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2c223a  No.47042

What an uneventful shitstain this turned out to be. First An enormous rally of BASED nigger, antifa, mestizo, boomer cocksuckers and now the accelerationism has been called off. You can bet your last dollar that it was because Americans barely know anything much less their own constitution and only care about the guns part and not anything else, so long as the disarmament doesn’t happen to them (see the Disarm Hate Act and many other blanket gun bans for various different groups of people that are unconstitutional).

>RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s push to ban the sale of assault weapons has failed after members of his own party balked at the proposal.

>Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to study the issue, an outcome that drew cheers from a committee room packed with gun advocates.


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000000  No.47086


>You can bet your last dollar that it was because Americans barely know anything much less their own constitution and only care about the guns part and not anything else, so long as the disarmament doesn’t happen to them

You've touched on the major problem here. Americans are apathetic both when their own rights are taken away, but especially so when it happens to someone else. Also, the Trump right doesn't care about anything other than guns and property. They are anti-freedom of expression and pro-surveillance/anti-privacy.

Under these conditions, it's left to the courts to protect these rights, and so many of the judges now can be "bought off" for a chance at a career in politics or business.

Chans and social media also play a role in the assault on fundamental rights. Certain memes are designed to aid and assist this process of stripping away by increasing the apathy towards it.

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eb6cce  No.47114

The whole thing was just a test. They wanted to see how people would react, how law enforcement would react, etc. They were hoping they could provoke some kind of event, which didn't happen, and they certainly aren't stupid enough to actually do the one thing that might get some retards up off their asses and shooting at the authorities.

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000000  No.47142



>shooting at the authorities

This must be the goal of every citizen. Also, shoot the jews that control those authorities.

Make your will become above any law.

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eb6cce  No.47203


Go be a fed edgelord somewhere else

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