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File: ab3cfbef89cae60⋯.png (523.07 KB, 1451x1609, 1451:1609, 2012.png)

7e89dd  No.49976

In 2014 people took to the streets to protest the bankers and bailouts. The protest was called OWS, and was eventually destroyed by the introduction of ‘SJW’ caucuses, and the ‘progressive stack’.

Well funded academics infiltrated the movement and forced these borders of race into a class oriented discussion.

It was 4 full years before trump. Trump wasnt in the discussion. You can use the tool at: https://media-analytics.op-bit.nz/

and search trump and see he wasnt on the radar.



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1c7cfe  No.49980

Excellent thread.

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e81266  No.50441

File: 30f395510a3e1db⋯.png (122.91 KB, 930x603, 310:201, Smith-Mundt Act and Mass S….png)

File: 58d84f2fddb9bc9⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1024x1300, 256:325, banks hijack the left.png)


Thank you anon. 2012 was the year the Smith-Mundt act was modified. I was wondering if there were other graphs showing a spike in certain types of stories after that year.

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fe6c94  No.50490

Great find OP.

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