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1c0502  No.48164

This is China's largest expulsion of foreign correspondents since 1989, and the first expulsion at all since 1998. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang explained the expulsion came soon after the WSJ refused a need to 'make an official apology and hold the persons included accountable.' The expulsions come after the Trump administration on Tuesday designated 5 condition-operate Chinese information retailers that function in the United States as "overseas missions," necessitating them to sign up their houses and staff members in the U.S. China explained it reserves the appropriate to answer to what it known as a mistaken plan. The headline on the Journal’s opinion column referred to the current virus outbreak in China and identified as the nation the "Actual Sick Guy of Asia."

>China’s Foreign Ministry said the move Wednesday was punishment for a recent opinion piece published by the Journal.

>Deputy Bureau Chief Josh Chin and reporter Chao Deng, both U.S. nationals, as well as reporter Philip Wen, an Australian national, have been ordered to leave the country within five days, said Jonathan Cheng, the Journal’s China bureau chief.

>The expulsions by China’s Foreign Ministry followed widespread public anger at the headline on the Feb. 3 opinion piece, which referred to China as “the real sick man of Asia.” The ministry and state-media outlets had repeatedly called attention to the headline in statements and posts on social media and had threatened unspecified consequences.

>“Regrettably, what the WSJ has done so far is nothing but parrying and dodging its responsibility,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said in a daily news briefing Wednesday. “The Chinese people do not welcome those media that speak racially discriminatory language and maliciously slander and attack China.”


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df2e7d  No.48171

What they ought to do is expel every last 5 Eyes/israeli citizen from their country regardless of reason or position held. They have all the productive capital anyway, so what would the consequences be? They should also be far more discerning about gulf arabs and niggers.

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b5c704  No.48177

So, I guess this means the Wall Street Journal is BASED now for standing up the evil Chicoms who secretly run the world, right?

>Censorship has been more strictly imposed on domestic news outlets and social media

Thank "G-d" that the Cohenstitution protects our freedom of speech here, and we're able to speak out against the system without consequences or censorship.

>All three have reported on the Chinese Communist Party’s mass surveillance

Good thing there's no mass surveillance under ZOG.

The chinks are freer than we are.

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fc1102  No.48361


> This is China's largest expulsion of foreign correspondents since 1989

They don't want any evidence of what they're about to do.

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b5c704  No.48377


They're probably building the death showers and masturbation machines at this very moment, maybe even training bears and eagles to work together…

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8c484f  No.48386

File: ccf8de751f0f614⋯.jpg (184.92 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Collective_Laughter.jpg)

A termite colony full of expendable plague rats has expelled the slanty-eyed "Americans" and an "Australian" who were working to spread kike propaganda around the world? Good. Hope the WSJ retaliates by talking Trump into famine-tier sanctions, and the CCP responds with mass shootings of every journalist who doesn't work for CGTN.

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edfab8  No.48387


Good. Fuck them. Eat shit and die. We’re not supporting the fucking (((WSJ))).

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df2e7d  No.48467


>famine-tier sanctions

China is not fuctionally sanctionable.

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