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File: 108c8ed5f5c6b9c⋯.jpg (154.26 KB, 2048x1302, 1024:651, american family.jpg)

78fb68  No.4701

Such a fucked up story, if you get a bone marrow transplant you can cuck yourself. Honestly I wouldn't do it, I'd rather die being myself.


>Three months after his bone marrow transplant, Chris Long of Reno, Nevada, learned that the DNA in his blood had changed. It had all been replaced by the DNA of his donor, a German man he had exchanged just a handful of messages with.

>He’d been encouraged to test his blood by a colleague at the sheriff’s office, where he worked. She had an inkling this might happen. It’s the goal of the procedure, after all: weak blood is replaced by healthy blood, and with it, the DNA it contains.

>But four years after his lifesaving procedure, it was not only Long’s blood that was affected. Swabs of his lips and cheeks contained his DNA – but also that of his donor. Even more surprising to Long and other colleagues at the crime lab, all of the DNA in his semen belonged to his donor. “I thought that it was pretty incredible that I can disappear and someone else can appear,” he said.

>```all of the DNA in his semen belonged to his donor.```

>```all of the DNA in his semen belonged to his donor.```

>```all of the DNA in his semen belonged to his donor.```

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b1875c  No.4719

Yeah bone marrow makes stem cells and stem cells replace damaged cells. As long as he still has his original DNA somewhere in his body, which he likely does, he can still have a kid that's biologically his through in vitro fertilization. Plus, having someone else's dick is better than dying, ain't it?

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4e153e  No.4739

the takeaway is to have your sperm frozen i guess

or don't breed if you have a disorder that can be passed down

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4d1846  No.4742


That's why you only get bone marrow from direct blood relations, not some random nigger lookin' for a payday.

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031175  No.4773


Nigger can't donate to a white guy anyway. Marrow would be rejected.

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5e9d72  No.4905


He had a vasectomy. The semen DNA they're referring to is in the fluid, not the sperm, the people interviewed don't think it would be possible for sperm to be produced with the donor's DNA (doesn't mean they're right, of course).

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2bd3a4  No.4907


It shouldnt be possisble. There is a barrier between the testes and the rest of the body. But you never know and i couldnt ass myself to read the whole thing

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026ad8  No.4940


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit time to donate bone marrow

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e0a1e1  No.5050

So what you're saying is, I should be donating my bone marrow to turn other men into carriers of my sperm?

I've never heard of marrow transplants doing this before. It must be exceedingly rare, right?

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7f1369  No.5201


You don't actually get paid for organ donating instead you get a huge tax deducted, like a couple thousand dollars in taxes saved depending on the organ you donating, and bone marrow is pretty up there because donations are rare but highly demanded. Niggers don't work so they will never benefit from getting tax breaks.

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ea9f31  No.5236


You probably just haven’t heard of it because you’re lazy and they’re not cheap. Bone marrow transplants are ludicrously painful (and a bit dangerous) for the donor, and painful for the recipient. And fun fact: mixed race people are guaranteed to die if they need one, because literally no one else on Earth can match their genetic markers for a transplant.

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c9924b  No.5386

File: 37357621f14ae29⋯.jpg (321.09 KB, 720x949, 720:949, Death hastened by doctors ….jpg)

It's funny to see retards that hand out flyers in the street begging for bone marrow get butthurt when you say you don't want to. They act like you just murdered someone when you tell them that you're not going to be giving it out. Guess they expected me to lie to them and instead say that I forgot my femur at home or something.

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4d1846  No.5388


"I left my marrow in my other pants." Or just hand 'em a chicken bone.

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c9924b  No.5396

File: fceb95c87104a58⋯.jpg (92.39 KB, 1088x854, 544:427, Bongs having their organs ….jpg)


Alternatively unzip your dick and invite them to try it out

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20e0d4  No.5502

File: d62c93eba662f69⋯.jpg (565.42 KB, 985x925, 197:185, 2bce19597b6f6d06c362a2b2c8….jpg)



Bone marrow transplant can in some situations change your blood group as bone marrow cells are the progenitors that mature to red blood cells. However it wouldn't have an effect on sperm cells that are produced through simple division/mitosis (I believe) in the testicles.

It's more likely his wife fucked Tyrone and he convinced himself his sperm was different. And the news paper wrote about 0.1% events of "chimerisms" or whatever.

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b753c4  No.23879


stop lying to yourself, you know that nothing you wrote about yourself is true,you would maybe like it to be so, but you are too much of a coward for that to be the case, and i can smell it thousands of miles away that is marked even in the way you write. And if you were on your death bed and waiting for a donor to transplant bone marrow you would take any if it were offered to you, even if that meant you will have that transplant from the niggest of the niggers there is you would do it and you know that. You would suck it up and take it.there is no need for such lies on the internet my young newfriend.

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e330a6  No.23883


Extremely soylent tone on that post.

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adef33  No.23886


I'm pretty sure that the picture is unrelated,the donor was German afterall and i don't think bone marrow transplants between races is possible without some serious problems popping up.


I'm more curious about this:

>"In 2008, he was trying to identify the victim of a traffic accident for the National Forensic Service in Seoul, South Korea. Blood showed that the individual was female. But the body appeared to be male, which was confirmed by DNA in a kidney but not in the spleen or the lung, which contained male and female DNA. Eventually, he figured out that the victim had received a bone marrow transplant from his daughter."

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4aae27  No.23891

If tou donate marrow to a nigger does that turn him white?

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