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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 41d555c2c50ba25⋯.jpg (162.31 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, Varg the Grey.jpg)

8e964e  No.4883

Hey this is a question I've been wondering about. Have there been studies on how eco-friendly the different races are in a first world setting?

Ofcourse we can compare the different countries in the world, but it will be a real redpill to leftist greens if my suspicions are correct that even in first world nations white people are more environmentally conscious. Now I don't know this for sure and therefore require some stats / studies.

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020206  No.4903

Does there even exist such thing as a first world brown person country? I think the best you could do for comparison is look for predominantly black cities in white countries and compare against the national average. It would take more time than I can spare tonight to do proper research, but off a quick Google search I see that detroit is failing state air quality standards

Source: https://patch.com/michigan/detroit/michigan-gets-failing-grade-air-pollution

Other cities worth checking would be Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, El Paso, Los Angeles, and Brownsville. Compare them against predominantly white cities in the same state. That'a going to be difficult to find because inner cities in every state are mostly minorities

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8e964e  No.4967


Well I was thinking more on the side of polling data and comparisons between households. If you compare cities the specific causes for a certain environmental situation might be attributed solely to governance by leftists, that's why I'm interested in the behavior of individuals.

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6244b5  No.4998

maybe try overlapping pollution/cleanliness by area, area by ethnicity?

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b2349b  No.5001


>in a first world setting

The only nonwhite first world country is Japan.

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96eab7  No.5004



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8e964e  No.5017


Seems people misunderstand what I wrote. I mean that we measure how the different races pollute in first world aka western settings.

And not between western and nonwestern or first world and third world countries.

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6244b5  No.5055

File: 1f01d79713f0df7⋯.jpg (212.89 KB, 1300x1154, 650:577, la-fg-g-global-world-trash….jpg)

File: 3b19fcb53b39ac1⋯.jpg (120.88 KB, 860x854, 430:427, map-trash.jpg.860x0_q70_cr….jpg)


>pollution/cleanliness map

is there such a thing? i'm seeing waste maps

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599f7f  No.5597


implicitly. 1st worlders don't immigrate and mass immigration goes hand in hand with illegal dumping and general environmental destruction. You do the math.

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c61849  No.5751


>rely on government data

We know that Chinese lie about their pollution all the time


>The scheme was simple: Stuff cotton into air-monitoring equipment so that the air being read would be filtered and seem cleaner.

What great data they have compiled here.

It makes chinese look good on a per citizen basis even through the average chinese is a fucking ape

who throws everything behind himself and just pumps unfiltered factory chemicals right into the river.

Most of tho worled is "no data" even through I'm pretty sure those niggers produce lots of trash too

and eastern european countries have probably even some data on how much they produce they could just copy paste into the graphic.

>source: world bank

I sure trust those fellow bankers!

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c61849  No.5752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>"no data"

>The desaturated surface is actually supposed to be no trash

Whether produced there or not, I can't count that as "clean"

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