No.5557


This is a bad idea. I'm offended.

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c74e92  No.5559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

/pnd/ needs their own knife brand.

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11c1e9  No.5697

File: 66ba9fd53dc7086⋯.jpg (5.97 KB, 251x251, 1:1, 1575905836006.jpg)


>thinks empty one liners are "arguments"

>"muh kIlL uRsElF"

You first, kikeslave.

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b895fa  No.5699


Yeah, see, this has been tried before and "be subtle" is impossible for /pol/acks. As soon as they open their mouths they say something like, "Oy vey, fellow tribesman! My name is David Chaim Shekelsteinberg. Oy vey! Those goyim, am I right?" A non-Jew is incapable of faking it and someone who hates Jews is even more obvious.

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072b79  No.5720


>a non Jew can't do this

While being intimately familiar with Jewish cultire is extremely important, you don't have to be Jewish to become acquainted with the ins and outs of Jewish culture and reap results. Look at all the leftist shabbos goys for example. In theory, you can gain support from Jews as a shabbos goy and then use that money to fund things that are in clandestine opposition to their interests.

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b895fa  No.5722


Yeah, but if you're acting as a shabbos goy, they will know you're a shabbos goy and won't let you in the inner circle unless you fully convert - which takes 4-5 years. If you're hoping to save real money as a shabbos goy, I got some bad news for you …

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f1a72c  No.5754


Or you can just say your Jewish and accuse others of antisemitism if they doubt you.

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0b144d  No.5756


>you worship jews because you refuse to do what jews tell you to do

Sage, report. Your thread is spam.

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c48748  No.5760

File: 3175ce6c04578f0⋯.jpg (29.21 KB, 288x288, 1:1, 1575147118821.jpg)


>i-i-im not doing what kikes want!!!1!11!!

>*prefers to do nothing, not offering any constructive alternative, making no demonstration of contribution to progress*

ok kikeslave

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49f2dc  No.5764

File: 99bcb974ada9174⋯.jpeg (168.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 99bcb974ada9174e2a9707fbb….jpeg)


>that video

>the 30 second mark






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c48748  No.5778

File: c2e84c1d8d6173d⋯.jpg (86.74 KB, 1024x729, 1024:729, c2e84c1d8d6173dbc5bd0d456a….jpg)



we have ourselves a new knife brand, /pnd/

Merry Christmas

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157b82  No.5780

Tarrant didn't mind the jew, they are better than nig nogs.

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254b4e  No.5820

File: 9c1c0ee43bcce6b⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 320x480, 2:3, 1529775623691.jpg)



MLMs target stay at home moms the most looking to sell without living there homes. LuLaRoe is the best example, white middle age moms make up the majority of the membership

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9252f1  No.5825


nu/pol/ in a nutshell everybody

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e23792  No.9532

File: 84fc126e6c8b1cc⋯.jpg (256.71 KB, 510x1240, 51:124, kenen_hallinnassa_maailma_….jpg)

>Want to do business exclusively with jews?


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468a13  No.9552

File: 10ba58b0ef86baf⋯.gif (943.46 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 82wm.gif)

The goal is to rid ourselve of Jewry, not embrace it.

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034040  No.14906

With regards to modern art that sells for over $1mm+, that is just money laundering in plain site. Art at the highest level is just a currency in the underworld. Do you really think a hedge fund billionaire is going to pay big money for a small painting without there being a "bonus" attached somewhere.

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674265  No.22114

File: e6e9e34c0c7867a⋯.png (140.74 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 9681fbde3444d7be6e7a864f80….png)

The only way to free yourself from them is to take your own life. It's the only way that is 100% effective. Any violence against them only makes them stronger.

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8a95fa  No.22119

bumpy b ump

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cc5082  No.22138

File: 13e7bc0b7c31784⋯.jpg (18.63 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ebolachannazi.jpg)


no u

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000000  No.47187


Jews keep lists of who pays Temple Tax, and Jews who pay their Temple Tax won't shop in your store unless you are on that list.

You could have the face of Henry Kissinger, solid proof of a Jewish mother, and be descended from a line of Rabbis, but if you don't pay your Temple Tax, you're as good as a goy. They won't even bar mizvah your son until they have you on file paying 3 years of TT.

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e87483  No.47343

You don't have to be so subversive. It's better you get a gun and go hunting jews in their hidey hole bases or in synagogues when Corona-chan hits where you live.

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3b340c  No.47575


It’s not an actual pandemic, idiot.

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