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File: 690c813bf88aa18⋯.png (103.29 KB, 336x565, 336:565, Screenshot 2019-11-30 at 8….png)

981038  No.455

We're losing the battle.

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2c68fd  No.468

File: 012c3a05729013d⋯.png (616.53 KB, 1430x1254, 65:57, chart 2.png)

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2c68fd  No.469


so basically, look at who is 30 to 40 years younger than you.

that's the group that will be taking care of you when you are old

not your kids

the "nurses" and "Doctors" at the hospitals and old-age homes that got their degree by affirmative action

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c16a8d  No.477

Doesn't surprise me at all, everyone's a half-breed mutt these days and will violently defend race-mixing

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488a78  No.495

Why are you niggers trusting state sponsored demographic studies? The US census bureau just recently "revised" their estimates of illegal aliens in America to 22 million from 11 million. Realistically it's over 40 million.

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9d325c  No.539


Oh wise one,

If thou hast the newest demographic numbers

please post them here


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109ed2  No.541


>Why are you niggers trusting state sponsored demographic studies?

Because this is a blackpill thread.

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138a74  No.581




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4933f8  No.621


>Fucking white people. They're the ones letting shit skins in and mix breeding with them.

You mean Jews.

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10b630  No.674


We will kill all non-whites (including jews) and all race-mixed abominations. We always win.

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c53cec  No.677


Didn't know you were back too, Luciano Mendez.

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b60f8a  No.23394



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839017  No.23414

It has happened before and will most likely happen again. I'm not saying be complacent, do as you see fit and inform others, but do not lose hope and think these are our twilight years.

[PDF warning] http://people.uncw.edu/kozloffm/glubb.pdf


No bumping, thread is anchored.

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c6d9a2  No.23746


You should have kids at 20.

And they should have kids at 20.

When you are 60 your grandkids should be starting a family. You should be hanging around teaching the children/helping since you are essentially 'retired' in the workforce, but have massive amounts of wisdom (or should).

And so on. This is family. This is powerful.

But we wait until we are 30-40 before we are 'established' before we have kids. And then everything fails because daddy government who was supposed to take care of us just says 'fuck off' and walks out with the money.

It's all so fucking stupid. You don't need more than 80 IQ to understand this. But people with 150 IQ can't figure it out because of cognitive dissonance.

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