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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The apocalypse isn't all that bad

File: b2e98b718314eea⋯.jpg (67.77 KB, 1024x693, 1024:693, b2e98b718314eea9411b0e71e7….jpg)

e9b6d2  No.46933

A while back there was a thread describing how the glowniggers analyze and summarize threads, then map the posters on a threat matrix.

They plug and chug this data to know if Mr. Scheklesteinberg's power is threatened.

Why don't we give them some job security, and fuck with the AI a bit too.

I propose we flood the chans with more and more posts detailing aggressive jew hate. Specifically jew hate, not niggers or shit skins. The glowies will be forced to document each post, and if you're hopping with a VPN/concealing your identity, they'll be forced to assume at least some of the traffic is organic.

This will lead to much more stressed glowies, working longer hours, and of course their job security.

My coding skills are shit, but a bot that uploads random jew hate threads would do a great job at keeping them distracted.

It may also affect the way the AI decides what propaganda is appropriate and thus would be less effective at manipulating the public/us.

Reshape the narrative and fuck the glowies with unpaid overtime!

Btw glowies, if you're doing this to protect and serve your country, what does it mean when the largest threat to the country is the public hating jews?

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7458a9  No.46939


That's just retarded. If you want to fuck with them, you flood the board with pictures of cute kittens and stories about the fun you had on vacation.

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e9b6d2  No.46942


You might be right. If we post cat pictures then that will ensure they just glance at them and move on to a real poster, with less stress and more energy since they didn't have to threat map the last post. This is what you're suggesting.

Do you see how fucking retarded you sound? Unless you're a glowie and don't want the extra "job security"

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68d619  No.46960


I don't think they really care about jew hating threads, they're more interested in planned terror attacks, or a call to action. If you really want to fuck with them start a dozen threads with pictures of guns, ammo and gear, add sinister titles like ,,It's time to pay the xyz synagogue a visit" and add a short description that reads like a suicide note. Instant glownigger attention.

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5dfffe  No.46962


> Instant glownigger attention.

Yeah, on your doorstep, kek

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68d619  No.46974

File: 0168d27f1e6f2a4⋯.png (182.93 KB, 500x322, 250:161, pro_hackerz.png)


A lot of tax dollars and work hours could potentially be wasted for investigating all these troll threads though.

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d6fea8  No.46975

If you think you have a monitor, chances are he's your countryman, possibly with a Duh'besity supervisor.

Don't antagonize him, radicalize him.

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e9b6d2  No.46979


bingo bango

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e9b6d2  No.46981


Good point

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89e497  No.46985

File: 79734b73a92dcd4⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1012x9915, 1012:9915, The Global Intelligence Fi….png)


>I propose we flood the chans with more and more posts detailing aggressive jew hate. Specifically jew hate, not niggers or shit skins. The glowies will be forced to document each post, and if you're hopping with a VPN/concealing your identity, they'll be forced to assume at least some of the traffic is organic.

That's not how it works. Don't even read here unless you're at minimum using tor.

The idiots that control our "intelligence agencies" have given the keys to Palantir, whose CEO is a Marxist Jew who studied at the Frankfurt school, which trained Jews to break down and destroy societies. I don't even know how this person was able to get a security clearance. Just goes to show you where things are headed.

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89e497  No.46987

File: e25b564a4dc6713⋯.jpg (113.71 KB, 959x639, 959:639, alex-karp.jpg)


Frankfurtian communist Jew runs the entire monitoring program along with fellow homo Jew Thiel.

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396684  No.46997


Correct. The upshot here is that these people, geopolitically, are essentially done. No matter how many "National Conservative" conferences they get their fellow loxist Yarom Hazony to host, there is no real direction for them to steer this towards. They can't summon men and material for their cause. Their desperation is becoming apparent with the biological attack on China and the rate at which they are monetizing their own debt. Their system is fraudulent, but they believe it wholeheartedly. They're done.

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553469  No.47021

>hail fellow white nationalist racist neo nazi scum

>I too am a white nazi racist neo nationalist scum

>look at how much I hate the jew

>if you do not hate the jew as much as I do then you are a jew

>how many times have you hated the jew today Number 556624?

>also give me lost of paid overtime so that I can pay for my second house and third wife's alimony

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553469  No.47025

Why do you hate Jews, OP? Be specific. Any failure to answer this simple question will mark you as a federal entryist or informant who will be executed and whose remains will be dumped in an acid barrel in the country.

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e9b6d2  No.47043



Woah easy there fella, no need for such hate. Whats gotten yid, I mean you, all riled up?

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0cfa9f  No.47061


ok boomer

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e9b6d2  No.47080


Why are jews so smelly and loud? They always nag nag nag, complaining and waaaa waaaa boo hoo I'm a jew. Its pathetic. Don't you agree?

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31a00a  No.47090


You were outed instantly. You fucked up. It’s over.

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e9b6d2  No.47095

File: d51a9a8c6b24f82⋯.jpg (100.29 KB, 536x622, 268:311, 1581970620684.jpg)

File: 77923bc7e393bd9⋯.webm (7.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, emails_from_shlomo_shekel….webm)


>you were outed instantly

The purpose : >>46974

You're just scared of more work!

Best case, your time and energy is wasted chasing no one and nobody. Your AI algorithms get fucked up, and your control slips.

Worst case, people hate jews more.

Wait, whats the worst case?

Ya know what, you're right. I have been outed. And I hate being jewish. Jews are a fucking cancer, like myself. A yid is nothing, worthless garbage filth, not even human. All they can do is destroy, they are not capable of anything else.

Don't you agree, surely not also jew?

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c5fb7e  No.47115


>I don't think they really care about jew hating threads

They may not, but the Jewed Congress who's jawboning the hell out of them of late sure as hell does.

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00d9db  No.47279




Around here, we prefer the term "kike." What's that word again?

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00d9db  No.47280








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970699  No.55242

File: ac608ab04c5eb37⋯.jpg (60.94 KB, 640x386, 320:193, vlcsnap-8428-05-23-20h57m5….jpg)

File: ef852346f98d0a9⋯.jpg (398.77 KB, 2592x1552, 162:97, arbeit-macht-frei.jpg)

File: 33b63d3240475d2⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 474x238, 237:119, jedem das seine.jpg)

fuck you glowniggers

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