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File: 6972d53295a4306⋯.png (6.62 MB, 2436x1125, 812:375, 5CECE4EB-C032-41DA-B008-5A….png)

7f0cde  No.51434

It’s time to unite the right again! Remember when Mussolini started in the 1920s? It’s time for us to rise again. To be last hope of white race we must fight and start to make fascism happen again! When the white man gets mad nothing gets in our way. We created civilizations, we created empires, we once’s ruled the whole earth. We have the ability to be more powerful. We still make up the majorities in our nations. Let’s finish what Hitler and Mussolini started. Only you can fix your destiny. I can’t do this alone.

No more brother wars, no more rivals. Europe must become one powerful white state and reach its full maximum power. We still have a chance but it’s dying.

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a0f573  No.51435

You remind me of the verified twitter SJWs whining about climate change and how the time is now to stop it and they create a petition that gets a bajillion signature and then nothing happens because all they want to do is pretend to make a difference rather than actually doing anything.

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8624ac  No.51441


> I can’t do this alone.


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b54b33  No.51521

File: 02346670c1722e0⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, grandpa lampshade.jpg)

remember goy

just make petitions and vote

if you have problems, call someone and ask for help

let people know how you feel about things so that we can get you on the right medications to feel better

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