With all these cuckchan memes about Russia and Trump, it’s got me in a state of disbelief of how ignorant cuckchan /pol/ really is. If you believe that Communism ended in Russia 25 years ago, then you believe in a lie. Why is Russia trying to reclaim all of it’s former Soviet states? Why is Russia committing war crimes in Crimea and violating international law, much like their bum buddies in Israel? Why is Russia sending people to the Gulag for hard labor over wrongthink? Putin destroyed the nationalist scene in Russia. See Dmitry Demushkin, Alexander Belov, Yury Gorsky and Vyacheslav Maltsev. You people want to protest the EU when Israel fucking hates them for their antisemitism while at the same time praising the Eastern Bloc which has over 3x the amount of muslims in the UK in Russia. Vladimir Putin and Alexander Dugin are both crooked liars. In fact, Putin’s father worked as a cook for Stalin. Which is why he embraces the Soviet Union and why Stalin has a 70% approval rating there. He throws everyone who he disagrees with in prison, and yet you people trash America when you have the freedom to shit on your own country here. Over 35,000 Western anti-fascists have volunteered to fight for the Pro-Russian separatists and are fighting for cultural marxism in the West at the behest of Russia while on the other hand, the Russians don’t even swallow their own Kool-Aid and arrest people (like Pussy Riot) for trying to push the same thing in their own country. The WWN (World Without Nazism) and Chabad Lubavitch both have ties to Putin. Putin is an ardent Zionist warmonger who wants the Jews in Israel, and was even voted Israel’s “Person of the Year” for 2015. He has good relations with Benjamin Netanyahu. Igor Kolomoisky actually helps Russia as does Zelensky. They’re both traitors to Ukraine. Ukraine is merely defending themselves from Russian occupation. There are even many Russians among Right Sector and Azov, along with Europeans of all backgrounds, including Swedes, French, Germans, etc. My advice is to stop sucking Putin’s commie dick. Communism was never a threat to Jewry. Israel was neutral during the Cold War and even sold secrets and guns to Russia during that period. Wake the fuck up people. Both Trump and Putin are stooges.
And another thing: to those who think that Crimea belongs to Russia, just imagine if Mexico did the same thing for Texas. The results would be catastrophic for Americans. Russia loves Brexit, in fact Dugin even predicted Brexit and the fall of Europe followed by the Russian control of Europe back in the late 90s. And look at him today: he’s actively supporting Brexit and even predicts that many other European countries are soon going to follow suit. And if Ukrainians really are fighting a proxy war for the US, then why did Trump cut off US aid to them? And another thing is that no, I am not promoting the EU’s multiculturalism. But at the same time, Angela Merkel and Tony Blair both have Communist ties to Russia.
Russia also has ties to the Yellow Vests in France. Dugin also promoted them. And while they do have legitimate grievances with the French government, however Russia’s aims is to cause unrest and disorder in their enemy states so that they can rule them over. Same with the US. At Unite the Right, you had marchers chant “Russia is our friend” while at the same time, Russia plays the Communist side as well. Both are useful idiots to destabilize America and the West which Russia hates. In fact, Russia is already relied upon mostly for natural gas in the European Union. Ukraine is still a third world country because of corruption by pro-Russian leaders like Yanukovych. Petro Poroshenko’s goals is to take back Donbass and Crimea and anyone who says otherwise is full of shit. Poroshenko also fired Kolomoisky as regional chief and nationalized the Jewish oligarch’s PrivatBank in 2016. And for the last thing I want to mention is that Russia is projected to be 1/3 muslim within the next 15 years. So much for based Putin protecting a white Russia.