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File: 44a21ab61059da4⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LiveLeak-dot-com-bc6_14206….mp4)

1a1bba  No.4990

What happened to the wave of major islamic terror in the west? Even though ISIS is effectively kill shouldn't we be seeing revenge attacks from them, or even al queda picking up the slack like at charlie hebdo?

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480dad  No.4992

Not quite sure on the answer. Perhaps they saw the propaganda potential in these terrorist attacks for our side and decided to ease off and go quiet. Change their tactics from subversion and spreading fear to plain subversion. Politicians can no longer spew their bullshit about the beauty of diversity when bullets and bombs are flying and killing innocent Europeans.

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5c7e11  No.4994

File: d440537e762be0f⋯.jpg (30.11 KB, 364x418, 182:209, 5 (2).jpg)


I was thinking this also. The paris attacks/Manchester bombing/Nice attack must have woken up 1000s of goyim. I'm more wondering about the lone wolf low tech attacks which weren't ZOG orchestrated like the truck attacks in sweden or germany.

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480dad  No.4996


tbh what's worse is the effect these fucking animals are having on previously pleasant white communities.

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906c21  No.5002


> What happened to the wave of major islamic terror in the west?

the current (((Terrorist))) is the 2nd Amendment

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f950bf  No.5012

File: 23b32cb39b9a489⋯.png (266.27 KB, 528x1405, 528:1405, Gttiki torches _8a7ce08e95….png)

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404bb7  No.5025

File: 25c0e8501eb2034⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 599x434, 599:434, 61970dc2cf0ad8663c5eff4a52….jpg)


>What happened to the wave of major islamic terror in the west?

The "people" who gave you the islamic invasion are now moving on to phase 2 of the plan, selling you the solution in the form Israel-subservient kosher civic "nationalism".

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f2cd5e  No.5041


It's also likely that they're noticing the public reaction is turning from fear to anger in response to terrorist attacks (even while the event is ongoing). It's getting to a point where civilians are now attacking terrorists with improvised weapons before the authorities even show up. If the trend holds and attacks continue, public anger will eventually explode, resulting in a retaliatory cycle of terrorist attacks from all sides. Some which will also end up targeting the government.

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906c21  No.5044


I've always wanted to drive a Citroen

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45a2b9  No.5045


Vice news, hey!

How are you, you shill

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404bb7  No.5046

File: c8bd1e8eec5f78d⋯.png (222.19 KB, 330x340, 33:34, Do you think this is a mot….png)



>Calling out the jew

You are a special kind of fucking stupid.

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69f9da  No.5078



Both of these I feel. The solutions politicians kept offering were dancing around the main issue of immigration. More cameras, checks, invasion of privacy and so on but not actually kicking illegals and troublesome foreigners out. The policy and agenda was getting made obvious and mainstream.

Its something like a deadbeat. "We've" tried to play nice and change ourselves so the deadbeat gets off his ass but to no effect. We've tried networking and getting a job for him, still nothing. We pay his way, clean up after him, feed him and still get nothing. We're sick of him now and the main solution is to just give him the boot.

So they saw the tides turning and have ceased it. Trump also defused things in Syria, whether it was him or the script he is following. Attention has turned to Iran now but for terrorist attacks its the evil white man doing the bombs, cars and guns now.

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ad3b35  No.5087


Also, context on the WEBM?

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4c0b32  No.5117

ISIS being kill shouldn't be underestimated. If I were an Islamic lone wolf terrorist, I'd feel a lot better taking my own life if it meant contributing to the success of the caliphate. Revenge is a shitty thing to die for.

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95d1c8  No.15546


Charlie hebdo attack

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3fd2da  No.15555


they never stopped, its called criminal terrorism. enacting terror through crime; rapes, robberies, murder, etc.

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ec3725  No.15583

File: be5e9a835e3579c⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 288x499, 288:499, 7ff.jpg)


The current fearporn narrative is that climate change will kill us all. Islamic terrorism is out.

