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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: beedf1c299b8745⋯.jpg (269.58 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20191210-140331….jpg)

74c17e  No.4654

Habbening now.

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74c17e  No.4659

ATF are on scene this quick

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7ff6c0  No.4688

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729856  No.4697

File: 43f63c82eacf056⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 487x720, 487:720, 1420969679118.jpg)


Pretty sad when >>4688 here is providing the links you should have.


It's niggers.

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113e3c  No.4716

inb4 blamed on "evil white nazi 8kun user" and forgotten as soon as it turns out to be some NLM nigger that didn't like getting a jail sentence for robbing a TV shop

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f08512  No.4734


All conspiracy theories which could gain traction or are well-reasoned will be deleted. This is not pol!!!

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f08512  No.4745


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f08512  No.4746

My assumption is Epstein is back from the dead and getting revenge.

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155dbf  No.4751

inb4 niggers

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f08512  No.4753

One pig down. 2nd tragically recovering. 2 others got boring injuries (fragments).

"multiple deceased" in the building - presumably 3 minimum.

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f08512  No.4755

"budding hassidic community"

it's okay. No people were in danger!!!

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f08512  No.4757


Rumor is drug deal that went south.

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28d120  No.4816

some of the (((media))) has been spinning this as antisemitism but some articles i read mention one gunmen fled into a kosher market. so its probably just another semitic nothing burger.

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f94641  No.4820

This is excellent a current habbening thread, a holohoax thread in the catalog, several threads anchored and almost 5k posts.

Nine pages of threads, PPH is now the largest on all of 8kun and active ISP's are in line with everything else.

We are on our way up anons.

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20a4b9  No.4824

File: e4ca5a03b39bd07⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB, 360x640, 9:16, NogShooting.mp4)

Footage from the scene. It was taken three hours ago though.

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1557b8  No.4826


Looks like someone forgot qresearch

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03050b  No.4828


It's delisted and most of its content doesn't make any kind of sense, fuck that, that doesn't count. If I made a board and posted random generated strings until it reaches 10 pages there would probably be more sense to be found in that.



Any actual sources of data?

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7ff6c0  No.4853


thanks anonkun

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744552  No.4861



It's almost impossible to legally obtain a firearm in New Jersey

And yet this will be used to further destroy natural rights.

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357f0b  No.4917

File: 177895421acb098⋯.jpg (132.82 KB, 962x1015, 962:1015, 22077778-7777555-image-m-1….jpg)

File: 57b0da66813596d⋯.jpg (45.52 KB, 780x439, 780:439, joe-seals.jpg)

The zogbot is a race mixer with


kids. The damage is done.

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e2ff60  No.4928


>complete a form STS-33

>get background check

Gosh, so hard. Why can't I just buy a gun from the nigger on the corner? D:

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c8d1e2  No.4942


But don't you dare carry that thing!

>New Jersey gun laws are some of the most restrictive in the United States. It is a “May Issue” state so a person must demonstrate a justifiable need to carry a firearm. In reality it acts more like a “No Issue” state for regular citizens as permits are very difficult to obtain. Some of these restrictive laws are being tested in the courts. Permits are issued to both residents and non-residents. A firearms training course is required for new applicants and they must be at least 21 years or older.

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7c538b  No.4956


>Jewish Market Was “Targeted” in Jersey City Bloodbath, 6 DEAD Including Police Detective

White cop dies; Jews most affected.

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4cec98  No.4965


The nigger / white ratio…

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ebcf84  No.5138


>shooting in an area infested with kikes, mudslimes, spics, niggers, and zionists


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0776c9  No.5200


At least its actual jews this time. Now if they'll just go for the big fi$h instead of bottom feeding street kikes.

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744552  No.5204


Go suck some more state dick you loyalist faggot.

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a6d88f  No.5208

File: 57884c090a39d33⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 499x499, 1:1, thas rite.jpg)


the news says was a member of the black Hebrew. The jew fears the true Israelite™.

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000000  No.5209


Got a source? It's funny that no names have been released yet, maybe it is a black guy. Pipe bomb in van though makes me suspect it's not a nigger. *Nigger with advanced tech? Have they evolved?**

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a6d88f  No.5212



>Four law enforcement sources familiar with the case told NBC New York that the suspects were David Anderson and Francine Graham.