That's all there is to it. You gotta keep shifting fearporn narratives so people don't settle down and stop being afraid.

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0a7bac  No.15602


Charlie Hebdo was such a great attack. They struck right at the jew's nest. I think that was pretty much the turning point when the whole islamophobia canard started being pushed hard and criticism of muslims and Islam stopped being legal for all intents and purpose. Always remember that when someone tells you that terrorism doesn't work. It always works. If it didn't work it's because not enough targets have been killed yet, or not the right ones. That's why I think they stopped. It's not necessary anymore.

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000000  No.15633

The ones crazy enough to do it have already done it

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d1cd2b  No.15745

File: c01540ce099e404⋯.png (357.51 KB, 423x423, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


i miss those

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3e5c6d  No.15771


There are still attacks. They are just less spectacular and also you aren't told about them.

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9c52a1  No.15788

>Russia and Assad curbstomping ISIS

>Israel and Soros playing pretend of breaking up, kikes in Europe withdrawing from rapefugee welcome rhetoric after being targeted by said rapefugees

>Trump bombing ISIS instead of paradropping guns and SUVs to them like Obongo

>populist parties regaining momentum

>Hungary and Poland going kebab removal

>Saudis being too busy having their shit pushed in by Houthis

>that kebab-roasting building fire in England

>Tarrant giving them a taste of their own medicine while "alt right terrorists" are getting more coverage by the (((media)))

All the previous dispelled muds' illusion of invulnerability and unconditional passivity of White people , that the previous decade of unregulated immigration and unanswered violence cultivated on them, and forced them to go back to taqiyya mode.You have to understand that despite wahhabis' reckless pompousness saracens are by nature just as a cowardly and paranoid folk as the rest of their semitic cousins.

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d51269  No.15836

They are winning that's why, and you still see terror attacks like that recent stabbing mostly to keep the people in line. Most of the attacks that they do are those of a conquering army, rapes of the women, random killing of children or harrasing of the locals. They have most of what they wanted shave for Sharia, but they know they will get that when they are the majority and can eaisly vote it in.

It's illegal to even critize Islam.

Any action "against" Muslims pyshically or verbally is pursued with the full extent of the law even if it's something like eating ham infront of a Mosque. Or doing what I am doing being "rascist online".

While attacks against whites by Muslims are ignored.

They are allowed to do what ever, the worst they can get is deported temporalily.

They have mostly won politically and installed an element of fear, now all that is left is to finish killing us.

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3c836c  No.15845


mossad and the intelligence agencies have changed tactics.

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f229ee  No.15888


If you see something on the news, it is (((intentional))).

If you do not see something on the news, it is a (((coincidence))).

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835626  No.15948

File: 5cb0e9ac784e0c4⋯.png (1.23 MB, 720x862, 360:431, goku.png)


Israel decided to start using white guys for false flags instead of moose-lums.

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c3c39a  No.15972

they realized that it's not in their strategic interest, all their attacks accomplished is inciting people against them. best thing they can do is just cash welfare checks and pop out 8 babies apieces, they'll takeover in a generation

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36cb34  No.16038


I’ll never understand why samir 34 uses DBZ characters in his stories if their powers are never going to be in play in situations where they should

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6d4e89  No.16047


We have a winner.

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13ef74  No.16089

>What happened?

Psyop stopped because Trump got elected, which was exactly they wanted.

Just look what the orange kike is doing now.

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252f72  No.19340


True, but not all attacks work. Killing 50 muslims is nothing compared to striking a den of kike rats like (((Charlie Hebdo)))

only time i agreed with muzzie rats.

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756e1b  No.19429

Muslim attacks and violence hasn't stopped, the (((media))) has just stopped reporting it and the kike occupational governments have stepped up their efforts to stop the major noticeable incidents. The kikes are arrogant but they're not stupid, Schlomo noticed that the Islamic attacks were angering and even waking up some goy to whats actually going on and they acted in order to preserve the Kalergi plan. Now they're just going to ship in shitskins without the news reporting it and allow them to victimize whites while the police and talking heads say nothing.