>According to three sources, Anderson was a one-time follower of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement and his social media pages include anti-police and anti-Jewish writings. Investigators are looking to see if it was Anderson himself who posted that material.

>Inside the van used by Anderson and Graham was a note with religious writings, the three sources said.

>"There were multiple other people on the streets," Public Safety Director James Shea said. "There were many other targets available to them that they bypassed to attack that place. So it was, clearly, that was their target, and they intended to harm people inside there."

>Shea emphasized that the shooters' motive is not yet clear and is under investigation.

>Three civilians were found dead inside the store following what became an hourslong standoff and shootout between police and the suspects. Anderson and Graham were also found dead.

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a6d88f  No.5213

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913aac  No.5220

Personally, I think people, in general, not just on here, should be focused on the crimes of the Miami-Dade Police in regards to the murders of two innocent civilians.

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ebcf84  No.5276

File: f8e3b7fedeb0169⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 480x269, 480:269, borders12.jpg)

File: 65840250b6eeb3a⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 292x300, 73:75, open-borders-for-israel-29….jpg)

File: 881ed33b31436f9⋯.jpg (72.73 KB, 938x602, 67:43, 1898017_529011123863038_10….jpg)

File: 2ac834c092726d6⋯.png (295.65 KB, 600x397, 600:397, BzArNFbCEAAqqgg.png)


lol he's a fucking race mixer!? HAHAHAHA TOLL PAID!!!!!!!! ugly little shits


we need some pic of these proud Black Hebrews. Black Israelite Lives Matter!! The Black Hebrews need to take their rightful place in Israel!!

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628983  No.5286


The first and second ones are the best. The first one especially is the kind of propaganda that's likely to succeed. It advances its cause without even a hint of irony.

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b403af  No.5312

Should we redpill niggers?

They are the real israelites. They live under Khazar fake jew supremacy. They must revolt against their oppressors. One must be black to be hebrew.

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ebcf84  No.5314

File: 6bd50d19797a3ca⋯.png (73.46 KB, 1137x727, 1137:727, slaves.png)


some of have been for a while now. join the party brother!

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6ef635  No.5533

File: d0198885cebbf15⋯.jpg (75.14 KB, 523x444, 523:444, nothing of value was lost.jpg)

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341ffd  No.5561

File: f836080501d85b2⋯.jpg (503.85 KB, 1414x319, 1414:319, 1417653129713.jpg)

The bible clearly states jews are black.

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594d50  No.5637

>kike niggers killing kikes

>biggest happening at present time

>thread not on front page, no activity

>threads about "natsoc w/o genocide"

Dead board, glow site.

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b12edf  No.5785

File: 56e8fedbb61f1b6⋯.mp4 (13.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Blacks wake up to the JQ.mp4)

I want the names of the shooter and his accomplices.

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b01b8e  No.5809


Ben Shapiro is kvetching particularly hard on this one. Black Israelites did it, according to him. Saying they're the "real Jews"… he's BTFO that the MSM isn't covering it. Speaks to the Trump EO yesterday. Interesting > Particularly amusing. I'm not going to link his Hebraic, duplicitous website but it's the Daily Wire if you want to do some research.

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0cff6e  No.5816

>nigger israelites shot up kikes

wew, I was wondering why I wasn't hearing kvetching about hwite nationalism after they declared it a hate crime.

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1b053f  No.6256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joy Behar jumped the gun and blamed huwite nationalists.

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9cdfb5  No.6261


You need to push the black jew angle to really be successful and piss the jews off at the same time. Some nice propaganda photos of crazy night clubs and beaches in Israel with (((white women))) on beaches. With the words like Black Man come home and don't forget to mention Hebrew Israelites. Something like that will work better. Most of your work looks like satire tbh. it has to be convincing and not a joke on the viewer of the propaganda.

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8ab149  No.6276


Keep inciting niggers to attack and kill jews. Make one parasite kill the other.

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2101df  No.6285

File: 76b26699fe85a0c⋯.mp4 (14.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jew shenanigans.mp4)

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000000  No.6303


Why y'all hating on jews and blacks?

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099bf8  No.7270


Actually I support the Black Hebrews in this case.

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000000  No.8385


I have no doubt they're niggers but the ain't black.

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