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244bd4  No.19447

Here's an example of what is to come. This article made local news, but certainly did not get the attention it deserved. This is a true life horror story.


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244bd4  No.19830


The problem is numbers. In the UK, Pakistanis have learned to fight in packs. They have a community, and will come out to defend their own. I have personally seen this in attack mode where 15 or more lads chased down a white teen and beat him badly. Even the younger lads, aged about nine, physically faced up to the teen, and punched and kicked him.

The closest I saw to whites grouping like this was the Oldham riots, where a group of mainly Oldham and Stoke fans got together and took the fight to the Pakistani's neighbourhood. Even then the Pakis came out aggressively and in numbers. To add insult to injury the Footy fans had already been infiltrated by police informers.

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fbda7f  No.21898

They realized the islamic terrorism was messing up their replacement immigration in europe and (the elite) told the muzzies to stop as they will win through the birth rates. dat simple.

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942bf6  No.21900


go back to twitter kike

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ae2a55  No.21901

ISIS leadership has been taken out, so (assuming they were actually responsible for the bigger attacks), muslims can't effectively organize to launch large attacks.

I think we are experiencing far more small scale attacks from muslims than any time in modern history, but the media and authorities won't say anything about them as they don't want to invoke being called racist, xenophobic, etc.

And I think this was part of the plan. People have been numbed to large terrorist attacks, so smaller ones aren't a big deal to most people. Reaction to those attacks was "stop being islamophobic, they're just like us!" And now the big attacks are done, yet we have lots of attacks on Christian buildings, gangs raping white children, and groups beating up non-muslims. It has completely broken local and larger government's response to this, as they just sit back and take it. People have been completely demoralized, too. Look at Europeans. Even if they know muslims are doing horrible things in their communities, they're 100% terrified of saying anything. There's a good chance they'd be labeled far right and lose their entire lives.

Now imagine if these things were happening 50 years ago. No one would stand for it. But they are forced to tolerate it, whether they like it or not.

Best example I can think of in recent history about a terrorist attack turning into nothing is the burning of Notre Dame. Everyone who is skeptical of muslims knows they have been burning churches down all over Europe and attacking them. Yet one of the biggest churches in all of Europe burns, and it's instantly claimed to be a construction error, no serious investigation is launched into it, and it's completely memory-holed.

We are getting revenge attacks. But they aren't on 9/11 scale. They are white kids being beaten in the streets, kids getting raped by "grooming gangs", churches being attacked and burned, etc. And muslims can do these with impunity because everyone is terrified to call them out on their shit. muslims are winning in Europe and there's nothing anyone can do at the moment.

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4cc8b4  No.21903


>Politicians can no longer spew their bullshit about the beauty of diversity when bullets and bombs are flying and killing innocent Europeans.

Sure they can. And people will believe them.

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7bb0be  No.21941

File: 9c0ebdae5421241⋯.png (524.5 KB, 617x574, 617:574, McCain_and_Friends_from_IS….png)


>What happened to the wave of major islamic terror in the west? Even though ISIS is effectively kill shouldn't we be seeing revenge attacks from them, or even al queda picking up the slack like at charlie hebdo?

ISIS was the ultimate honeypot. Western and Fellow-Western intelligence agencies set it up as a magnet to suck all the jihad-niggers out of Europe and America in time for the 2016 election. The idea was to pack the desert with the scorpions who were high-energy enough to either get on a plane to Turkey or to blow up a plane to France. Bonus points for getting Assad, the Russians and the Kurds to fight them to the death.

The project sort of worked, except ISIS got so theatrically out of hand that it all had to be buried. Western involvement had to be covered up, and so the Benghazi embassy was overrun, the ambassador killed, and the incriminating papers about arms shipments burned. Lots of individuals probably went out into the desert and never came back, circa 2015-16, all to keep the guilty parties anonymous.

And Hillary still lost, lol.

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